Monday, February 23, 2015




“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy. ”Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)
Black Folk and the entire planet had a great deal of hope in President Barack Hussein Obama when he was elected in 2008 as the 44th President of the United States. There were great misplaced expectations that a Black President could exercise the power and authority of his office independently with free will, compassion, wisdom and justice. America just doesn’t work that way anymore since the Assassination of 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy.
What we see and interpret as power is an illusion…Blacks are now elevated to “Head Nigger in Charge” only when a situation has become so hopeless officials don’t want to risk putting one of their own in charge. It is often a token put there to rescue a situation grown hopeless. Don’t be deceived by those moves and think they come about by rightness and righteousness. They are motivated by institutional racism… What we see and interpret as power is an illusion…” Dr. Marcus A. Foster, First Black OaklandUnified School DistrictSuperintendent, 8 Months before Being Assassinated on November 6, 1973[1] 

This was Luciferian Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex 20th Century state of art mind control of the 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001), Bill Clinton.    

21st Century Cyborgs, Human Soft Machines: Part Free, Part Robot.[2]
When President Barack Obama was elected and sworn in, he showed little human emotion or compassion for the Palestinians (People of Color) as Israel unmercifully and inhumanly bombed, attacked, and assaulted defenseless Gaza for three weeks (December 27, 2008 (2008-12-27) – January 18, 2009) slaughtering almost 1,500 people.[3]
President Barack Obama has shown no compassion or symphony for the poor, elderly, middle class and people of color victimized by the banking mortgage scandals and shams. With utter cold preset indifference to the criminal and fraudulent banking industry that caused the mortgage meltdown, the Obama Presidential administration has rewarded the perpetrators with trillions in taxpayer bailouts without any meaningful oversight by Congress.[4]  
President Obama mechanically escalates the “Bush Empire” wars of aggression and drone “robot assassination” policies that have shamefully, unmercifully and illegally slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians (People of Color) in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and now Libya.[5]  Under President Obama, the CIA sought and obtained virtually unlimited freedom to carry out extrajudicial kidnappings, targeted assassinations; clandestine wars of aggression and drone strikes in secrecy without any meaningful oversight by Congress.
President Obama, the Pentagon and U.S. National Security State has embraced the idea of the ‘long war’– a twenty-year strategy envisioning deployment of U.S. troops in dozens of countries, and the Army adopted the idea of  “the era of persistent warfare.”[6]
On March 19, 2011, President Obama, an African Descendent, left a “Bitter Taste” in Brazil, a nation of color, by launching an unjust unilateral aerial assault against the African sovereign nation of Libya [7] solely in the interest of Africa’s former white supremacist murderous colonists responsible for plunder of the mother country’s resources and slaughter of millions. President Obama’s justification to attack Libya because of an imminent “humanitarian threat” to innocent civilians was and remains a cold hearted vicious and outrageous fabrication, deception and war crime.[8]  
On April 30, 2011, President Obama with utter programmed indifference to human rights and steer barbarism showed absolutely no compassion for lives of Gaddafi’s youngest son, Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, 29 years old, or the three children slaughtered by a NATO missile, Saif Mohammed Muammar Gaddafi was one year and 3 months (born on 30 January 2010), Carthage Hannibal Muammar Gaddafi was 2 years and 9 months old (born on 2 August 2008) and Mastura Humaid was 4 months and half (she was born on 15 December 2010).[9]
President Obama and NATO’s war of aggression against the people of color of Libyais causing a humanitarian crisis among Africans trying to flee constant aerial bombings and assaults. Witnesses say NATO and the U.S. deliberately ignores mayday calls from boats in distress carrying Africans fleeing Libyaby sea.[10]
A Libyan boat carrying up to 600 people trying to flee the country under NATO and “O’Bomb-Em” siege has reportedly sunk off the coast of North Africa. It follows an earlier report of 61 migrants from Libya dying from thirst and hunger on another vessel which had been left adrift in the Mediterraneanfor over two weeks.[11]
On Sunday, May 1, 2011, President Obama commandeered the global airways with a cold hearted mechanical straight face and announced the liquidation and extrajudicial murder of an unarmed and defenseless Bogey-Straw Man of Osama Bin Laden and yet another mindless brutal and deadly assault against people of color in the sovereign nation of Pakistan. After the onslaught on what appeared to have been a defenseless family, Pakistan authorities found at least 3 bodies of men in pools of blood slain at the scene.[12]
For Pagans, May 1st (May Day) is symbolic for several reasons. May Day is the night when witches emerge into the open to wreak revenge on God-fearing people.  May Day was a SS Holiday favored by Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. It was great Celtic solar festival and was celebrated in early times with bonfires and dancing around maypoles etc., which were believed to help bring fertility to crops, homes and livestock. It also happens to be the day that Adolf  Hitler’s death was announced to the world,
“The Dark Initiate had remained true to his black creed to the very last, had arranged his affairs so that even his suicide should be a sacrificial tribute to the Powers of Darkness. April 30 is the ancient Feast of Beltane, the day which blends into Walpurgis Night. It is perhaps the most important date in the whole calendar of Satanism.”[13]
The name ‘May’ is from the ancient belief in MAIA, the Greek goddess of spring/growth. In Greek mythology, Maia is one of the Pleiades and the mother of Hermes. Maia is one of the four yearly ‘Sabbaths’ as they are called, and Beltane is a rite of spring/ birth/fertility considered as the blossoming of life, personified by the union of the goddess and the sun god. Beltane is an Irish term meaning ‘great fire’. [14]
President Obama’s first daughter, born July 4, 1998, is named Malia. Coincidence? I don’t believe it is. Obama’s second daughter born, June 10, 2001, also has special pagan significance. This name is especially common in Europe where it is used primarily by males as a diminutive of Alexander, although females may also use it as a diminutive of Alexandra.[15]
Etymologically, Alexander is derived from the Greek “Αλέξανδρος”  (Aléxandros), meaning  “defending men”  or  “protector of men.”  The name was one of the titles (“epithets”) given to the Greek goddess HERA and as such is usually taken to mean “one who comes to save warriors”. In the Iliad, the character Paris is known also as Alexander. The name’s popularity was spread throughout the Greek world by the military conquests of King Alexander II, commonly known as “Alexander the Great”. Later, Alexanders in various countries were directly or indirectly named for him.[16]
In 2008, Beyonce adopted “SASHA” Fierce, Vehicle of Baphomet, as an alter personality symbolic representation of a Luciferian Blood Scarifice for Fame, Fortune and Power.[17] Another coincidence, I really don’t believe so.
Sasha is in trouble!
Sasha is in extreme trouble with MK ULTRA themes, the “Aminal Imprint” for young Black females; and with Demonologist/Luciferian Rihanna as an inspiration for anything.  
For almost a couple of  weeks with almost reckless computerized abandonment of human decency and compassion for his fellow man, President Obama has rallied a global lynch mob atmosphere in the cold-blooded mafia styled liquidation and extra judicial slaughter of an innocent man of faith and color. It wasn’t Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden has been dead for almost 10 years.
Fox News Report,December 26, 2001
Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda Leader.[18]
Bin Laden’s funeral had been announced worldwide on December 26, 2001; and U.S. intelligence gathering agencies and operatives monitoring his radio transmissions and cables haven’t heard from him since December 2001.[19]  Additional, just months before her assassination, former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in a 2007 televised interview publicly exposed the fact that Osama Bin Laden was DEAD![20]
As late as June 8, 2006, the FBI page stated: “Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.” When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI’s web page, Rex Tomb, the FBI’s Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” Additionally Vice President Dick Cheney said, “We’ve never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11.”[21]
The photo reportedly showing a slain Osama bin Laden that made its way around the world is a Photoshop hoax.[22] The White House refuses to release any photos of the innocent Bogeyman-Straw man Bin Laden that was slain.[23]
The Bin Laden global televised capture and murder is a hoax, a false-flag operation; an old lame psychological warfare tactic.[24]  Murder, mayhem and lynch mob mentality, it is all fun, games, celebration, glee, and inhumane degrading jokes in America against Muslim Bogey Men and People of Color.                                                           

Below, Jay Leno of the Tonight Show and former President Bill Clinton with the same Illuminati/Luciferian “Triangle” hand symbol, “I AM AMONG YOU.” I won’t patronize Jay Leno and the U.S. Entertainment Luciferian Brotherhood any longer.  
I really don’t believe that Black Folk or the World has really seen anything quite like “Barack Hussein Obama II” formed August 4,1961 on Oahu Island, Honolulu, Hawaii, or the First Lady, Michelle Obama.
Barack Obama had been shaped, formed and molded by the Luciferian Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex since birth. President of  the United States, Barack Obama is only an illusion. Obama is part human-part robot, a damn Cyborg reeking mindless and robotic warfare, death and destruction across the globe.  
 Above, Barack Obama appears about 9-10 years old displays around his neck the strange symbol of the stick man with inverted arms turned downwards. It is the “Man Rune.” The figure encircled is an ancient and powerful symbol of the “Anti-Christ.”  For one to wear or display this symbol is to announce either knowingly or unknowingly that you have rejected Christ. Symbolism is a picture language, and a picture is worth a thousand words. With the arms of the cross raised in an upright position, it is a Pythagorean emblem of the course of life, in the form of a rising path with fork roads to good and evil. It also signifies fertility, but with arms pointing downward, it denotes evil and death.[25]
Above, Michelle Obama wears the abnormal Pagan Cross with broken arms also known as the “Cross of Nero”, “Crow’s Foot”, and “Witches Foot.” The Nero’s cross has also been recognized as a “mockery” of Christianity, as it is thought to represent a broken, upside down cross, within a circle representing “Nero’s vision”. It is thought that Nero believed that the destruction of Christianity and all Christians would bring peace; thousands of Christians were martyred under the rule of Nero. The Cross with broken arms is also called the “Dead Man Rune” and “todersrune” and “death rune.” The Germanic tribes who used it attributed strange and mystical properties to the sign. Such a “rune” is said to have been used by “black magicians” in pagan incantations and condemnations.  It appears on the tombstones of some of Hitler’s SS troops as a sign of pagan mysticism.[26]
Malia Obama adorning the Pagan “broken crow”, “crow or witches’ foot” and “dead man’s rune.”
Declassified Cyborg-Mind Control Programs
Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF
Transmission and Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of “Cyborg” mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion
Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.[27] 
A Cyborg is essentially a man-machine system in which the control mechanisms of the human portion are modified externally by drugs, electronics and electroshock or regulatory devices.[28]The CIA and military-industrial system has been clandestinely perfecting the demarcations between cybernetic mechanism and the biological organism for over 50 years.
Barack Obama wasn’t raised within any village of African or African American Culture or Thought. According to Obama, his biological parents, Obama, Sr. and Ann Stanley Dunham, met at a Russian language class at East-West Center (EWC) at Hawaii University (HU) in 1959 or 1960.[29]
Recent FOIA releases of Barack Obama Sr.’s immigration records disclose that he was not co-habituating with Stanley Ann Dunham after the marriage and birth of Obama. In fact, the U.S. Immigration Department had been investigating if the Obama-Dunham marriage was “bona fide.”[30]
The Obama-Dunham marriage was only a cover for something like out of the annals of science fiction like “One Step Beyond” or the “Other Limits” of normal human understanding. EWC-HU was the backdrop of an experiment in human engineering so insidious that you will never if at all believe your liar eyes.

EWC at HU was the bastard child of the U.S. State Department directors John Foster Dulles, Christian Herter; and CIA Director of Plans Richard Helms in 1959. It was established by Congress in 1960 as a veil “to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific and the [CIA] interest of the United States.”[31] 
ALLEN DULLES, RICHARD HELMSCarmel Office and FRANK WISNER were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in HELL. I guess I will see them there soon.”  –James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence [32]
MK ULTRA project was started on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953.[33]  Under Dulles, MK ULTRA had been Richard Helm’s Baby.[34]  Former CIA Director, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, testified before Congress that MK ULTRA’s purpose was “to investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual’s behavior by covert means”.[35]
MK ULTRA was much more. It was a far reaching vast clandestine mind control and assassination program involving the government, all branches of the military, and some ofAmerica’s leading universities, hospitals and scientific professionals.
MK ULTRA is still classified and Above Top Secret. In 1973, Helms ordered that all CIA-MK ULTRA files be destroyed. As a result, what the public have discovered about MK ULTRA is only a tip of the colossal iceberg.
 MK ULTRA’s experiments on children are not well publicly documented or known, but at least 4 (four) programs are known to have particularly targeted “CHILDREN” for mind control experiments in the interest of the CIA and the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.
Barack Obama’s Biological Links to the Birth of  MK ULTRA
“Well, if they were choosing the best and brightest, maybe they figured these kids would one day rise to important positions in the society, and they wanted to gain long-term control over them, so they would be under their thumb, so they could tap them at will — a way of controlling the future society.”  Testimony of MK ULTRA  Child Victim, March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation [36]
In 1953, Government Psychologist, Dr. William Thetford, was a Research Consultant to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), State Department, at AmericanUniversity, Beirut, Lebanon.[37]
The FSI is the U.S. Federal Government’s primary training institution for employees of the U.S.foreign affairs community (CIA); preparing American diplomats and other professionals to, again, advance U.S.foreign affairs [CIA] interests overseas and in Washington.[38] FSI was initially authorized in Title VII of the Foreign Service Act. On March 13, 1947, Secretary of State, General George Marshall (Germany’s Forth Reich Marshall Plan), formally announced the establishment of the FSI.[39] 
With the help of America’s cold war warrior and Nazi collaborator, George F. Kennan,[40] of the State Department under General Marshall, the Office of Special Projects (OSP) was created in 1948 under an ultra CIA counterintelligence expert, Frank Gardiner Wisner, Sr.  Soon afterwards it was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) which became the espionage, assassination and counter-intelligence branch of the CIA [41] within the U.S. State Department.
In 1953, Wisner became CIA head Directorate of Plans, with Richard Helms as his chief of operations. Wisner and Helms controlled approximately 75% of the CIA’s clandestine (MK ULTRA) budget.[42] 
In 1951, Dr. Thetford had become a senior CIA assessment psychologist on Dr. John Gittinger’s Assessment and Evaluation Staff in the Office of Training.[43]  Dr. Gittinger and Vacaville’s Men’s Medical Facility CIA Station Chief, Dr. James A. Hamilton of Stanford University, were leading principals in MK ULTRA/MONARCH research, development; and clandestine Manchurian Candidate assassination operations.[44]
In 1960, Dr. William Thetford along with a David Saunders headed Helm’s MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory at Columbia University. Dr. Thetford conducted among other things TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments.[45]
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”   - Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel (Demon) of Death-
Conversion Hysterics is often referred to as “disorder of imagination.” It is a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms (into paralysis or anesthesia having no apparent cause). Conversion Hysterics usually occur in people subject to traumatic stresses such as battle fatigue. Patients develop mysterious subjective maladies and disabling illness.[46] Conversion Hysterics involves normal human reactions to ritual trauma abuse and torture.  
Dr. Thetford’s mastery in “Conversion Hysterics” has the hallmark touch of the research and development of the “Mengele Method.”
Nazis-SS psychiatrists determined that “absolute” mind control could be realized through specific tortures of the intended trans-generational victims from the moment of birth.  Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Josef Mengele created one certain drug developed at Auschwitzt hat was used on children to induce severe pain and torture. Where the child would normally black out, and become unconscious from severe pain, the doctor would administer or inject the drug and it would keep the child from blacking out, and thus the doctor could than inflict greater pain, going far beyond the threshold of human endurance, which in turn would allow the mind of the child to became totally wiped clean, a total blank so that the child forgot their own personal identity, forgot how to add or subject, or carry on a conversation. 
The natural response to this extraordinary level of pain and torture Dr. Mengele had perfected was dissociation of the conscious mind. In that state, victims can be subjected and programmed with secret alternative personalities with keys and triggers.
During the war, Dr. Mengele had been cautious in revealing and discussing the details of his research. Mengele’s caution and secrecy made him indispensable to anyone seeking the data, reports and results of his research, “Mengele never discussed his research with anybody else. He kept it secret. This was to be the basis for his dissertation and he did not want to share the information with anyone.” (See Gerald Astor, The Last Nazi, The life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele, Donald I. Fine, Inc., N.Y., 1974)
One of the countries seeking Mengele’s secret data and research was the United States. The Nazi’s top secret research was originally considered to be a significant bonus by product of the U.S. Department of Defense’s Project 63 also known as Project National Interest. Project 63 was dedicated to the secret importation and protection of a group of Nazi and Fascist scientists.           
In direct collaboration with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, the United States slipped Mengele out of Germany to a Roman Catholic convent inRome, and then he was shipped to Juan Peron’s Argentina under the name of Dr. Helmut Gregor. Mengele moved freely inSouth America. He resided inBrazil, Paraguay,Chile and the U.S.  Mengele bought a pharmaceutical company in Buenos Aires to continue his drug experiments and research.
Mengele also tested drugs that were the direct experimental subjects of the US Navy’s Project CHATTER. Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Allegedly, responding to reports of “amazing results” achieved by the Soviets in using “truth drugs,” the program focused on the identification and testing of drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research included laboratory experiments on animals and unwitting human subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order to determine their speech-inducing qualities. 
Mengele also tested drugs that were the direct experimental subjects of the US Navy’s Project CHATTER. Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Allegedly, responding to reports of “amazing results” achieved by the Soviets in using “truth drugs,” the program focused on the identification and testing of drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research included laboratory experiments on animals and unwitting human subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order to determine their speech-inducing qualities.
During the 1950s, Mengele moved freely around the world and the U.S.  As late as 1956, he boldly obtained a passport in his name. He traveled to Zurich, Switzerland to visit his family and married his brother’s widow. Mengele’s trauma-torture based mind control data, research, and methodology were incorporated in America’s experimental behavior manipulation programs later incorporated into the CIA’s projects Bluebird and Artichoke which, in 1953, became Helm’s MKULTRA Program.
Mengele’s trauma-torture based mind control research was reborn as the “Monarch Project”. The Monarch Project was a subsection of projects Bluebird, Artichoke, and Helms’ MK ULTRA. I suspect that Dr. Mengele had been Dr. Thetford’s master in Beiruit.  
CIA Psychologist Dr. Thetford is also relevant in that he may have been involved in the personality development of Oprah Winfrey as a child, but he in fact developed Oprah’s most celebrated and publicized covert satanic mass mind control program, A Course in Miracles (ACIM).”[47]
Helen Schucman co-authored ACIM with Dr. Thetford. Schucman went into drug induced trances and purported to have received messages directly from Jesus Christ. The person that transcribed the messages from Christ was the CIA, Dr. Thetford. This is Oprah’s ACIM, direct messages from a New Age Jesus Christ.[48] In Christianity, there is no other name so powerful by which man can be saved other than through the name of Jesus Christ.
“Nor is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
“For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus…” 1 Timothy 2:5
“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36
That is pretty powerful testimony to receive direct messages from Jesus Christ. There are estimated to be approximately 2.1 billion Christians in the world, about one third of the total population of the planet.[49] The implication is that in this new POST-HUMAN RENAISSANCE, man shall receive salvation and live by a New Age Religion and Christ, all programmed through the CIA and the New World Order. 
Oprah and her mass media alphabet OWN, (NWO) New World Order backwards, is global. This may explain why Obama and Oprah is so “buddy-buddy”, “brother-sister” on the Chicago quiet tip. They both may have come out of Dr. Thetford’s 1960 Subproject 130 of which is still highly classified and CIA-Above Top Secret stuff.  
Above, recently discovered family photograph of the Dunhams during the early 1950s in Beirut, Lebanon. In 1953, Stanley Armour, Madelyn Dunham along with Ann Stanley was stationed in Beirut with Dr. Thetford, most likely than not as deep cover CIA agents.[50] Dr. Thetford’s primary research from 1950-1953 had centered on the personality development and fantasy projections of children.[51]  Most likely than not, they had been clandestinely MK ULTRA briefed and trained on ultra secret projects involved in the development of cybernetic children through Wisner and Helm’s OPC of the U.S. State Department.
By 1958, Wisner had been eased out as CIA Directoriate of Plans.[52] Richard Helms took over. Helms oversaw military-oriented EMR (electromagnetic-response) research. “Cybernetics [the science of communication and control theory that is concerned with the study of automatic control systems, such as the brain and mechanical-electrical communications],” Helms admitted,Cybernetics “can be used in molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior patterns … all functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual.”[53] 
Lurking behind the scenes at the EWC-UH all along with Stanley Armour, Madelyn, Ann Dunham and Obama Jr. during his most impressionistic years was one of Helm’s Cyberneticist Boys, the infamous MK ULTRA British Godfather and Mind Control Expert, Dr. Gregory Bateson.
Dr. Bateson of Stanford Research Institute’s (SRI) Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI) in Menlo Park, CAwas considered one of the Godfathers of Cybernetics.[54] Dr. Bateson had also been a secret principal developer of secret Nazi (LEBENSBORN) multigenerational mind control methodologies after WWII.
In 1963, Dr. Bateson was allegedly invited by Taylor Pryor to work under cover of the Oceanic Foundation in Hawaiion cetacean and other problems of animal and human communication. Bateson remained in Hawaii working with the Culture Institute of the EWC. It was during the EWC-HU period that Bateson developed the fourth period – the new epistemology – that stems from systems and ecology.[55] Human “ecology” is a CIA code-word for behavior modification and mind control.[56]   
While at EWC-UH, Bateson was also working on secret cybernetic research for the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, a covert MK ULTRA funding institution [57] and the Wenner-Gren Foundation (Viking Fund).[58] Axel Wenner-Gren was a Swedish Nazi financier, Eugenicist (Pseudo-Race Science) and close associate of the Reichsstatthatter of Prussia, Hermann Goering.[59]  
When Ann Dunham left Hawaii for Indonesia in 1965, she entered the country with Lobo Soetoro under a veil of an anthropologist. She was a math student at the HU. She earned her PhD in anthropology from HU in 1992, but posed as a trained anthropologist from 1965-1992 in Indonesia, Java, Pakistan,[60] Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand.[61] So, who trained Ann Dunham as an anthropologist at HU or EWC prior to 1965? Dr. Gregory Bateson![62]
Additionally, Ann Dunham was an operational cyberneticist like Dr. Bateson. She was involved in helping setup microeconomic (micro financing) systems in Pakistan, India and New York for the Ford Foundation.[63] Microeconomics and microeconomic systems are forms of cybernetics.[64]Economic Cybernetics can be covertly used by old colonial powers, ruling classes, oligarchies, and the NWO to centrally control and rule nations and populations. 
In fact, the EWC may have all along been the brainchild of Dr. Bateson. Among the inventory of papers he left after his death in 1980, he had maintained a file on the EWC dating back 10 (ten) years before it was officially funded by the U.S. State Department and Congress in 1959-60.[65]
During his most formative years from birth to 6 years old, Obama, Jr.’s character was essentially shaped and molded within the CIA-MK ULTRA web of his grandparents, Stanley Armour and Madelyn Dunham and HU-EWC. During Obama’s formative period, Ann Dunham had been an anthropology asset at HU-EWC. HU has been confirmed as one of Helms’ secret CIA/MK ULTRA/Cybernetic Research institutions.[66]
The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA and DARPA) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military. During the 1960’s, DARPA was led by behavioral psychologist, Joseph C.R. Licklier. He was among the core group of Macy Conference cyberneticists with Dr. Bateson that developed cybernetics for military-industrial applications.[67]
While heading the Command and Control Research division of ARPA in 1960, he wrote an explosive and revealing paper titled, Man-Computer Symbiosis:   
“The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today…That hope would take form in such later projects as DARPA’s Augmented Cognition to create soldier-computer “dyads [twofold],” and the sterile vision for a “Posthuman Renaissance,” where “there are no demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism.” [68]
Under Licklier, ARPA disbursed millions of dollars to a wide range of computer and Artificial Intelligence research centers. APRA and NASA have been locked in partnership since the inception of NASA under SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Brun.[69]  One of its secret intelligence research centers was HU.[70] 
So, it should be no surprise the area of secret research and development of APRA/NASA at HU, to create a “soldier-computer dyad where is little or no noticeable “demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism”, a Barack Hussein Obama Cyborg. 
If Stanley Armour, Madelyn and Stanley Ann Dunham were deep cover CIA agents involved in the early development stages of secret projects for MK ULTRA/ Cyborg-Mind Control Programs at HU with Psychologist Dr. William Thetford (Fantasy Perceptions in Children Studies),[71] then Obama’s admitted bizarre childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, cannot simply be dismissed as his “real father” or a “KGB handler.”  
The storyline is Stanley Armour turned Obama over to Davis at age 10 or 11 because he believed it would help his alienated grandson identify with being of mixed heritage. For seven years, Obama had a “father-son” relationship with Davis, who confessed to being an underground pedophile practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities; voyeurism (paraphilia), exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape, sadomasochism, and bondage.[72] Davis’ most likely role in Obama’s preteen years (9-13) was as a special “MONARCH” handler and programmer most likely with specialized knowledge of Mengele and Thetford’s “Conversion Hysterics”.  Davis may have been a FBI/CIA asset since 1948 in Seattle, WA starting with the Navy’s ulta secret Project CHATTER.
“MONARCH programming was a government funded mind control experiment included under the larger CIA operation MK ULTRA. Operation Monarch involved using severe electro-shock trauma, sexual abuse, and other sadistic methods designed to split the subject’s mind into alternate personalities. The methods were conducted primarily on children because they are easier to break down psychologically, due to their primitive stage of emotional and cognitive development.”[73]
Frank Davis was a MONARCH trauma abuse multiple personality disorder (MPD) layering expert in control of amassing traumatic and ritual sexual abuse experiences to overwhelm Obama’s preteen growth alternative personalities, and then program the alters with layers of Satanism and perversion.
Barack Hussein Obama II is unlike any African American that you have never seen. He was born a MK ULTRA mold within the secret National Security State. He is an ILLUSION, a CYBORG, designed to advance its clandestine interests overseas and in the U.S of the CIA whether you want to see or not. The demarcations between those things that are human and those that are robotic and automatic programmed behavior have been carefully crafted and masked to deceive you.  
FIRST STAGE, Formative Years (From birth to 6 or 7 years old)
Above, StanleyArmour Dunham (SAD) and Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. at Hickman Air Force Base in Hawaii. It demonstrates that SAD was slated from the very beginning to be a clandestine caretaker of an experiment, a Cyborg Human Seed. 
In 1959, SAD was part of the EWC-HU’s Africa Airlift welcoming team that greeted Barack Obama, Sr. at Hawaii Airport. Beyond doubt, SAD was directly connected to the CIA’s EWC-HU Africa Airlift project.[74]
August 4, 1961, Stanley Ann Dunham (SAD1) was residing with SAD and Madelyn Dunham (MD) when Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) was born.
From 1961 until 1968, very little is known about this period other than BHO is reared in Hawaii with SAD, MD and SADI centering on EWC-HU. During this period, SAD1 becomes associated with Dr. Gregory Bateson’s expertise and cover, Anthropology (Study of Culture).
BHO recorded repressed memories, Dreams From My Father, of astronauts observed from an isolation chamber from a successful NASA Apollo splash down that couldn’t have taken place at Hickman Air Force Base in Hawaii.[75] NASA’s Apollo Pacific Ocean splashdowns began in December 1968 (Apollo 8),[76] a year after Obama moved to Jakarta, Indonesia with SAD1.
Above, BHO on the shoulders of the man with a distinctive military crew cut and a very characteristic (spaded) nose that clearly is not SAD. The mystery man has an uncanny likeness of NASA Astronaut Air Force Captain Virgil (Gus) Grissom, Master Mason, Member of Mitchell Lodge 228 of Mitchell, Indiana.[77]
If the picture was taken when Obama was three (3) years old as it has been represented between August 4, 1964-August 4, 1965, [78] the picture could have been taken within a couple months after or before Grissom’s Gemini 3 flight, March 23 -25, 1965. It was the first spacecraft to maneuver in orbit, and first manned flight of Gemini spacecraft. Gemini 3 splashdown was in the Atlantic Ocean near the Turks and Calicos Islands (UK).[79]
Gus Grissom and NASA Astronaut U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (33rd Degree Mason) were directly involved in a secret MK ULTRA-NASA mind control program, SPACE KIDS.[80] 
On January 27, 1967, Grissom was killed in a suspicious space capsule fire. Before his body was cold, federal agents invaded his home and seized Grissom’s personal records and diary.[81] 
The logical conclusion is that BHO was early top secret experimental NASA “SPACE KID” during his most formative years, and Gus Grissom had been his secret MK ULTRA handler. 
SECOND STAGE: Formative Years (7-10 years old) 
January 1, 1968, SAD1 (anthropologist) relocated to Jakarta, Indonesia with a new CIA asset husband trained at EWC-HU with BHO at 6 years old, 5-6 months enrolled in school.[82]
Above, the pagan mystic and occulted mass murderer General Suharto of Indonesia. In March 1968, CIA backed general took power and instituted a “New Order” in Indonesia.[83]  The killing led by General Suharto began in October 1965 when tens of thousands of Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) cadre and supporters were rounded up at night, detained, and executed.[84]
Anti-communist youth groups were supplied with weapons by General Suharto forces and sent out to murder PKI members and supporters in thousands of towns and villages. In one area of Central Javaknown as a stronghold of the party, one-third of the population died in the massacre.[85] 
In the 1990s, details of the U.S. hand in the massacre became known as several former State Department officials admitted their role publicly. Political officers at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta handed the Indonesian army lists of PKI leaders in unions, peasant and student organizations that it had compiled. From this, Indonesian army intelligence was able to create a “shooting list” of 5,000 PKI leaders. In the weeks and months that followed, the U.S. embassy and the CIA’s intelligence directorate, Richard Helms, in Washington D.C. checked off the names as they were “eliminated.” How many people were killed by General Suharto and his butchers? Two to three million citizens were slaughtered.[86]
SAD1 Indonesian husband, Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, was an army colonel in General Suharto’s CIA-backed rank of killers.[87]
Under cover and deception of a benign anthropologist, SAD1 infiltrated indigenous groups and tribes in the countryside and islands of Indonesia to clandestinely single out and identify PKI leaders and sympathizers to be detained and liquidated (Human Terrain System).[88]   
It should be crystal clear why BHO with Soetoro and SAD1 adorns the “Dead Man Rune.” During BHO’s second stage formative years in Indonesia, BHO had been conditioned and desensitized to human rights and ritualized mass murder by one of General Suharto’s butchers, his stepfather Col. Soetoro. BHO had been initiated into an Indonesian pagan ritual “DEATH CULT” with a historical human rights violation “BODY COUNT” and record of genocide.
THIRD STAGE, Preteen and Teen Years (10-17 years old)
In about 1971, BHO returned to Hawaii to live with SAD and MD. At ten years old, SAD turned BHO over to CIA pedophile, rapist, and exhibitionist, bisexual sadomasochist Frank Marshall Davis (FMD)[89] for satanic ritualized sexual abuse and dissociated conditioning and programming (MPD). MPD conditioning is a regimen of physical and psychological beatings, rapes and sexual molestations that give birth to a cluster of alter personalities.[90]
Above, BHO with one of his Occidental College gay rich dope fiend Pakistan roommates that he was assigned to spy on and accommodate for whatever.  FMD turned BHO into a CIA MPD bisexual “honey pot” and “slave sex” manly for Middle Eastern perverts.
So, it should be no surprise that BHO has no significant background, history or relationships with women,[91] and has been linked to reports of deviant sexual activities involving: Larry Sinclair alleges drug and sex encounter with BHO in November 1998; Donald Young, gay choir director at Trinity United Church of Christ, who was murdered; Stuart Levine, Prominent GOP Fundraiser, drug and homosexual parties; Actor Kal Penn, White House Office of Public Engagement, and Rahm Emanuel & Man’s Country, a Chicago gay bath house.[92]
Obama’s obvious exaggerated African “mannish” cultural swagger is a Cyborg programmed illusion and hoax to make him appear as a real “brother.” At 28 years old, it appears that BHO’s only real relationship with a woman was Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.
Strangely enough to add this crazy mix, Michelle’s mother, Marian Robinson, is reportedly a Pagan “Handmaiden of Santeria” in the White House.[93] In some cases, Santeria has been turned into a “Blood Oath” Cult of Satanism, human sacrifice and occulted secrecy.[94] I wonder if Michelle Robinson’s marriage to BHO was a result of a Luciferian “Blood Oath Covenant for Fame, Fortune and Power.” Who did Marian and Michelle sacrifice to Lucifer?
Fraser Robinson. In March 1991, Michelle’s father died at the age of 56 of complications from multiple sclerosis. In July 1991, Michelle leaves law firm Sidley Austin and goes to work for Chicago Mayor Richard Daley’s machine. October 18, 1992, Michelle weds BHO at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicagoon the way to the White House.[95]
This is part of the Buzz on the internet, “According to Atkinson, Marian Robinson became increasingly frustrated as her husband, Fraser Robinson, was hobbled by multiple sclerosis in the late 1980s, and turned to “Santeria in a desperate hope” to cure him. “Michelle put her foot down when she heard that her mother took her dad to ceremonies where they did spells and trances, and sacrificed animals, chickens and goats I think. But Marian was desperate and kept going anyway, even when her husband was to sick to go with her.”[96]
On election night, November 4, 2008, Michelle Obama turned a lot of heads when she made, so to say, a fashion statement, a very scary and ominous statement at Grant Park in Chicago. Michelle’s fashion statement upset a lot of people.[97]
Michelle had what appeared to be symbolic blood at her breast (Wisdom) and womb (Rebirth), a Luciferian “Blood Feast Sacrifice” out of something like the Horror Classic, “Carrie”. Below, Malia is dressed in a pool of red, the Blood Sacrifice. Sasha (Alexandra the Great) was dressed in black for a funeral, the Luciferian sacrifice.
The story is strange and unverified, but is consistent in Luciferian-Satanic MK ULTRA/MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE themes, and BHO and Michelle Obama’s timeline to the White House.
The World can see through Barack Hussein Obama. They can understand the demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and the biological organism. They can clearly see what is part free godly human compassion and part programmed Luciferian “robotic” behavior. Why can’t you?
  Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.”     

[1] SF Chronicle,March 21, 1973, Black Educator’s Angry Speech, March 21, 1973, pg. 4, see also Oakland Tribune,March 21, 1973 for a water downed version of his message
[5]Id. At footnote 2
[26] Id.
[32]Id. At Footnote 34, pg. 370
[43]Id. At Footnote 31
[45] Ross, Colin, BLUEBIRD, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, (2000) Manitou Communications, Inc., page 329
[61]Id. At footnote 8
[96]Id. At footnote 78

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