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Alliance with Israel is not the ideal response to the Iranian-American rapprochement
Abdel Bari Atwan
of terror that prevails in many Arab and Gulf countries as a result of
the US rapprochement Iranian accelerated does not address jogged toward
Israel, but by reviewing the wrong policies that led to the killing of
any Arab renaissance project, and put all the eggs in the basket of the
United States of America, and the escalation of hostility to Aaran.nicol
this speech on the occasion of the Israeli newspaper "Haaretz" Sunday
that at the time he met when John Kerry and US Secretary of State of
Iran, Mohammad Javad Zarif, his counterpart on the sidelines of the UN
meetings, held similar talks between Israeli diplomats and their
counterparts in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and the
"Sunni "Other in Alkhlij.nfem the Gulf states wary of further improved
relations between the United States and Iran, and that this concern
peaked after the phone call that took place between President Barack
Obama and his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani, but this does not mean
that the alliance with Israel, which is the same concern if true, the
news, the their situation is the case of the appeal for help from the
frying pan into Bnar.asahifah Israel itself talked about the ceremony
closed a dinner hosted by the International Peace Institute in New York
and sat around the table about 40 senior officials from around the
world, including Tzipi Livni, along with foreign ministers Turkey,
Qatar, Morocco, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and Arab League Secretary
General Nabil Elaraby, and after the lectures, which Alqihama Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation was the turn of the review of the
Israeli-Palestinian negotiations by Mr. Yasser Abed Rabbo, and Tzipi
Livni, Martin Indyk, and then were discussing the subject of Iran No one
was withdrawn, and did not attack any of the Arab officials
Asraúal.antzerna more than 12 hours to publicly hear an official
statement denying the newspaper reported on these meetings, but to no
avail, and would not rule out that we see in the coming days of
intensive meetings, an Israeli Arab Gulf to develop formulas to
crystallize alliance New against Aaran.dol Arabian Gulf slighted this US
position and I felt that it was used and exposed an ugly egestion by
President Obama's administration and dictations This is true, but a
mistake to rush to their reactions and put her hand in the hand of the
enemy is still occupying land and Arab sanctities because the results
that can ensue That tent under the state revolutions that prevail
Almntqh.udol Arabian Gulf will emerge larger than the current losing a
loss as a result of the US understanding of Iran if they put her in the
hands of the Israelis because there Ahtmaliyn basic factors that could
result in it has to be taken into account: (i) that Israel is moving
forward with its plans to strike Iran and supported by Gulf Arab (we are
talking here about Jordan and Morocco) In this case, the Gulf States
will be a target for revenge Aarani.althani: the retreat of Israel for
its threats to this, because they can not get away with this aggression
alone, and bear its consequences disastrous and therefore follow the US
approach in this regard, and in this case you'll find these same
governments in the face with a wide range of peoples still considers
Israel an enemy, not an ally, and Islamic jihadists in particular who
becomes older at the present time in more than one country was
Arabiyh.ma America resorted to the language of dialogue, not
confrontation with Iran after thirty years of estrangement and threats
of war, it is best for you to resort to the same Gulf states especially
as they approach within a stone's throw from Tehran.
Opinion today
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The drums of war drums to harmony
Ibrahim Sheikh
the beginning of September was the Middle East on a Hot Tin because of
US threats and its willingness to strike Syria because of the use of
chemical weapons in this country, but at the last moment and suddenly
was defused this war through the launch of Russian weapons destruction
Alkimaaúah.lm initiative was one imagines that ends This crisis, in this
way, which side the region and its ruin and murder, because if the war
scenario was the Middle East is what it is today, but that did not end
is death and destruction in Syria because the chemical weapon was the
goal that worries Western nations led by the United States as well as
Asraúal.oan surprises did not end at this point and is rapidly got
things were not unexpected like to meet US Secretary of State John Kerry
with his Iranian counterpart, Mohammad Javad Zarif, held the meeting at
the foreign minister level between Iran and six world powers, and then
the meeting was followed by a telephone call between President Barack
Obama and President Hassan Rohani, and this development without a doubt
is a breakthrough important and is the first since the thirty-four years
of any since the start of the Iranian revolution in 1979.hzh
developments that showed nothing but indicate that both sides are
serious about reaching a solution to end the state of tension and
cramping and threats war and instability in the region that had been
living on the impact of beating the drums of war by the US, Israel and
Iran are, this change in the Iranian position to begin to pursue an open
policy is a constructive and important for the Arab region beginning,
especially the Gulf states, which have been afraid of for this war
because of the implications and complications Aliha.olkn what President
Hassan Rohani began to show moderation on the West and its readiness for
dialogue on Iran's nuclear program began to question his intentions,
especially by Israel, which looks upset and worried about the
Iranian-American rapprochement, which played an important and instigator
role on the hit Iran and tighten the screws on them, and will try to
Israel to pressure the United States and other Western countries in
order not to believe the Iranian position, Israel and will work hard to
sabotage and transmit the concerns of this Altqarb.kzlk crossed some
Arab countries expressed doubts about the Iranian position, which
surprised him, and it is no doubt that the American Iranian
rapprochement bother the Arab countries, especially Gulf that she
betrayed by America may feel, it is known that America is not only
interested in their interests and the interests of its ally Israel,
especially in the nuclear file, and not out of fear for these countries,
and Arab countries not only a tool to achieve the interests of America
in Almntqh.mn is no doubt that the Arab support provides the Syrian
opposition goal topple the Assad regime and thus bring down the Syrian
card from the hands of Iran, but this support may vary by rules of the
game, especially after the US-Iranian rapprochement and the decision of
the UN Security Council about the destruction of chemical Syrian weapons
against the non-Syrian opposition support, it is possible that
Washington has been pressing countries Arabic in order not to support
the armed opposition, because the interests of the major powers most of
the spread of democracy that come in the last Ahtmamadtha.abdo that the
Arab countries that support the Syrian opposition does not have any
strategy in this country, because no one has to imagine how it will end
the Syrian crisis and triumph where, the regime or the opposition, led
by the army free or militant groups that want to establish an Islamic
Amartha on Syrian territory, and it is no doubt that the Arab parties in
support of the opposition would be the biggest loser, because the big
countries like Russia and America, along with Iran will not allow any
changes detrimental to their interests is insensitive to Arab interests,
Even the interests of the Syrian people Nevsh.ohna question what is the
status of the Arabs of these deals that get between Iran and the United
States in the Iranian nuclear issue which was a major Scarecrow, and
what if the United States agreed with Iran on Syria and the consent of
the Russian, it seems that all of these things get without be for the
Arabs any role because they have lost any influence in international
politics, and even the inability to solve the cases, which have become
not only be resolved intervention Aforeigh.fa powers if all goes as it
should, without constraints on the issue of the destruction of the
Syrian chemical weapons, especially that a decision of the United
Nations by all parties, and opened the Iran facility Alnuelh inspectors
were sure of a peaceful reactors Alnuelh Iran, what about the Israeli
nuclear arsenal that threatens the security of the region, particularly
the security of the Arab countries which so far have not succeeded by
subtracting the issue of the risk of this arsenal before the world, and
what about peace with the Palestinians, and whether Israel will adhere
to the establishment of a Palestinian state or remain an exception in
the region.
Palestinian writer
Special Middle East Panorama |
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Iranian diplomatic repeats itself .. Iraq win and lose Israel
Obama has vowed not to allow Iran access to the means to be able to build a nuclear bomb, without ruling out-such as Israel-military force. The planned US Secretary of State John Kerry and his counterparts in the five permanent members of the UN Security Council members and Germany meet with Iran's foreign minister Thursday to discuss the nuclear issue. BAGHDAD / Obelisk: While collided with the new Iranian President campaign to win over the West and the different approach from his predecessor, Ahmadinejad welcomed by Western and Israeli doubts about the feasibility of the new approach in reducing fears about Iran's nuclear program, the new speech spiritual contribute with regard to Iraq in the promotion of Baghdad regional position and reduce operations terrorist attacks on the land of Mesopotamia and the dimensions of the specter of nuclear risk with him, a neighbor of Iran. And spiritual stressed in his speech, the General Assembly of the United Nations last week, "the need for global cooperation to reduce the threat of terrorism in many countries of the world, particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan." The spiritual upon receiving Iraqi Vice President Khodair al, on the sidelines of the session the 68th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, pointed to "the joint between the two countries, cultural, historical and religious commonalities," adding "there are more possibilities to expand bilateral relations in cultural, political, economic and tourist areas." But Israeli officials, on the other hand, warn Iran's new tone by saying, "The Iranians smile and deceive and this is what should be exposed." On the opposite of that, the new approach, which questioned the Tel Aviv, will contribute greatly to defuse unrest in many countries such as Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and the Arab Gulf countries. The writer says Raad Aldkhala that "Iran's new policy will have an impact on the nature of logistic support to be provided by the new Iranian government and the Iraqi political movements close to them." He continues to say, "also will affect the nature of the relationship between Altfahmah next Iranian government and the leaders of some parties in the Iraqi political process." The voyager "self variables that will get between the parties to the Iraqi political process will be a reflection of the political, diplomatic and international and regional variables the new Iranian government." Iran says its nuclear program is only for peaceful goals. Israel demands -alta supposed widely it is the only country that has nuclear arsenal in the Middle East-full stop Iran's nuclear projects, including uranium enrichment and plutonium that can be used in a nuclear bomb. While in Iraq, sought and still, who has a good relationship with the Iranians for a comprehensive solution to the Iranian nuclear issue through dialogue with Iraq to mediate to Western countries for understanding about the program. It is noteworthy writer Yasser Talal "conference held in Baghdad, which brought together the Americans and the Iranians and the Syrians, where he was successful, certainly, as the conference was an opportunity for Americans to see the Iranian proposal, in the dialogue, especially in the near future and had to Baghdad preferred in in order to spare the region of a third world war is Iraq The first ones affected. " Declared Iraq in September 2013 on the lips of the Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Hussain al-Shahristani said that "Iraq is ready to provide assistance to resolve the nuclear issue between Iran and the 5 + 1". In his speech before the United Nations General Assembly yesterday, Obama saw that proposals Rohani may "provide the basis for an agreement with meaningful "with Iran, but stopped short of providing any offer to ease sanctions that cripple Iran's economy. He emphasized spiritual in his first speech before the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday boycotted by the Israeli delegation, and enthuse them Iraq, Iran is ready to enter immediately into talks "specific timeline "on the nuclear issue. Although it did not make any new concessions displays. Obama has pledged not to allow Iran access to the means to be able to build a nuclear bomb, without ruling out-such as Israel-military force. The planned US Secretary of State John Kerry and his counterparts in the five permanent members of the UN Security Council members and Germany meet with Iran's foreign minister Thursday to discuss the nuclear issue. But the course of events demonstrates that the Iraqi solution which is based on the promotion of dialogue and understanding, it will be the style most dependent on Western political Just as Iran to reach a "comprehensive" about a lot of the points of contention agreement, and this is in the interest of Iraq in the future. |
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Resentment Gulf and welcome Iraqi American rapprochement Iranian
American spinning Iranian translate soon to dialogue result in a strategic deal recognizes Iran's superpower and the victim are Gulf Arabs BAGHDAD / obelisk wondered writer Khaled al-Dakhil, in an article in the newspaper "life" of London, funded by Saudis, on the impact of recognition US legitimacy of the Iranian role in the region on the Gulf states, while crammed Saudi newspapers articles referring to what she called the "US-Iranian agreement" and "re-Iran policeman of the Gulf," and the need to provide America's commitments to these countries, warning of the possibility of America cut from Alliance eternal with the level of . But it's different in Iraq, where you see the Iraqi political elites that the US rapprochement Iran will reflect positively on Iraq after it said Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said that "the size of the rapprochement of views between the United States and Iran would lead to positive results for many of the outstanding issues." He expected that "reflected this trend for flexible dialogue between the two countries positively on the full-blown crises in the region, particularly the issue of Iran's nuclear weapons and the Syrian issue, as a basis for finding solutions." to the Saudi newspaper "Middle East" was published on Sunday, that "the deal between America Iran may affect drastically the security of the Gulf states, "as she put it, she asked," Can the United States and the West in general, dispensing with the Gulf countries and re-Iran policeman of the Gulf? ". explains the newspaper "House over the past few days, talk about an imminent agreement between Iran and the United States to resolve the outstanding issues, and the settlement of the Iranian nuclear file, and the lifting of the embargo on Tehran, and thus putting the end to official rupture between the two countries continued for nearly 34 years. " "The biggest event which proved the truth of this political spinning between the two arch-up contact that took place between Iranian presidents Hassan Rohani and US President Barack Obama to confirm those predictions that have been traded previously. " stresses the newspaper Saudi Arabia that "Washington should provide assurances credible to the Gulf States, and pledges not to make concessions without consultation with Washington's allies in the Middle East, because" the US Accord - Iran "must not lead to negative effects and the results of the interests of other parties in the Middle East, (as she put it.) and relive the newspaper time "Gulf cop" and comparing Iran's current circumstances with the circumstances at that time, and calls for the Gulf states to rally around each other to stand in the face of it, warning that "any American Iranian rapprochement will inevitably be at the expense of the interests of these countries", and it also can expect the possibility that the US administration to reduce the time span of the US alliance level - Gulf-based long ago. Iraq's outlook seemed contrast counterpart Saudi Arabia, where she wrote the Iraqi newspaper "Al-Sabah", in its issue dated Sunday, said that "conversations between Iranian and US officials, which took place on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly, overshadow the positive on the region, and is the fruit of the role of Iraq's get this convergence of views between Washington and Tehran. " Maliki said in his statement to Iraq's role in the winning rapprochement between Washington and Tehran, and his quest from his commitment to the interests of the region to hold two meetings in Baghdad between the two teams, US and Iran, as well as climb meetings (5 +1) to discuss the issue Iran's nuclear program, which was held amid a positive atmosphere. " On the other side read a country like the United Arab Emirates, the rapprochement between the two countries in their interest to the corner where the newspaper "Emirates says today," that "Emirates welcomes trends spiritual and demanding full restoration of sovereignty over the three islands occupied" and criticizes Abdel Bari Atwan, in his article in the newspaper, "" E, Arab leaders are standing in the political world of today's opinion today, "an exaggeration if we say that the political harvest and diplomat was closer to zero cube, even to meet or shake hands with transient in Kurodor UN and pathways were elusive for the most of them Regardless of the size of their exports of oil and gas, or their assets and the magnitude of the investment their funds sovereign estimated each a thousand billion dollars. " speculates Atwan said "the US spinning Iran, which will translate soon into dialogue may result in strategy between the two countries deal recognizes Iran a superpower in the region, and the sharing of power and interests between the two countries, and the victim are the Arabs, and Arab Gulf in particular, unfortunately, who will find themselves forced to rush to Tehran, as long as the US ally shown realism and rejected the war, preferring dialogue, what are waiting for? " . |
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* President Rohani looking forward to the nuclear deal within 3 months , "Iranian President Hassan Rohani is looking forward to a nuclear agreement within 3 months." Under this heading, David Ignatius wrote in the Washington Post newspaper American article , said that "the US diplomatic train - Iranian fast paced, with an interview with President Rohani on Wednesday for a timetable duration of 3 months to reach a nuclear deal." "But the president Rohani was also insists caution to stay on one track of the nuclear issue, "in the words of the writer. , who explained: "The spiritual was alert when he sat in the interview face to face, after a lengthy session with dozens of journalists and managers of the news." "has expressed keen about the use of phrases may need to in negotiations, or the complexity of the diplomatic efforts by eating normalization issues, such as the reopening of embassies in Tehran and Washington. " "spiritual and spoke quietly and carefully. and use an interpreter even though he speaks fluent English." "As was the case in recent interviews again, he wanted a spiritual The new face of moderate to Iran shows, and spoke at length with a large group of journalists, for example, (crimes) Nazi committed against the Jews. " He focused writer, among other points of dialogue with the Iranian president, most notably that: "The first point that Rohani stressed that has full authority to finalize the nuclear talks, the Supreme Leader of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, which was confirmed by Western intelligence reports. " "The second point that the Iranian president wants to move quickly to resolve the nuclear issue through negotiations." "The third point that Rohani said It is ready to provide transparent measures and extensive to reassure the West that the Islamic Republic has no intention of making a nuclear bomb. " "The fourth point that the Iranian president did not discuss the uranium enrichment level to be adopted by Iran as part of the deal." "The point is the fifth that Rohani said that Iran wants to engage in A new round of the Geneva negotiations aimed at achieving a political transition in Syria, as long as there are no preconditions for Iranian participation. " "The point is that the sixth Rohani stressed his desire to resolve the nuclear issue, which has extensive experience and a mandate from Mr. Khamenei. After that, he said, the United States and Iran that Tnaakeca broader normalization issues. " The author concluded by saying: "We have asked President Rohani Why say if US President Barack Obama met the next week, as they want the United States?". "What it was only made answer a nice upbeat, saying: if we met, we talked about the opportunities and hopes. " "But certainly (the opinion of the American writer) that President Rohani avoid meeting with Obama because he knows that he has a time and a range limited, and because he does not want to make the mistake of over-enthusiasm early. " * President Rohani asked discuss the possibility of the conduct of flights between Tehran and Washington, the President of the Supreme Council for the Iranians living abroad biggest Tarkan said President spiritual search request in the possibility of direct flights between Iran and the United States. He explained Tarkan during a meeting with members of the General Secretariat of the Council Affairs Iranians abroad, the results of the meeting with President Rohani Iranians residing in the United States, described the results of the meeting goodness too, said, that the president Rohani stressed the need for the Supreme Council for the Iranians living abroad more services to all residents nationals abroad. He Tarkan to another axis touched him President Rohani during the meeting, which is to provide facilities for the movement of Iranians living abroad, and said, that the president is searching for the possibility of direct flights between Iran and the United States in the context of treatment associated with the movement of Iranians abroad and visit the country's problems. * Zarif: Do not give up the right to enrichment in talks with the West, said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Iran is determined to maintain its right to enrichment during talks with the West, he said, everyone knows that Tehran is not seeking to acquire nuclear weapons and the possibility of this point to form a fertile ground for cooperation between the two sides. possession of nuclear weapons is contrary with our interests and our security and foreign minister said in an interview with the program "This Week with Astephanopoulos" He has a meeting with foreign ministers of 5 +1 and his US counterpart Jean Kerry told them that the translation aspiration nuclear ban not only the goal but is the goal of Iran as well, because the possession of nuclear weapons is contrary to interest and security. On the developments in the relations between the two countries over the past week and the extent of its impact on the possibility of changing the situation Zarif said: What we have seen is really the first step taken by Iran and America and other countries in order to resolve outstanding issues. Unfortunately, the nuclear issue, which could be a ground for cooperation turned into a contentious issue. In any case, we are, in order to pass this hurdle need to make more effort, but the first steps taken by both sides that were positive. recognition nuclear our rights increase the chances of reaching an agreement in especially the criticism faced by the President Hassan Rohani, after returning from New York, said Iranian Foreign Minister: One similarity between Iran and America are points that they were of poor pluralism and freedom of opinion. In any case, we have seen that the US side will recognize the Nuclear our rights and formally respected, there are great chances to reach an agreement, we have the support and the support of the commander of the Islamic Revolution as a whole. He pointed to the presence of many participants to reach an agreement and added: We know that Iran is determined to reach an agreement with taking into account the maintenance of its right to enrichment. Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons industry and this is a good ground to reach an agreement between the two sides. I explained my meeting with the Foreign Ministers of 5 +1 Foreign Minister John Kerry, US nonproliferation goal is to Iran, too, because they do not see that the possession of nuclear weapons in their best interest or security. He also noted the steps taken by Iran to build confidence, including the approval of the Protocol to voluntarily in 2000. The Chairman of the Iranian nuclear negotiating team to the previous fate of nuclear scientists after the Cold War and the spread of nuclear smuggling because of unemployment, adding, that the continuation of peaceful and legal nuclear activities in Iran under supervision of the International Atomic Energy Agency is in everyone's interest. Iran condemns the killing of innocent people, whether in Nazi Germany or Palestine in especially Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei's remarks about the murder of Jews during World War II, head of the diplomatic corps Iran: Leader of the Revolution have Dan explicitly killed innocent. The Iranian leadership and officials condemn the killing of innocent people at any point in the world, without distinction between crimes committed in Nazi Germany or Palestine at any time. Without respect for the Palestinian people's rights can not be peace and security in the Middle East and added: In fact, this paragraph were not in relation to innocent people were killed, but was referring to the style of dealing with historians. The main point is that you can not take advantage of this crime to commit injustice and tyranny against the Palestinian people for more than six decades. Must make it clear that without respect for the Palestinian people's rights and interest in them can not establish peace and security in the Middle East. Since the nineties and Netanyahu says that Iran will have a nuclear weapon within 6 months At the end of the interview and in response to a question about the upcoming meeting between Netanyahu and Obama's first statements about the relationship with Iran, said Iranian Foreign Minister: Netanyahu and since the beginning of the nineties and so far declared that Iran is separated from the production of nuclear weapons only six months. Iran will not make nuclear weapons, not in six months or six years and not at any other time, for the simple reason that it does not intend to do this. * Zarif: Iran's right to enrich uranium is not negotiable Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed that Iran's right to uranium enrichment is non-negotiable, accusing the Israeli entity lying in making allegations about its nuclear program. In an interview with "ABC" American Zarif said that Iran was ready to negotiate, but the right to enrich uranium is not negotiable, adding that the Israeli entity leaders asking allegations Since 1991, about Iran within 6 months from acquiring nuclear weapons, and after 22 years still say the same thing. As if the recent diplomatic developments will occur a fundamental change in US-Iranian relations Zarif said: "What we have seen is in fact initial steps taken by the Iran and the United States and other countries to resolve and settle the outstanding issues. Unfortunately, the nuclear issue on which it was possible to turn into a ground for cooperation has turned out to be the cause of the conflict. In any case, it is to move in this path there is a need for further efforts, but the initial steps of the parties has been positive. " . He stressed that the Islamic Republic of Iran in accordance with the principles and ideology does not seek to acquire nuclear weapons, providing a suitable platform to reach an agreement, he added: I told the foreign ministers of the G (5 +1) and then with US Secretary of State that the failure to make nuclear weapons is not their goal only, but the goal of Iran as well. * What is the captain of the guard opinion about the positions of Rohani, New York and connected to Obama? chief commander of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari stressed that the positions taken by President Hassan Rohani in New York, which was from a position of strength and competence, pointing At the same time that it was better to be dial-up connection between Obama and spiritual after proving Washington practically good intentions. In a statement to the Agency, "Tasneem" Iran praised Major General Jafari President Hassan Rohani for positions taken in New York on the sidelines of the meetings of the General Assembly of the L, which United, and stressed that it was from a position of strength and competence. He Gen. Jafari to the activities carried out by the Iranian delegation, the UN special President spiritual discourses value and press conferences, Maکda that the Iranian delegation proved to be Egypt's commitment to the principles of the revolution and the Islamic walk the leader any policies Sayyed Ali Khamenei. Ray Major General Jafari that the United States is now in a position of weakness. In contrast, enhanced Republic strength of Islamic Iran, both regional and international levels, adding that the request to meet with the Iranian delegation by the government Alamirکیh but reflects the strength and potency of Islamic Iran. He said that "was better to dial between Obama and spiritual after proving Washington in practice its good intentions toward Tehran and delayed until after that." * site "Vrdo" continues to enrich uranium up to 20% of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy in the Iranian parliament member Mohammad Ismail Kothari stressed that centrifuges has been erected at the site of "Vrdo" nuclear fully and that the uranium enrichment neighbor by 20 percent. He said Kothari in a statement made by the news agency "Knight" on Monday, the inspection visit by the members of the committee for the site "Vrdo" Nawawi said "This inspection visit to the site in response to some of the rumors about the activities of this important site in the framework of the task of the House of Representatives in control." He added Kothari, he was at the beginning of the visit gave the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran officials of the delegation of Deputies explanation of how progress made and the activities of the site and then the House of Representatives inspect the centrifuges it work. He Kothari, said the centrifuges in "Vrdo" has fully installed conducts its activities in full and without any shortfall, and the enrichment process conducted by 20 percent and that the existing restrictions related to only the establishment of administrative buildings in it. He explained that the Parliamentary delegation included 10 members of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy and 2 of educational and social committees, referring to losing the Natanz site, which was scheduled to be done today has been postponed to another time. * achievements of the New York Historical still Newspapers Monday issued Tehran relay editorials and articles analytical discuss the achievements of the visit of the Iranian delegation to New York. newspaper Avrenc: the achievements of the New York Historical Avrenc newspaper devoted an editorial that carried the above address, to address the subject, the author writes, "Ali Ramadan," said President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who paid a visit to New York to participate At the meeting of the 68 General Assembly of the United Nations, and hold important meetings with leaders and heads of state the world over the five days, returned to the country, carrying important historical gains. The newspaper, if you look at these gains must say: First, the discourse in the public Albah the United Nations as a major Non-Aligned Movement, and to meet with the heads of the Republic of France, Austria, Pakistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Lebanon and Sri Lanka, and the Iraqi Vice-President and Prime Minister of Italy, Spain and the Foreign Minister of Germany, head of the International Monetary Fund, and the Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and Secretary-General of the United Nations and his aides and UN representatives in Syria, side meetings with the heads of participating in the session of 68 of the General Assembly, the delegations unique achievements of its kind and is unprecedented in the field of Iranian foreign policy. It adds the opening, secondly, regardless of the meetings of Iranian and British officials aimed to reduce the tension in bilateral relations, in the time he was president spiritual head of his residence towards the airport to leave New York, discussed with the US president in a telephone conversation, various issues. The paper said the permissible which is considered historic in Iran's foreign policy, because it has lags three decades, will have a positive and wide effects in reducing tensions and disputes between Iran and the United States, as it would help speed up the pace of resolving the Iranian nuclear issue and other regional issues. The paper went on to say, thirdly, to take advantage of public diplomacy, as well as the President of the Republic of the word in a group of American elites, participate in press Almaatemrat , the movements and activities of the diplomatic team of President Hassan Rohani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif made findings required gradually, and most important of these tangible results can be referred to the recognition of the pivotal role of the important and strategic to Iran as a regional power large in the region. In conclusion reminds the writer, that this approach would oppose by some such as the Turks, the Arabs and the Zionist entity, Russia, China and even some regional powers and says this on Tehran and through Drake these new realities, but forget the well-known saying that says "No friends or Oaadae..daúmeon" and realize that lasting concept is to take care of national interests. * Party God pays tribute to the strong positions of Iran in New York praised the Deputy Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sheikh Naim Qassem speech Iranian President Hassan Rohani in United Nations General Assembly in New York, saying that the balance of the Iranian president's speech and the American counterpart at the international level is a testament to the location and strength of Iran in the world. He said Sheikh Naim Qassem, during a speech at the graduation held by the prospects of Science and Technology Institute for students successful in the official certificates at the UNESCO Monday hall ceremony, that "things in the region moving towards political truce and political solutions, and at the regional and international level proved to everyone that military solutions and sanctions do not work and do not lead a result, the affected what happened during these earlier stages are many, and we have seen that some people still read backward and did not read the present yet. " He said Sheikh Qasim "I say to all, why some cornered nose in a loser and the wrong track and cornered the country with him, learned of the Islamic Republic Iran, Since 79 enemies Iharbonha and besieged and Iequbunha she says no, and in 2013 at the end of the day there was a Two letters to the United Nations, America's major State speech by Obama and the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran by Sheikh Rouhani balanced speeches at the international level, and this is evidence the location and strength of Iran. " He said Sheikh Qasim parking Hezbollah along with the Islamic Republic in Iran, pointing, saying, "Some criticizing us on and standing with Iran and Ieibon we benefit from them, they are ashamed of those who support them do not dare to declare who supported, Had Cservhm to Declare front publicly, but we Vcservna Iran and declare it in front of everyone. " He said that the support of the people to resist the occupation, and its refusal to engage in the destruction of the countries in the region, it is an honor to Iran, adding that by saying, "shame for some countries in the Arab and Islamic our region that burns Syria and its people for their interests and bring in fighters and weapons from all over the world for some of the special interests, it respond to the interests of Syria advocated dialogue and political solution, depends destruction of the Syrian people and to choose what he wants away from the regional and international pressure. " He also called on Sheikh Qasim to dialogue as a way to address the problems in Lebanon and stressed that the solution in Lebanon will be the political consensus, there is no solution inciting or car bombs and sedition or cajole Israel's aggression on Lebanon and the region. * Obama after his meeting with Netanyahu: Do not rule out military action against Iran , Obama assures Netanyahu that he would be '' careful '' in talks with Iran's president said US Barack Obama that he does not rule out any option, including military so against Iran over its nuclear program, while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Ntinaaho board to abandon diplomacy if it is not the goal of the negotiations with Iran to dismantle its nuclear program. Obama said after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House, they agreed to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, saying that it was Iran that combine words with actions to earn the international community's confidence. He noted the US president that it would be vigilant in the coming talks with Iran over its nuclear program, and warned that the military option is still on the table, to force Iran to respect its commitments. In contrast, the US president praised the "courage" in which he said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu displayed by the resumption of direct peace negotiations with the Palestinians, Obama, Netanyahu thanked that he fought these talks as "goodwill." On the other hand, the Israeli prime minister called for Iran to dismantle the "military nuclear program," and called to maintain sanctions imposed on Tehran or tightened, and said that "Iran is committed to the destruction of Israel and should be forced to dismantle its nuclear program completely," and saw "It must tighten sanctions on Iran if it continued its nuclear program during the period of negotiations." This comes the meeting with the Israeli entity is doing all its best to mitigate the American impulse toward Iran, and to keep the US sanctions imposed on Tehran, to make sure abandon Tehran for its nuclear program. * America increased the likelihood reach a quick agreement with Iran on its nuclear program Kerry: to resolve the dispute efforts on Iran's nuclear may result in an agreement within the time frame called for spiritual US Secretary of State John Kerry said he could be reached relatively quickly to an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program. He explained Kerry said in an interview with the American CBS channel that diplomatic efforts to resolve the dispute over Iran's nuclear program may result in an agreement within the time frame called for by the Iranian President Hassan Rohani from three to six months. He added that "it is possible to reach an agreement in faster than that time depending Over the candor and clarity that Iran is preparing to show them. " He continued, saying that "a peaceful program can be for all of us to see it .. the whole world sees it .. relationship with Iran could change dramatically for the better and can change quickly." * Poll: majority of Americans in favor of direct negotiations with Iran in favor of a large segment of Americans إجراء إدارة واشنطن مفاوضات دبلوماسية مباشرة مع إيران للتأكد من سلمية برنامجها النووي. وخلص استبيان أجرته CNN بالتعاون مع "أو ار سي" للاستطلاعات، إلى أن 76 في المائة من الأمريكيين يؤيدون التفاوض مع إيران، مقابل 21 في المائة. كما خلص المسح إلى أن الأغلبية العظمى من كافة الفئات الديموغرافية تميل إلى مسار الدبلوماسية بشأن البرنامج النووي الإيراني، من بينهم 87 في المائة من الديمقراطيين، 68 في المائة من الجمهوريين. * وزير الدفاع الايراني: الرغبة الاميركية بالحوار، تشير الى اقتدار وقوة الشعب الايراني صرح وزير الدفاع واسناد القوات المسلحة الايرانية العميد حسين دهقان بان رغبة اميركا والدول الغربية الاخرى في الحوار مع الرئيس الايراني لا يعبّر سوى عن اقتدار وعزة وقوة الشعب الايراني. وبحسب وكالة الجمهورية الاسلامية للانباء "ارنا" فقد اوضح العميد دهقان في تصريح له اليوم الاثنين "إن الشعب الايراني اليوم يحظى بمكانة رفيعة ما دفع الرئيس الاميركي للاتصال مع رئيس بلادنا لسماع صوت هذا الشعب وهو الامر الذي يعد فخرا كبيرا لنا". وأشار وزير الدفاع إلى الزيارة التي قام بها الرئيس حسن روحاني الى نيويورك الاسبوع الماضي ومشاركته في الاجتماع الثامن والستين للجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة، وقال: "ربما تكون هنالك وجهات نظر مختلفة ازاء ما حدث في الاسبوع الماضي الا ان مبادرة الرئيس الاميركي وباقي رؤساء الدول الغربية الذين اصطفوا للقاء مع الدكتور روحاني، لا تعبير له سوى قوة واقتدار وعزة شعبنا". واعتبر العميد دهقان بأن ايران الاسلامية اليوم أصبحت القوة الاقوى في المنطقة والمؤثرة في العالم، مضيفا بالقول "إن هذه العزة وهذا الاقتدار قد تحقق بفضل دماء الشهداء، وقد تحولنا اليوم بذات الروح المعنوية الى قوة مؤثرة في العالم" * لماذا اخفق اوباما؟ محمد صادق الحسيني/ القدس العربي لم يكن باراك اوباما يتصور ان صاحب القرار الايراني ليس فقط زاهدا باللقاء مع زعيم الدولة الكبرى في العالم اذا لم تتحقق شروط اللقاء، بل انه ليس على استعداد لان يمنحه جائزة المصافحة مجانا ! ولما كان الايراني يعرف ان الامريكي ما جاء ليحاوره الا مذعنا ومن موقع الضعيف والخاسر للحرب الكونية ضد دمشق، فقد رفض حصر الحوار والتفاوض حول النووي او تحمل شروطا تضر بحلفائه في محور المقاومة! لذلك تراه كان صارما في الشكل والمضمون عندما رأى تردد الامريكي في قبول الشروط فقرر ان يقفل راجعا الى بلاده رافضا 'شبهة' التسوية القلقة ! ولما كانت هي ايران التي انهكته في العراق واربكته في افغانستان وساهمت في اذلاله على بوابات دمشق واجباره بسحب ورقة العدوان فقد قرر اوباما في اللحظة الاخيرة استدعاء ذاكرته بانه وعد بالتطبيع مع طهران باي ثمن كان، فقرر استدراك ما فاته بالتهاتف فورا مع الزائر الشيخ الاكثر دهاء قبل مغطرته نيويورك ! من جهة اخرى فان يقول الشيخ حسن روحاني لمراسل السي ان ان في نيويورك بانه يملك الصلاحيات الواسعة واللامحدودة من قبل ' الزعيم الايراني' للحوار مع الغرب عموما والولايات المتحدة الامريكية خصوصا 'من اجل التوصل لحل سياسي مشرف للمسألة النووية الايرانية وانه لو اقتضت المصالح الايرانية العليا لالتقيت اوباما اليوم ' انما كان يعكس فيما يعكس امرين اخرين مهمين لم يلتقطهما لا الغرب ولا الذين روجوا طوال فترة انعقاد الجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة لاحتمالات تقديم ايران لتنازلات مؤلمة وضعها البعض في خانة جرعة السم التي اضطرت القيادة الايرانية العليا لتناولها في نهاية الحرب العراقية الايرانية في اواخر العام 1988م ! وهذان الامران المهمان جدا للمتابعين للشان الايراني هما: اولا: ان من منح هذه الصلاحيات هو الرجل الاول في النظام اي القائد الامام السيد علي الخامنئي والذي بامكانه ان يسحبها تماما كما منحها متى شاء وانه قد وضعها مشروطة في اطار تحقق المصالح الوطنية الايرانية العليا! ثانيا: ان النافذة الديبلوماسية المفتوحة والتي تأتي هذه المرة كمبادرة من جانب طهران وليس من جانب واشنطن انما تصلح 'لزمن محدود وليس الى ما لا نهاية' كما عبر روحاني نفسه لمراسل التلفزيون الامريكي، ما يعني ان الخيارات الاخرى امام ايران واردة في اللحظة التي تعتقد فيها طهران بان زمن الفسحة المعطاة لواشنطن قد نفدت ! لماذا هذان الامران المرادفان للمبادرة الايرانية مهمان الى هذه الدرجة لدى المتابعين والقارئين للسياسة في ايران؟ اولا: لان طهران التي تتحرك اليوم من موقع المبادر من خلال تكليف الشيخ روحاني بهذه المهمة لاجل تسهيل مهمة حكومته انما تتقدم هي قبل الادارة الامريكية بهذه الخطوة الهامة ودون انتظار رد الفعل الامريكي المتوقع على المبادرة انما يعكس موقع القوة الذي تتمتع به ايران في المعادلتين الاقليمية والدولية. |
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Encounters a US-Iran confuses Arabia
D. Rasheed
must consider the Gulf (Persian), led by Saudi Arabia to the US
encounters Iran at the level of Foreign Ministers in New York caution
reflecting such transient encounters desire Iranian President Hassan
Rohani to reach an understanding on Iran's nuclear program, on the one
hand and the desire of US President Barack Obama exceeded provincial and
hostility, which lasted for more than four decades decades.
John Kerry with Mohammad Javad Zarif was not a coincidence, where
appeared the features of Iranian-American rapprochement clearly appear
on the back of winning the debate over weapons of Bashar al-Assad
chemical under the American umbrella Russian reached the Syrian dilemma
to the United Nations Council and disappeared claims to bring down
Assad's rule, which was Saudi Arabia demanded by more than two years ago
and topped the issue of chemical weapons discussion forums and
controversy than glossy Arabia demands but marginalized by the Iranian
approach is what makes the US comes at the moment you feel that the
Saudi project to get rid of the Assad regime under consideration may not
be achieved in the near future.
Saudi Arabia failed to persuade the US administration to attack
directly to Iran turn the page on a military solution by the United
States and "Israel" and the direction of precisely the United States
toward diplomatic solution to the outstanding issues in the Middle East,
in collaboration with Russia and found Arabia itself is able to track
the foreign policy of the US control United, which reflects first and
foremost the national interests of the United States, which may be in
conflict or inconsistent with the interests of regional players in the
region, despite the fact that those of the most important allies of the
United States, where military and intelligence cooperation and economic
interests were previously of the most important engines of the US-Saudi
Arabia and the Gulf and its neighbors remains of the most important
centers of US military power and fleets not only protect the systems but
to protect American hegemony in the Gulf region. Despite
the apparent hostility between Iran and the United States, but the
understanding had happened before, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan,
where the United States has entered into a long wars of the areas have a
common border with Iran, but the public official meetings witnessed by
the New York between the two foreign ministers chemical Syrian weapons
dilemma gave the message clear and explicit that convergence will result
in a close Iran may come out of its isolation in the West and return to
diplomatic arenas as they were in the past.
West would not run in a military clash with Iran, an important Arab
voices rose to claim such a confrontation has convinced the West since
the period that he could not in the region controlled by putting full
weight behind ally a regional one, but that the national interests
served by the diversity of sources of domination and spaces and the
United States in particular policy does not want to The dominance be
entirely dependent on Saudi ally, especially since there are a lot of
commentators and US advisers who are not assured of their hearts to the
Saudi regime, and also that such people are still suffering from
Afghanistan and Iraq knots and long wars America there in addition to
knot the events of September atheist and that accused by the Saudi
policy of religious discourse in American journalism for more than a
decade Fitrdd those put their weight behind a regional ally Saudi Arabia
look of US policy are clear, especially during Obama's term, which more
than once he was elected to end America's foreign wars do not start a
new war, and here is probably wants to end the current rule to reach a
memorandum of understanding with Iran to end hostility and previous
province to achieve a victory for his policy and pave the way for a
period of New rule win the Democratic party.
here the case of anticipation begins Arabia, which until this moment
did not succeed to reach its goal, which exclude Iran from the Arab
arena as a prelude to extend its hegemony and especially in the hot
areas of the Arab world influence.
the exorbitant money spent by Saudi Arabia on foreign projects in
Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and Syria, but the economic strength of this has
proved that it is not enough to issue Saudi Arabia on the Arab arena The
Arab world today seems more complicated than resolve it and the
disintegration of Madilath oil money Arabia, especially as the
confluence of private US global interests The Russian proved to be the
most important demands of the Saudi national interests.
United States and Saudi Arabia and the apprehension of not appear clear
and explicit, but he seemed to stir US policy lines cautious towards
the Saudi regime. The United States continues to believe
implicitly that the Saudi environment and the policy of self-system
capable of spawning terrorism, which accounted for the American
imagination and has been associated with a private policy of religious
Saudi direction and did not get rid America of obsessed with this
terrorism, which remains pegged to the US Palmkhilh Saudi religious
thought and here looking the United States is always looking for ways
and ways you can help protect themselves from this danger, which I used
the US administration to be traced back to the environment Arabia
despite sings US efforts Arabia and programs, counseling designed by
Saudi Interior Minister Mohammed bin Nayef, wrote about the American
press admired and appreciated as an achievement Local effective design
in the fight against terrorism and will continue to the United States to
cooperate Saudi regime with a strategic ally to fight the ban, which
did not shrink or fade away despite immunization Saudi inside him but he
came out of this arena and moved to other areas.
the United States will continue to try to end the total dependence on
Saudi Arabia to activate the new diplomacy with Iran despite the Saudi
and Gulf fear of any future rapprochement between the two countries. The
question that arises the moment about the position of Saudi Arabia from
this convergence, which monitored the Saudi leadership gingerly what
are the implications for the region in general and Saudi Arabia in
any attempt to curtail Iran's nuclear projects he must be reflected
positively on the peace in the Gulf region in particular near the
Iranian facilities of the region in particular.
perhaps the US Iranian rapprochement lead to a breakthrough on the
Syrian arena alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people and solve the
lingering crisis and that could not be resolved Saudi efforts despite
all the initiatives and funding for the parties to the conflict to
Arabia may be able to undermine the power of any political or
diplomatic solution to resolve this crisis, and it has a private
communication with the Syrian armed parties may prolong the crisis
Saudi Arabia to reconsider its policy of absolute domination of the
Arab and regional arena where it does not have the force of only
petrodollars seems unable to impose itself on the scene without
resorting to the wealth and this is what may make them take greater
steps of the military clout.
Arabia does not accept that compete with one of its Gulf neighbors,
which in turn used the economic heft, but it remains up to this moment
is not able to compete with the current Iranian diplomacy.
was on Saudi Arabia to reach an understanding with Iran, a nearby
region in isolation from other regional powers or global than it will go
a long way to overcome entirely by the United States or Russia, just as
it did during the discussion of the current Syrian crisis.
Saudi Arabia flights sporadic and scattered to Moscow by Bandar bin
Sultan, but the Russian-American understanding, which was followed by
the US Iranian rapprochement has proved not to Saudi Arabia's ability to
penetrate international diplomacy.
Arabia has missed a golden opportunity in the past and is now a single
look at the role of the observer obsessed by the turn of events in the
region is able to control their results to their advantage.
Arabia has long been practiced hidden diplomacy will not be able to
prove its existence, especially in a new phase and it must be liberated
from Iran knots are also dealing with it as a regional power, just as
its ally the United States got rid of this node regionally .
Source: Jerusalem Arab
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* Washington urges paced toward Tehran .. penetrate or maneuver? Ali Ebadi, Iran is aware of the need of the United States to hold direct meetings with the conclusion of bilateral settlement, but believes that the hasty steps may be free trump America's paper recognizes Iran also said Washington will spare no effort in working to drop the internal immunity to US policies, they may deliberately to view public relations initiatives to improve its negotiating position at the expense of Iran there is a new international climate unleash expectations of a quick solution to the Iranian nuclear file, which took years of negotiations, but the test of intentions in the details! negotiations regarding the nuclear file Iran will not be a quick and easy under the terms and conditions of Anti between Washington and Tehran, at a time when it seems that the US strategy is still focused on the adaptation of the Islamic Republic based on the sword of economic sanctions and the time factor, while Iranian officials have said is to speed up the completion of the negotiations and reach an agreement within One year is the most fundamental criterion for judging the seriousness of the other party. And predictors of recent signals unprecedented that appeared recently in New York went to the launch of negotiations at a different pace, but starting points conflicting American and Iranian parties Rest shadow over the course of the talks, especially in light of a failed historical experiences and the lack of confidence and spacing attitudes regarding regional policies on the Middle East arena. a history of failed attempts when they fell to US National Security Adviser Robert Macfrln in Tehran in 1986 in a secret adventure aimed to weave relations with the Islamic republic with a "gift" is a set of "Tao" anti-armor missiles, erupted at the time what my name later "Irangate" scandal to disclose the US rush in search of something to do with Tehran's Revolution that toppled the pro-American regime and "Chertiha in the Gulf" in the year 1979. The Americans had been unable to understand the lessons of this experience, which ruled on the political future of McFarlane and nearly succeeded in toppling President Ronald Reagan, who denied knowledge of the subject , sacrificing Colonel Oliver North scapegoat in this case. Long years before that Washington is trying to once again extend strings relationship with Iran for recognizing the importance of taming this important regional player who has the capabilities and characteristics of the geo-strategically unique Islamic Revolutionary his regime. When US forces Afghanistan was occupied in 2001 and Iraq in 2003, was in the mind of Washington that Tehran Sthra to affairs in order with this "neighbor" of the new emergency on the eastern and western borders, but Tehran has been betting on the US sinking in the sands of the region, and saw in it an opportunity to weaken its strategic location acquired. Soon the US began looking for "cooperation" Tehran to resolve the problem, and the ambassadors meeting US and Iranian Ryan Cracker and Hassan Kazemi Qomi in Baghdad in 2007, and one session and the US discovered Iran that is not easy to achieve, and the same on a long and arduous debate. Later, the American side work to examine preparations Iranian side to extend bilateral relations by trying to hold a bilateral meeting between the presidents of the two delegations negotiations to 5 +1 with Iran, was not able to Deputy Assistant Secretary of State William Burns to convince the head of the Iranian delegation, Saeed Jalili, to hold a meeting so. Repeated again in another session in vain. Breaking the reluctance with developments, it turned out the Syrian crisis and the American retreat from military hit, opened an international door to give and take is based on the estimates in Washington that Iran could be an important player in the scheduled on Syria Geneva Conference, after it was US administration mind it reasoned that position that Iran was "part of the problem rather than part of the solution." Now change the US and Western mood in this regard and Pat talk Alraúj- in light of the existing balance of power Halaa- that negotiating a major way to resolve conflicts and thorny issues valuable this region. And picked up the US administration signals from Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rohani about ready to settle Iran's nuclear program and cooperation with regard to solving regional issues, worked on drawing a new strategy to deal with the situation is very complex in the Middle East, depending on the tactical gains if accumulated can be a triumph of the size of strategic. The mounting interest in US President Barack Obama's administration making a breakthrough on the Iranian track, and deliberately sent prior signals in the direction of Tehran, such as "not exclude" a direct meeting between the US president and his Iranian counterpart on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations, and in that diplomatic way open to the proposal for a bilateral meeting. But the Iranian side realized that such a meeting would be an achievement US purely might hurt situated negotiating and opens the door for debate in Iran about the wisdom of step demolishes "immune" about the United States and show Tehran's like someone running behind the search for a solution, any solution. The mandate of Obama's foreign minister to attend meeting 5 +1 with Iran in New York a second signal to the American desire to raise the level of direct encounter with Tehran quickly. Even when it became clear that the meeting of the two presidents can not be due to "lack of time", as expressed President Rohani, did not give the US president of trying to open a high-touch channel level through conversation Rohani, even on a phone Iran's ambassador to the United Nations. It does not matter what is said in this conversation, It is important for the US side of a breakthrough in Iran's home and break the opposition, and this gain has in itself. Americans have seen in any internal Iranian debate about the way the nuclear file management opportunity to raise this argument by presenting the temptations and the like and the practice of letters of public relations on the way Obama's speech to the Iranians in the festival of Nowruz four years ago. From the standpoint of Tehran, is the internal unity leading power factors in the Islamic regime's position, so it is a perceived scenarios about repeated US attempts former and current to open a gap in the Iranian position is split internal row built and mount on the anti "global arrogance" and the US in particular. Khanak another point regarding the site leader of Islamic Republic of Iran in the region, He is fully aware that he can not overdo it, Valaaon fastened to Iran, which is negotiating with dignity and professionalism without abandon maxims or its allies, which have proved over many years that it faithful to its allies and take their issues in international forums tirelessly. negotiating climate new but Is direct meetings and negotiations means that the wall higher hostility rise between Tehran and Washington could fall in close range? The answer is not simple, but we should remember the fact that the US goal that has not changed is the containment of Iran and rising powers other, and represent the sanctions a key weapon in the hands of the United States of America On the way to achieve this goal. For its part, Iran will not be satisfied with little in any settlement, they are talking on a high note, but thought in the quest to dismantle the sanctions that hit around over the years past chains, so we see it confirms to hold on to its nuclear rights and reiterates its position of principle in terms of foreign policy, especially its stance on the issue Palestinian. So is the conflict between the two parties will not be able to resolve all contentious issues as long as Washington is still dealing with Iran as a country in the Third World can give up everything to meet the lifting of sanctions. It is true that in Iran, some voices calling for openness on West from the slogan "Iran first", but these votes isolated do not have efficiency conferred by converting the direction of the country, and the leadership of the Islamic Republic, acting on the basis that things in the current reality tend to their advantage in many aspects and that the international situation is changing in the direction contrary to the American vision. However , specifically the nuclear issue will not solve any time soon in the absence of a direct understanding between Washington and Tehran, and already through Mohamed ElBaradei when he was director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency about this conviction during one of his visits to Tehran. There is a new international climate suggests that some of the conditions are now in front of the two sides to approach this file without the prior dictates of the base recognition of the need to take steps unusual, in that general international interest, especially with the growing conviction of the need to rid the Middle East of nuclear weapons (and this of course bother willingly Israel) down to dealing with peaceful nuclear energy, a lot of diligence and vigilance. Again, the negotiations will not be easy in the nuclear matter, because Americans will enter in the details that lead them to push the Israelis. The Iranians are no less attention to detail, and who Erhqgua negotiator six major countries over the long sessions and said about them once a Western diplomat that when you agree with them on the purchase of a table of them, you need to negotiate with them twice: once at the table making, and again to make their legs! * America's partner ban, not the solution !! addressed Iranian newspapers in Tehran Monday, a number of topics, editorials and articles, miscellaneous related to foreign policy file in Iran. newspaper Joan: America intermediate sanctions, not the solution !! Juan newspaper, we find an analytical article writer Hussein Kadiana, "where says the dial which was scheduled to reduce the Smaکh wall of mistrust between Iran and the United States, it seems that on the contrary, has increased on the wall several Atwab again! The newspaper added that most of the international media, focused when dealing with the news of the telephone call between Obama and spiritual, on the subject of the connected party first? But why is the subject of the connected party first in this class of internationally important? Is not such an allergy show the height of the strategic hostility between America and Iran? van was diplomatic disputes resolved telephone call or meeting a year or several private meetings, shows us Here clearly the extent of distrust between the two sides after this phone call, Both sides spoke honestly and transparently for the principles of contradictory initial positions as the spiritual talked about the dignity and wisdom and the interests of Iran and not to deviate from the Leader of the Revolution policies, Obama, he spoke about the continuation of the American friendship Zionism. Now why All this debate about who started in the dial. But we ask the chief executive, even if the talks with the United States in these circumstances of diplomatic rules, what is the need of the contact first? The paper adds, if the settlement problems mortgage - at least in relation to the issue of the ban to Iran and Alqtzaia Other America - direct negotiation, why So do not proud of who started the first contact?. The author explains, we naturally do not have the slightest doubt about the good intentions of representatives of the Islamic Republic, also thank them for their words and actions at the United Nations, but it's very unlikely that we can change America involved in the ban to key to remove it through negotiations, and because it while being a telephone Obama and Netanyahu in touch, to Ansama them pointless debate about the axioms and priorities of contact !!. The newspaper noted the need to lift the ban by the breakthrough and not through bargaining, and that the moderates and diplomats that must understand and respect the sons of the Khomeini revolution and sons Leader Khamenei. In conclusion, the paper wrote, yes we are revolutionaries, we will not give all our principles and our statements and actions !!. * cold realism essence of Obama's foreign policy "cold realism essence of Obama's foreign policy" under this title Eugene Robinson wrote in the Washington Post article, he considered "If US President Barack Obama was a perfect day in the field of foreign policy, it is now not the case." "since his speech at the United Nations Tuesday, elevated to the level of realism document to defend the fundamental interests of the United States," "through the use of force when necessary - without trying to impose American values on unprepared or unwilling societies. " "speech has laid the Obama doctrine to meet the rapidly changing world and is full of old and new risks". , where Obama said: "We will continue to promote these ideals (US), But as we are aware that it is rarely what we can achieve these goals through the American work from one side, and that democracy can not simply be imposed by force. " He noted writer that "two years ago, it seemed the exception of American policy in the Middle East, US support for ownership authoritarian in Bahrain, which violently suppress pro-democracy protests. " "Obama's words at the United Nations indicate that such realpolitik will be the norm from now on." On the evolution of US relations - Iran, the author of the Washington Post says that "President Hassan Rohani may not be willing or domain to reach a settlement (in the nuclear issue) during the next three months, he says, but the lack of discovery that would be a tragic mistake. " "At the same time, the Syrian experience revealed the extent of American reluctance to think about a new war in the Middle East . " The author believes that "the popular rejection of the overwhelming military action in Syria should be seen as a guidance to explore all avenues of negotiation before resorting to force." * pride Iranian brightened in New York full Kanani Iranian Atharelhoudor at the United Nations, headed by Sheikh spiritual attention and follow-up politicians and media Media world to await the result by the Iranian negotiations the US. The results were exceeding many observers analyzes and overtaking a more positive outlook in a humidified atmosphere between the two countries. solving asked the White House for a meeting between the two presidents thunderbolt on the Zionist heads, and some Arab regimes Almtkhademh with them in the region, and with rejection Sheikh spiritual meeting, saying only a phone call until the order of preparations over the process, it turned out very well that the pride of Iran, stamina painted diplomatic positions prudently and gorgeous. There is no great hopes attached to the Iranians to the United States, but to neutralize enemies and prevent them from tightening enmities policy, and not give them excuses leading to more of rivalry resulted in the announcement of the United States clear policy error, or at least not seek to change the system, as well as the recognition of Iran's right to peaceful nuclear program, a patchwork rejected during previous years under the pretext of suspicion by turning to the program of military militarization. We can say that the first round of the conflict, which lasted for more than three decades ended in favor of the Islamic Republic and the recognition of the near and distant that hostility policy and litigation and moving the neighboring countries against Iran, Islam did not lead to the weakening of Iran not to break neutralize, but overtaken by Iran, a lift and dearest and most powerful, and that the claims of the Zionists, which was to frighten the world for 22 years from nuclear bomb Iran is no longer true by one. opportunity is now available for new construction does not support Altdgej and intimidation, but the relationship on the basis of the real deal, which shortened Sheikh diplomatic Hakim wonderful sentence when he said, is not enough to assume from disagree with him, but should look for frames for constructive relationship with him for safety services and peace, and thus establishes Sheikh new theory in international relations contradiction of US policy (theory that whoever is not with me is against me) ,,, and turned adversaries into potential partners in a constructive and positive relationship, while maintaining the freedom of difference and multiplicity of views. The Matkdmh Iran to the region and the world is solutions that are realistic and wise policy is able to address the challenges in a way actually Tsralsidik and Ngad enemy Akidaozlk what we observe on the faces of lovers and Tkotaibat foreheads Alambgdan without the need to call them Vslokhm and statements expressive enough sapiens Allbeb. * encounters a US-Iran confuses Arabia d. Rasheed / Quds Al-Arabi must consider the Gulf (Persian), led by Saudi Arabia to the US encounters Iran at the level of Foreign Ministers in New York with caution as to reflect such transient encounters desire Iranian President Hassan Rohani to reach an understanding on Iran's nuclear program, on the one hand and the desire US President Barack Obama exceeded the provincial contracts and hostility, which lasted for more than four decades. He did not meet with John Kerry with Mohammad Javad Zarif, coincidentally, where appeared the features of Iranian-American rapprochement clearly appear on the back of winning the debate over weapons of Bashar al-Assad chemical under the American umbrella Russian reached the Syrian dilemma to the United Nations Council and disappeared claims to drop Assad's rule and that Saudi Arabia was claimed by more than two years and topped the issue of chemical weapons, discussion forums and controversy than glossy Arabia demands but marginalized by what makes Iran's approach to the US comes at a moment felt by Saudi Arabia that the project to get rid of Assad's regime under consideration may not be achieved in the near future. After Saudi Arabia failed to persuade the US administration to attack directly to Iran turn the page on a military solution by the United States and "Israel" and the direction of precisely the United States toward diplomatic solution to the outstanding issues in the Middle East, in collaboration with Russia I found Arabia itself is able to track the foreign policy of the United States, which reflects first and foremost control the national interests of the United States, which may be in conflict or inconsistent with the interests of regional players in the region, despite the fact that those of the most important allies of the United States, where military and intelligence cooperation and economic interests were previously of the most important engines Saudi Arabia's US alliance. remains Saudi Arabia and its Gulf neighbors of the most important centers of US military power and fleets not only protect the systems but to protect American hegemony in the Gulf region. Despite the apparent hostility between Iran and the United States, but the understanding had happened before, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan, where the United States has entered into a long wars of the areas have a common border with Iran, but the public official meetings witnessed by the New York between the two foreign ministers chemical Syrian weapons dilemma gave the message clear and explicit that convergence will result in a close Iran may come out of its isolation in the West and return to diplomatic arenas as they were in the past. The West would not run in a military clash with Iran, an important Arab voices claim such confrontation rose has convinced the West since the time he could not region Control by putting full weight behind ally a regional one, but that the national interests served by the diversity of sources of domination and spaces and the United States in particular policy does not want to dominate be entirely dependent on Saudi ally, especially since there are a lot of commentators and US advisers who are not assured of their hearts to the Saudi regime, and also that such as those still suffering from Afghanistan and Iraq knots and long wars America there in addition to knot the events of September atheist, which accused the Saudi policy of religious discourse in American journalism for more than a decade Fitrdd they put their weight behind Saudi Arabia as an ally of regional and single. The look of US policy clear, especially during Obama's term, which more than once he was elected to end America's foreign wars do not start a new war, and here is probably wants to end the current rule to reach a memorandum of understanding with Iran to end hostility and previous province to achieve a victory for his policy and pave the way for the new rule wins the Democratic Party. From here the case of anticipation Saudi Arabia, which until this moment did not succeed to reach its goal to start a removal of Iran from the Arab arena as a prelude to its hegemony and the extension, especially in hot from the Arab world, areas of influence. Despite the exorbitant money spent by Saudi Arabia on foreign projects in Egypt, Bahrain and Yemen وسورية الا ان القوة الاقتصادية هذه قد اثبتت انها ليست كافية لتصدر السعودية على الساحة العربية فالعالم العربي اليوم يبدو اكثر تعقيدا من ان تحله وتفكك معضلاته اموال النفط السعودية خاصة وان التقاء المصالح العالمية خاصة الامريكية والروسية اثبت انه اهم من المطالب السعودية ومصالحها القومية. وتوجس الولايات المتحدة من السعودية وان لم يظهر واضحا وصريحا الا انه على ما يبدو يحرك خطوط السياسة الامريكية الحذرة تجاه النظام السعودي. Last edited by Abobrir, 09.30.2013 time eleven forty-nine PM . |
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* Canada calls to keep the '' tough sanctions '' against Tehran saw Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird Monday that the international community should keep the "tough sanctions" against Iran to force Tehran to "change direction" in its nuclear program. He said Baird of the platform United Nations General Assembly that "the worm words and smile and act tactful can not replace concrete action." * Netanyahu in Washington: the face of the Iranian nuclear first Netanyahu's visit to Washington: a propaganda campaign against Tehran announced by US President Barack Obama, after his meeting with the President of the Zionist entity Government Benjamin Netanyahu, they agreed to "prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons," adding that the "Iran combine words with deeds to earn the confidence of the international community." He noted that his country "will consult with Israel significantly on any talks with Iran." The Hebrew media described Netanyahu's visit to Washington today as the most important in the last march, to confront Iran's nuclear program. She Hebrew news, that Netanyahu will be presented in front of Obama's dossier intelligence up to date on the progress of an Iranian in its nuclear program, and the newspaper "Maariv" said that "Iranian involvement in terrorism in the Middle East and the world against Jewish and Israeli targets." "Maariv" that described the red Netanyahu lines as "crushed" in the face of Iran, indicated Netanyahu, along with the Gulf states, led by Saudi Arabia, fear of US-Iranian deal bad for him, and a negotiated path that would in time allow Iran to move towards a nuclear bomb, with a large cancellation penalties. She said that "the prime minister will ask Obama should be to freeze the Iranians all uranium enrichment activities during the talks and negotiations, and remove and directed all the enriched uranium from the level of at least 20 percent of Iran, as well as to stop the construction of heavy-water reactor in the city of Arak to produce Alpolowcnyum, and closing Fordow facility in Qom. " The newspaper reported that Netanyahu will confirm in front of Obama it You can not talk about peace and diplomacy and negotiations, at a time when Iran continues to enrich uranium and to continue on its nuclear program, noting that the Red Line, which Netanyahu put it in his speech at the United Nations last year, has been completely crushed, after Tehran succeeded in developing centrifuges very sophisticated, would enable the Iranians to quickly jump to the high uranium levels, up to uranium 90 percent speed record, in preparation for the manufacture of the first nuclear bomb. According to "Maariv", Netanyahu decided to extend his stay in the United States, and will be on Wednesday and Thursday, more than ten Interviews in US media for the transfer of important messages for him, specifically with regard to the issue of negotiating with Iran, noting that part of the propaganda campaign, which will be conducted by Netanyahu, will participate in the Israeli ambassador to the United States, Michael Oren, who will work to recruit members of Congress and warn of negotiations with Iran. * Is the possession of Netanyahu's new evidence about Iran's nuclear program? Prime Minister of the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu meet at the White House in Washington on Monday evening with US President Barack Obama, while referring to reports that the Iranian nuclear program will top the acts of their talks agenda. She Israeli radio that he expected that Netanyahu presented to President Obama, documents and intelligence to prove (as he claimed) that Iran continues efforts to acquire nuclear weapons. Netanyahu is due to meet with US Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry and then deliver a speech at the UN General Assembly United. It is said that Netanyahu extended the period of his visit to the United States for another day in order to conduct interviews with some of the American media. It seems that the big concerns felt by the Prime Minister of the Israeli entity about the outcome of the recent visit of Iranian President to New York, but it has stressed that his visit is aimed at addressing the attitudes and spiritual statements. The newspaper "Yisrael Hayom," wrote yesterday, quoting Netanyahu as saying: "Soon I will reveal the facts of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Disclosure of the facts frustrate vague statements of Iranian President. Addressing remarks Iranian President essential to global peace and ensure the security of our being to lay. " * Netanyahu raise the roof conditions on Obama to get a minimum! failure is the determination inevitable Israeli attempts to obstruct the American Iranian detente Aqeel Sheikh Hussein in the red lines that will seek to carry the American President Barack Obama, to abide by them in the negotiations with Iran, it seems the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, like Balmarchal Petain when it came to the Second World War, carrying weapons of World War I, and all he thinks it will force the Germans to sign a reconciliation harsher and humiliation of the Treaty of Versailles Treaty which they had been forced to sign after their defeat in 1918. full Valoagaf uranium enrichment and give up enriched uranium so far and the dismantling of Iran's nuclear facilities, any conditions that Netanyahu wants Obama not to accept anything less than in negotiations with Iran, are the conditions of the kind that could have been for Israelis superimposed forty years ago, any day he was still able to bomb the Iraqi nuclear reactor, or to achieve victories in wars getaways was raging outside the occupied territories, and without that this land is under no amount of threat. Certainly that Netanyahu knows that he is playing a losing pre-game , but he played with it for a lot request to ensure getting a little. There is no doubt that he is betting on inter papers is that they may be useful in achieving its purpose. ... Netanyahu resentment of the American-Iranian rapprochement of these papers bet on who can influence lobbyists Zionist activist in the United States can have on Obama. And perhaps also the role might play in this direction diplomats from countries of the Gulf and other Arab countries, observers said they were in contact and hold meetings on the sidelines of the General Assembly of the United Nations with Israeli officials, cassette common concern about the breakthrough is possible in US-Iranian relations, and in order to coordinate positions to cope with such This development. And also, trying to discredit Iran's intentions restorative through the announcement by the Israeli authorities, such as travel Netanyahu to New York, about the arrest of a spy is said to be working on behalf of Iran in possession of photographs of embassies and institutions of Western in Tel Aviv. In the context of trying to discredit itself, Israeli media working on to promote an atmosphere of "nuclear terror," which claims that threat, "Israel," which hopes through constipation again paper blackmail Westerners on the subject of the Holocaust after the withdrawal of the Iranian president, Hassan Rohani, this paper from their hands remarks, which declined to a denial of the persecution of Jews by the Nazis , with emphasis on the commission of the Nazis for crimes against the group does not give this group any right to occupy other people's land. For this purpose, was to highlight what has been said that intelligence documents Netanyahu would bring him to New York to prove allegations that Tehran is working on a military nuclear program . As quoted by the Israeli media, quoting official sources, Thualat type that Iran now possesses a nuclear bomb, or bombs, according to another report that the problem is no longer limited to prevent Iran from acquiring the bomb, but to prevent them from using it against "Israel." Is be a real breakthrough! It has become clear that the US President, Barack Obama, does not intend to give in, despite the difficulty, the pressure, Netanyahu Thualath. Did Obama Istbashr Emma Astbashar when the Iranian president's remarks in which the possibility of meeting him on the sidelines of the current session of the United Nations did not rule heard? Pain betting, when plug it spiritual door that hope, even to meet its collections by accident in one of the corridors of the United Nations building. When turned spiritual about a plane back to Tehran, pain Obama waives pride that are supposed to stick to the head of a superpower, when asked for a phone call with him pursuant to rule the famous theory "that the mountain to the did not come, I go to him?" that disappointment Israelis and others Almkhdhulin in the region will not be limited, if the relation between the United States and Iran in the way of a real breakthrough, at Washington's failure to listen to their cry with regard to Iran's nuclear program, especially after Obama's approval of Iran's right to a peaceful nuclear program. Valikhyeeh also extend to what will lead to the breakthrough of consensus regarding regional files in a very sensitive, not least what he meant Obama, in his speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations, when he stressed that the mainstays for his second term with respect to both the region, the "no" clear and decisive to the presence of arms nuclear in the Middle East, and the "yes" clear Israeli-Palestinian peacemaking. A peace that can not be, from the standpoint of Iran and the axis of resistance, be achieved without the restoration of the Palestinian people for the entire rights. * differences between Peres and Netanyahu about the Iranian-American rapprochement appear publicly floated the differences between Israeli Prime entity Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the surface following the conflicting statements The criticism mutual each other at the level of the internal affairs department and dealing with foreign policy files. In the latest position him Peres criticized used sarcasm tone in his being against the United States accused Palankhaddaa Iranian President Hassan Rohani on the nuclear issue. He told Israeli Army Radio: «We may agree or not agree (with the Americans), but I do not like the tone of this contempt, Others, their minds are thinking it, too, but we're not the only ». He went on saying that "this is not a reason not to talk with the Americans, or even try to influence them. We have to talk to each other." came Perez's comments immediately after the departure of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to the United States, where he will meet US President Barack Obama, and deliver a speech before the Assembly General of the United Nations in New York. Netanyahu claimed before his departure that he «will tell the truth in front of a campaign courtship (spiritual) and smiles and words sweet, you must provide the facts and tell the truth today is vital for the security and peace of the world and" Israel "». It was Netanyahu alluding to the campaign diplomacy carried out by the Iranian president at the United Nations and the conversation telephone with US President in the first contact at this level since the 1979 Islamic revolution. chirp Netanyahu Netanyahu out of tune ahead of events, saying that "nothing has changed" in Iran's nuclear program, and he will try to convince the international community "continue the pressure and even tougher sanctions on Tehran and especially not mitigated," with an emphasis on the military option against Iran must remain on the table. On the other hand, the newspaper "Jerusalem Post" Israeli revealed on its website that Netanyahu expressed through private meetings in recent support to strike Iran's nuclear facilities even if not "Israel" can fully Iran's nuclear program destruction. Perez was spoken out earlier, in a series of interviews to the Israeli media position of refusing to wage war on Iran, called Netanyahu's office to expedite the issuance of a statement criticizing the Perez to, say, the issue is not of his powers, while the Israeli press came out with a series articles advocating predominantly overwhelming President Pierce. The newspaper "Yediot Ahronot", Peres says his associates, that Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak, "acting lack of national responsibility and that the modus operandi in the Iranian issue is not balanced. reveals this situation over the strained relations between Peres and Netanyahu in a series of issues, particularly because of disappointment Pierce Netanyahu because of his policy towards the Palestinian issue and the deadlock in the negotiations. * No Israeli resentment of US-Iranian rapprochement ?! apprehension Israeli entity wary of just words to a speech by US President at the United Nations where some soft on Iran, where erupted enraged Israelis of courtship that Obama tried to show it in the speech toward Iran, which could be at their expense as they claim, and as indicated report of Israeli Channel X .. In addition, he said international news editor for the Israeli Channel Ten Nadav Eyal in the report: First expect speech Khalasia of President Obama, who became agitated from a spiritual initiative and facial conciliatory with the West, and I hope so salvation is expected to disappoint the hope and expectation skeptical and cautious on the part of the American president in the end he has to pleased, he said. He added: they can clearly say that in Jerusalem, he was a speech very Cecchekia about the possibility for a breakthrough with Iran, there was a stage where Obama spoke about the need for exhausting the diplomatic track, in other words, in order to move to other tracks and we should remember that it convince all of the international community if they also had to get to the military operation, the topic that emphasized it and put the dignity of the American presidency it is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, on the one hand the Iranian issue expressed skepticism, and the subject of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and peace negotiations expressed optimism exceeded caution and called on all parties To join, as he put it. He continued: But strategic Thread the most important is the subject does not eat enough in "Israel", Obama says that America would fight for its vital interests, you think because of Congress and other reasons, we may withdraw from the world, we do not withdraw, and you do not want to live in a world that we pull out of it, he said. The head of the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu has commented on Obama's speech at the United Nations, saying: "I appreciate President Obama's speech that the conciliatory words by Iran should be matched by acts of transparent and reliable, I am looking forward impatiently to discuss this , with the president in Washington next week, these words can not replace the work, such as North Korea before it, Iran is trying to lift the sanctions, by offering concessions worthless, and continue to proceed with the process of obtaining a nuclear weapon, "Israel" welcomes any diplomatic solution real deprive Iran of its ability to develop a nuclear weapon, but we will not rest on steps Mottagzoh is just a guise true to develop a nuclear weapon to the intentions of Iran, "he said. It is the tenth channel report expressed his opinion the Israeli political analyst on Netanyahu's speech, saying: Netanyahu says the obvious can not say anything else before meeting in Obama, I think you can sense fear core is from Obama himself, that Obama already goes to a deal on the "Israeli" account, I think more is an important event on the Israeli domestic scene is precisely the statement Yair Lapid, senior partner for Netanyahu and who has not heard recently, and certainly not in this regard, he is abroad, but from his place of residence abroad, issued a statement saying that the matter which Netanyahu issued by the absence of representatives of "Israel" during a speech Iranian President Rouhani at the United Nations is a mistake, but he even went so far as He said it Dboulmasah irrelevant, he said. He added: Yair Lapid bite of sees himself as a professor of diplomats in the modern period, Benjamin Netanyahu, says Lapid that this little what she was doing us of Arab States, I want to clarify why this is unusual, first because no one contrary to Israeli policy from inside "Israel" until now, and certainly not a major political partner, and certainly not in the context of such a step, in the Prime Minister's Office and elsewhere have expressed today about the big surprise of Lapid Statement. * concern (Israeli Arabic) is similar; convergence Iran US between editor strategy axes Prime Ghaleb Qandil said to fear the Israelis is that the shift happened in the US position towards Iran, pointing out that although the rapprochement between Iran and the United States is a dialogue on controversial issues, but he worried Arab regimes associated with the Americanised. said jellyfish in a statement to the world Sunday: Iran's nuclear program is the sovereign right absolute practiced by the Islamic Republic in Iran as part of owning the technology and the march of the industrial revolution launched by Iran, depending on the capabilities and self-capacity and partnerships set up by the region and the world from its anti-colonial domination of Zionism on the region and its commitment to the cause of Palestine site . He added: fear the Israelis today is that the shift happened in the US position and not in the Iranian position, Iran did not provide a waiver, President Rohani was firm even in Figure refused to shake hands passing the logic of public relations, therefore, Obama was forced to hold dial after the foreign ministers meeting. He continued: It is quite clear that Obama's speech itself that he secured recognition of Iran's right to peaceful nuclear program was a slap in the face of Israeli bets on the pricing of the conflict under the nuclear program title, I think that this matter has been overtaken by events and developments, we are in front of subordination and compliance with an American power equations and knows the Israelis meaning that Obama goes to the policy of this kind, after a strength test on the edge of the abyss. Kandil and explained that he was the world and the region, further locking breath after Obama's threat of aggression against Syria, and occupied the Iranian rocket engines far-reaching in the confirmation of the capabilities of deterrence system resistance, saying that I know Obama so he enters to the Great Hall in St. Petersburg, where the twentieth summit, adding that therefore the transformations taking place in the region on the US-Iranian relationship level comes after a strength test where things are pushed to the maximum after the US wars and failed defeats received by the United States and Israel. He said, adding: not a problem Arab regimes Wayne focus their sights, their problem where you receive instructions, we are in front of governments and regimes subsidiary of America subservient to Israel and is not acting as the Palestinian issue central issue, I have over 33 years we have seen how threw Iran weight in order to support the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine movements and how to set up a strategic partnership with Syria, Within this context, the context of the development of the anti-Zionist entity resistance at a time when Arab governments conspired against Iran, which was affiliated to the regime of the Shah client ally Israel first before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, this matter of the options and policies, and therefore not in the subject exchange of view, the Palestinian cause an open wound wrench continuous and Jerusalem converted Jew day and night, and talking day and night to pray in Jerusalem, did not intervene in Majhh Judaization and settlement and the threat of sanctuaries policy, I believe the lies of the Arab regime fell, the facts are very bright and Iranian model autonomous behavior the Almighty result of reliance on self-potential, this model slap Each memory behavior of Arab governments associated with the West. He Qandil: We are facing a new world balance and not just a new balance in the region, domination monounsaturated States ended and returned the United States is forced into the house of obedience in the UN Security Council after 30 years of orgies, acted in as the world's policeman, who choose where waging wars Wayne invades Wayne sends fleets and impose dictations, and therefore the world is going to a new Cold War refrain where invasions and major wars being waged by the United States and take conflicts forms emerging political, economic, security and technology in all areas of tension, in this sense a shift in the US position towards Iran is the result of a balance of power, Iran is a key partner in the formation of this balance, along with Russia and the BRICS, based on the resistance capable inflicted system defeats Israel, and therefore the American retreat from the domination Cdah is isolation mandatory, Israel not learn able to act today as they were over the past 30 years . وحول قلق دول عربية من التقارب الايراني الاميركي قال قنديل: ايران قوة مستقلة وهي تقيم علاقة صراع ندية مع الولايات المتحدة باعتبارها قوة عظمى صاعدة في هذه المنطقة وهي صاعدة على كل المستويات وايران هي قوة اقليمية قادرة تم يدها للتعاون مع الجميع، ولكن المشكلة في ذلك الجمع المرتبط بخطط النفوذ الاميركية وبمشاريع تصفية قضية فلسطين، تحدثوا طويلا عن نفوذ ايراني وعن نفوذ فارسي في المنطقة وكانوا يرمزون بذلك الى ما تلاقيه الجمهورية الاسلامية من تاييد وتجاوب ورضى في صفوف الراي العام العربي بسبب تبنيها لقضية فلسطين فذهبوا للتحريض على ايران بالف وسيلة ووسيلة، نحن امام حكومات ربطت مصيرها بهيمنة الاميركي وهي تابعة في هذا المجال وقد منعها الاميركيون من التجاوب مع دعوات الحوار والتعاون التي اطلقتها ايران، اليوم حين يتجه الاميركي للحوار مع ايران، هو حوار على قضايا خلافية وعلى جدول اعمال بنقاط خلاف، وايران دولة مؤسساتية تتعامل في علاقاتها الدولية بمنهجية وبناء على سلة من الاولويات والمبادئ التي تقوم على احترام السيادة الايرانية والاستقلال الايراني، وهذا نموذج لا تعرفه الحكومات الخليجية التي تسير في غالبها بتعليمات من موظفين صغار في السفارات الاميركية. * ماهي المسؤولية الجديدة للجبهة المناهضة للإمبريالية ؟ تنوعت القضايا التي تناولتها افتتاحيات ومقالات صحف طهران الصادرة الاثنين، ومن بينها المسؤولية الجديدة للجبهة المناهضة للامبريالية العالمية. صحيفة سياست روز: ماهي المسؤولية الجديدة للجبهة المناهضة للإمبريالية؟ نشرت صحيفة سياست روز على صدر صفحتها الدولية مقالا اعده الكاتب"علي تتماج" يتناول فيه المسؤوليات الجديدة للجبهة المناهضة للإمبريالية، فيقول: ان نظام الهيمنة بقيادة اميركا، حاول دائما ضمان مصالحه الذاتية من خلال ائتلاف الاستعمار واستغلال الدول الاخرى ومزاعم حقوق الانسان والدفاع عن البشرية ووضع القوانين الانتهازية . ونوهت الصحيفة الى ان هذه الجبهة اوجدت تحالفات للحرب وائتلافات للعدوان بقيادة حلف الناتو، والاتحاد الاوروبي وبعض الدول الصغيرة التي تدور في فلك الهيمنة الغربية. ويمضي المقال قائلا، انهم ومن خلال ايجاد هذه التحالفات المصطنعة، يحاولون اثارة الحروب واحتلال الدول الاخرى، بذريعة القانون والشرعية الدولية! Last edited by Abobrir, 10.01.2013 time twelve fourteen AM . |
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Jaafari: the positions of Rohani in New York from a position of strength while America's weak
stressed commanding general of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps in Iran Brigade "Mohammad Ali Jafari," that the positions taken by the president, "Hassan Rohani," in New York, which was from a position of strength and competence, pointing at the same time that it was better to dial between Obama and spiritual after proving Washington practically good intentions. In a statement to the Agency, "Tasneem" Iranian praised Brigade "Jafari" President "Hassan Rohani" to positions taken in New York on the sidelines of the meetings of the General Assembly United Nations, and stressed that it was from a position of strength and competence. He Gen. Jafari to the activities carried out by the Iranian delegation to the United Nations special President spiritual discourses value and press conferences, Maکda that the Iranian delegation proved to be Egypt's commitment to the principles of the Islamic revolution, and walk on approach its leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The opinion Gen. Jafari that the United States is now in a position of weakness. In contrast, enhanced power of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the regional and international levels, adding that the request to meet with the Iranian delegation by the government Alomirکah but reflects the strength and potency of the Islamic Iran. "It was better to be dial-up connection between Obama and spiritual after Washington practically prove its good intentions towards Tehran and delaying it until after that." |
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Do you assume Riyadh and Tehran manage the transition phase in Lebanon? Lebanese newspaper "ambassador" for the movement of veteran politician as saying that Saudi Arabia will come out of the meeting, the Iranian prospective agreement reap dividends in Lebanon, saying that the Jewish lobby and Saudi Arabia will put sticks in the spokes of US-Iranian relations. Under the title "Do you assume Riyadh and Tehran phase Transitional Administration in Lebanon?" "Ambassador," the Lebanese newspaper reported that "the Lebanese sovereign counting on Saudi-Iranian meeting, that it is imperative that Lebanon is on the agenda." The newspaper quoted Deputy veteran in the "Future Movement" that "each party will go to meet Eid al-Adha, carrying in his hand." map spread "from Syria to Yemen, through Iraq, Lebanon and Bahrain ... and then negotiate between Tehran and Riyadh begins." The newspaper said that "the veteran politician does not link himself among Iranian American detente Saudi and openness to the spiritual," saying that the Saudis "have decided to Ihoroa Tehran's isolation About US ally, relying on data several entitled priority interests and national security. " The newspaper considered that "no one questioned that the first fruit of any Saudi agreement Iranian Stktef in Lebanon," but pointed out that "there are those who talk about the exceptional role of the Jewish lobby in the US United and "the Saudi lobby" to put sticks in the spokes of the US - Iranian relations, "he Tabber" ambassador. " |
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Bandar bin Sultan threatens Iran
special news Press: the form of the sudden contact between US President Barack Obama and Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rohani, which came at the request of Obama, who initiated the contact Brohani, sudden large were not expected even more optimists and Almichdjaan to this openness, because of the the two crises and the loss of confidence since the Islamic revolution in Iran, especially that America was cavalier permanent and arrogance, while refusing to IRNA imposed options, and not to deal with it from a peer-to-peer, in particular it has become through the years ago is a key player in the Middle East, and the State regional emerging and influential in a lot of issues. Obama's spiritual connection has signed a thunderbolt on the hearts of the haters of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and not only "Israel" but Saudi Arabia and a number of Gulf states also, note that this openness is supposed to come back satisfied on the whole Arab region, and lead to ease the congestion happening in the Gulf region, and contribute to the solution substantial differences and settle the many files are stuck, and improves the relationship between the Arab countries and Iran. considers Saudi Arabia, according to information "the news Press" that this convergence hurt strategy Bmsalehha in the region, also makes it gradually decline in the US agenda, With this convergence or primary openness does not mean access to normalize strained relations for years, but that Saudi Arabia is angry for not question her sake this convergence, not even just for communication between the two sides, fearing the regional situation and the rule of the Al Saud family of Saudi Arabia. want to Saudi Arabia today at the summit the annoyance of the Iran-US rapprochement, as happened in the settlement of the Syrian chemical weapons, big and resentment expressed by Saudi Arabia, the scene is repeated today, not Saudi Arabia can make any step in this regard, because the United States is the decision maker, not the possibility of Saudi Arabia to object to decisions , as it can not be for Saudi Arabia to manipulate with Iran and strength, and to perform any step arrogance against them, according to confirm informed sources "the news Press." According to sources, "the stirring Saudi politics today, unlike previous eras, are Saudi intelligence, headed by Bandar bin Sultan , and the fear is that the temerity Bandar any acts of hostility against Iran, which could fond spark war or tension potential in the Gulf, "pointing out that" Bandar bin Sultan, annoyed a lot to the maximum degrees of contact between Iran and the United States, and that he would never accept about such convergence, where is that America has betrayed Saudi Arabia, and it is seeking to establish peer relationships with Iran, while the United States does not seek to maintain its relations with Saudi Arabia, and he will be a variety of ways to prevent such convergence, and accounting Iran. " She adds, "the news Press" that "sources Bender is satisfied with the visit of Sheikh Hassan Rohani to Saudi Arabia after the Saudi king had invited him, and that if it was up to him because he refused to do so and to prevent the visit, but the king did not want it and does not accept cancel it, knowing that most of the decisions interfere Bandar and if refusal is not implemented is controlled Saudi Arabia on the joints of the policy. " |
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Obama: Khomeini's fatwa prohibiting the "nuclear" the basis for the relationship between Washington and Tehran
after 17 months of fruitless nuclear talks organized at the highest level with Iran, Iran's new president inspired whiff of hope to achieve a large and fast break. Rohani said in his speech before the United Nations General Assembly on 24 September: "No place for nuclear weapons in Iran's security and defense system." However, the high expectations already disappointed in the settlement of relations between the United States and Iran, and sometimes they fade because of the inability of both parties to the exclusion of hardening of positions. So the conditions for success this time? Could it involve just a deception? And what the Iranians want this time? American diplomats complain that Iran did not reflect at all about accepting any reasonable solution at the negotiating table. Iranians also always complains that "P5 +1" (United States, Russia, China, Britain, France and Germany) has never admitted to accept the minimum demands of Iran's right to enrich uranium on its territory. This is what led to the abortion rounds of negotiations in Baghdad and Moscow and "Almaty" (Kazakhstan). He said Rohani for journalists and media professionals Americans in New York: "We have nothing to hide. There are 40 countries in the world is enriching uranium, and we do not accept anything less than this right, nor We want more of it. " Rohani said that Iran's pursuit of uranium enrichment, until they reach 20 percent of purity (which represents technical stages penultimate industry of the atomic bomb), and less than 5 percent of the necessary for the manufacture of nuclear fuel purity, could come up for discussion and deliberation on the table. Nor can this game that ends only remove the fears plaguing all parties while ensuring Iran's rights to enrich uranium. The thing that is still uncertain is the fate that will accrue to the enrichment facilities in the "Fordow", which was built in the middle of a mountain to protect it from air strikes in the United States and Israel, and how Iran can dissipate the International Atomic Energy Agency concerns about previous activities have a direct relationship to build atomic weapons. and still pass uproot the causes of fear stage difficult. Has been applied Congress increasingly harsh sanctions on Iran are aimed at the basic components of its economy, which vary between reducing its oil exports, which fell within two years from 2.4 million barrels per day to less than one million barrels, and the imposition of sanctions on its central bank and other financial institutions. Some analysts believe that the Congress fond manner sanctions, a policy that sought to force Iran to surrender. But Iran has been able to escape from the policy of "carrot and stick" and said that there are a lot of sticks on all sides, and carrots left to eat, "donkeys" alone. Said Gary Steak Iranian affairs expert at Columbia University in New York and adviser in the White House during the Iranian revolution in 1979: "There are members of Congress refuse to deal with Iran. The only thing that he wants these is to change the Iranian leadership. For this reason, they are ready to stand up to any work can ease the pressure on Iran. can not be for this behavior that carries only hopes frustrating. Even if you do not declare their stance publicly, the only concern is centered on the idea of the existing regime change there. " Even within Iran itself, there are some radical elements who oppose any contact with the United States and call it the "Great Satan." And witnessing Tehran after every Friday prayer protests burn the American flag and shout: "Death to America." He predicted Nasser Hadian Jazzy professor of international relations at the University of Tehran place relatively quickly with respect to the Iranian nuclear file evolution, but expressed cautious optimism with regard to the possibility of recording an improvement in US-Iranian relations. So far, the Obama administration remained committed to a model "small steps" in its attempt to build confidence, and that would eventually lead to a deal to cancel the whole Iranian nuclear program, and so that Iran not be able to install the atomic bomb ever. Said George Perkovich expert and analyst at the Center "World Peace" in Washington: "We have to be a little more creative capability than we are. And learn how to deal methodology (the great challenges the Great)." He added: "The model (Ahbuh child) is a self-defeating for us at this stage, because the Iranians want to know where to lead the end of the road, do not where to start." nor the Iranians to stop advertising that they do not want to build nuclear weapons, and that they are committed to Khomeini rejecting the possession of such weapons. Berkowitz and comment on this important point, saying: "This is the key to reaching a solution." Then he adds: "Put doubt standard and then see what happens. We know that the United States does not trust the Iranians, but that overlook him in general is that the Iranians are suspicious of us, a thousand times more than dubious merit in them, though their leaders naturally as for many of the reasons that justify them adhere to this feeling. " Obama has pointed to Khomeini's fatwa which prohibits the possession of nuclear weapons and considered a "basis for a comprehensive agreement," he said in his speech before the United Nations General Assembly on September 24: "We do not seek to change the system, and respect the rights of the Iranian people to possess energy nuclear with peaceful purposes. " For the Iranians, "the nuclear fuel cycle control in order to diversify energy sources, no less important than adhering to the national they feel as a nation, and the dignity and respect and occupation decent position in the world," according to a written recently Rohani, in an article published by "The Washington Post " . |
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* Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister: President of performing spiritual rituals of Hajj is not on the agenda Hussein Amirabdallahaan Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran in the Arab and African affairs, said President Hassan Rohani said does not have a program to perform Hajj because of the intensity of the work schedule. He Amirabdallahaan Tuesday in a statement to us, that the different news has been circulating about receiving President Rohani invited him to perform Hajj, and given the positive atmosphere that prevails in relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, both sides said their desire, the meeting and consultation between senior officials of both countries will be at the earliest opportunity. He said the issues that related to the Iranian pilgrims performed well and that the representative of the religious leader Kazasker and officials involved in the pilgrimage and the visit Organization arrived in Saudi Arabia, where he had lost a rapturous welcome by the Saudi officials. * Visit President Rouhani New York and reactions at home and abroad Shaker Xraúa visit by Iranian President Hassan Rohani to New York last week and a speech at the United Nations General Assembly and received a phone call from US President Barack Obama on the last day of his visit, wide reactions have raised inside and outside Iran. In Iran inside enjoyed the visit was welcomed by most Iranians, who saw that the visit is a result of the promises presented by President Rohani the Iranian people and promised the Iranians to change, as they hope that the result of talks between Iran and the United States and the West to lift economic sanctions on Iran, the people and be able to live a normal life, the government and be able to carry out their duties after being able to sell oil abroad and obtain hard currency extraordinary ways and disposal of pressure and sanctions, which raised problems for the government and citizens alike, especially since the sanctions have raised problems for patients who suffer from serious diseases to non-arrival of drugs from abroad. The militant group, which opposes any talks between Iran and the United States, it has its official media posing views on the visit Rouhani , has declared its opposition to connect to dial-up between the two presidents, because it is afraid of the future and fears that the government make concessions on the nuclear issue without getting what you want from the United States, especially the lifting of economic sanctions. Many of the militants have demonstrated in Mehrabad International Airport upon the arrival of the Iranian president to Tehran , protesting against the visit to coincide with a rally in support groups, the Iranian president at the airport. step by President Rouhani in the announcement of Iran's readiness to enter into talks with the United States and the West, and blessed by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei, experienced support from the United States and countries -European foreign ministers participated in the meeting of the Group 5 +1 in New York on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly with the Iranian foreign minister, and was the result of the meeting a good and fruitful by European ministers have decided to meet with representatives of Iran and the Group in Geneva on October 16 next October to continue talks about Iran's nuclear program. We have received the visit of President Rouhani New York wide coverage and large by means of the American, European and international media, was a surprise visit for political circles that were not expect Iran to flexibility in their positions show US President and grab this flexibility to chatting with Iranian President telephoned and agree on assigned to the two foreign ministers to take practical steps to put the agreement into effect. The US agreement Iran to enter into bilateral talks has surprised many parties, including the Zionist entity, and especially Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has the fastest-paced to go to Washington to meet US President to dissuade him from his agreement with Iranian President about the lifting of economic sanctions on Iran and a speech at the United Nations General Assembly. But Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif stressed the right of Iran «non-negotiable» in uranium enrichment, accusing "Israel" b «lying» in her words about Iran's intentions. And Zarif said in an interview with «ABC» US, said his country «is ready to negotiate, and all aspects of Iran's enrichment program on the table, but our right to enrichment is debatable. He added that Iran «not need enriched uranium at a military level , that's for sure, and will not go in this direction ». The minister also believed that «smiles campaign remains the best of the campaign of lies», in response to accusations of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Iran to do with «campaign Courtship». Zarif said Netanyahu «and colleagues say since 1991 that Iran was six months after the possession of arms nuclear, and after 22 years still say the same thing », accusing" Israel "to kill Iranian scientists« without a stirred ». Netanyahu announced, prior to his departure to Washington, it «will tell the truth in front of a campaign courtship Iranian President Hassan Rohani and smiles and words sweet », stressing the need to« submit the facts, because telling the truth is vital for the security and peace of the world and Israel ». Hastened "Israel" to incite the American public on Iran, where he announced that they arrested a Belgian citizen of Iranian origin on suspicion of spying for Iran, saying that he took pictures of the US Embassy, and that he intended to establish business relations in the Jewish state as a cover for espionage. Israeli Prime Minister, who Under over the past years is threatening Iran's military attack on its nuclear facilities failed to persuade US President Barack Obama to support "Israel" in the attack on Iran, and here is today up to the United States to urge Americans to stop the US agreement Iran under the pretext of Iran's attempt to build an atomic bomb. There Many Arab countries that showed their anger and annoyance of the US agreement Iran, a fear that this agreement on the future role in the Middle East affect and be agreed at their expense. But Iranian President Hassan Rohani assured the countries of the region, especially the neighboring countries of Saudi that his country would like to establish better relations with the news agency United Press from Saudi diplomat Monday source, Iranian President Sheikh Hassan Rohani, before King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, an invitation to visit the Kingdom and perform the Hajj this year. He said the Saudi diplomatic source, who requested anonymity, for United Press International, "The Iranian President informed the Saudi authorities accepted an invitation Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz to perform the Hajj this year, which will be ahead of the mid-October / October next month. " The source pointed out that "a meeting will be held whatever between Saudi and Iranian leaders in Mecca, in front of the Kaaba." The Iranian president, Sheikh Hassan Rohani, described in an earlier statement, Saudi Arabia as "brotherly and friendly to Iran," he shared King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz desire, in the "remove minor tensions between the two countries, to achieve the common interests and the interests of the Muslim world." The upcoming visit of Iranian President to Saudi Arabia The meeting with the Saudi monarch will entrench the Iranian-Arab relations, and it is hoped to open a new page in relations between the two countries on the one hand and between Iran and the GCC on the other hand, be a step in the way of enhancing security and stability in the region. * Iran ... openness to dialogue and stuck the legitimate rights of the Iranian armed forces launch soon missile "unintentional" a long-term military maneuvers major western Iran expressed Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif pleased to confirm his American counterpart John Kerry and other members of the six-party group to speed up the solution to the problem of Iran's nuclear program. In an interview with The newspaper "Almanator" said Zarif on the need to extend an invitation to the Islamic Republic of Iran to participate in the Syrian crisis -2 Geneva conference, stressing at the same time, Tehran's readiness to assist in the implementation of the agreement on chemical weapons in Syria. In another context, Foreign Minister of the openness of the country to find solutions of its nuclear program, and expressed his satisfaction with the words of his American counterpart that he was able to find a solution to the problem of Iran's nuclear program within six months. Zarif said the United States and other members of the six-party group showed needed to find a solution to this issue of political will during the next month or two. In turn, pointed Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Iranian satisfactory spokeswoman plush to letters of Iranian President Hassan Rohani in the meetings of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York confirmed that put the concepts are realistic, peace and moderation, noting that the echo was positive at the global level. In his weekly press which conference held this morning suspended plush on the reports about the arrest of Iranian citizen has the nationality of Balijیکیh in the entity Zionist, pointing out that these scenarios adopted by the Zionists are consuming which coincides with attempts by the head of the Government Zionists Benjamin Netanyahu out of the deadly isolation suffered by the entity. and about Obama's recent statements Upon receiving Netanyahu, plush "We expect officials Alamirکaan dealing with the Islamic Republic of Iran from realistic look characterized Ptکrیm and veneration of the Iranian people," she said. In the meantime, he referred to the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy in the Islamic Shura Council member Mohammad Ismail Kothari to the inspection visit carried out by members of the committee for the site "Vrdo" nuclear program and said that the centrifuges had erected in this site fully and enrichment neighbor by 20 percent. He said Kothari in a statement to the news agency "Knight" These inspection visit to the site, "Vrdo" came in response to Some rumors about the activities of this important site in the framework of the task of the House of Representatives in control. He added, that in the beginning of the visit, Iranian Atomic Energy Organization officials of the delegation of Deputies gave an explanation for the extent of progress made and the activities of the site and then the House of Representatives to inspect the centrifuges it work. He MP Kothari, The centrifuges at the site "Vrdo" has been completely installed and conducted its activities in full and without any shortfall, and the enrichment process conducted by 20 percent and that the existing restrictions related to only the establishment of administrative buildings in it. He said that the delegation of the Shura Islamic Council included 10 members National Security and Foreign Policy Committee and 2 of educational and social committees, adding that lose site "Natanz," which was scheduled to be done today has been postponed to another time. For his part, stressed the religious authority, Ayatollah Abdullah Javadi Amoli the West of human liver lot of damage , warning of falling in Fajhm. , said Ayatollah Javadi Amoli during a meeting with Reza Salehi Amiri, an official in charge of the management of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and his accompanying delegation in the city of Qom, "We have we have suffered much damage from the west, and beware of falling into the Fajhm." He pointed to the west practices Over the last centuries, including the Inquisition set up by a lot of other things function on the folly and ignorance that led Talia to World Wars I destroyers and the second, and said they "were killed in less than 50 years between 70 to 80 million people, as a result of moving away from the wisdom and reason, If we can not today of reformation, we at least work Bmatkdatna and adhered to so as not to fall into the Fajhm. " In a separate affair, public relations announced at the headquarters of the Prophets (r) of the anti-air that the armed forces of the army will take part in major exercises that will take place west of the Islamic Republic Iran during the month next century, for the purpose of promoting readiness and readiness to defend the homeland. The department of political Boکalh "Tasneem" International News reported that public relations at the headquarters of the Prophets (r) of the Anti-weather confirmed that these maneuvers major comes in the framework to be placed on this Headquarters in defense of the homeland sky in front of any possible aggression on the country. He explained ring headquarters prophets (r) that the purpose of conducting such exercises is fully prepared for "Eagles" of the armed forces to defend the skies Islamic Republic of Iran as confirmed headquarters commander that about 8 thousand fighters Sیharکon in these maneuvers directly in addition to the 17 000 کmqatlیn BPOs and support for the armed forces. In conjunction, Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces in the Islamic Republic of Iran Brigadier General Mohammad Hejazi, announced that it will launch a rocket "unintentional" Joe - a long-term atmosphere, explaining that the project launched this missile will be in the near future. In a speech at the University of Imam Hussein (AS) confirmed that Brigadier Hijazi armed forces allocated in the current Iranian year, 60 percent of the studies in the field of weapons that rely on the rules of mobile and fixed-missile mentioned. Adding that it Aکvt to implement 17 major projects and necessary in the field of Algeoffdhae and 11 projects in aerospace. * Iran calls on Obama to stability in attitudes called Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, US President Barack Obama to stability in attitudes and avoid presuppositions wrong and arrogant, stressing that blasted torpedo confidence. In the tweet has posted on his Twitter in response to Obama's remarks during a meeting with the Prime Minister of the Israeli entity on Monday night advised Zarif Obama not to waver in attitudes and avoid the perception that the ban is pushing Iran to the dialogue. Obama has announced on Monday reiterated that All options are open in dealing with Iran, including the military option to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. He said Zarif said the US President, in order to enhance mutual trust that possess stability in positions indicating that the fluctuation in attitudes undermines mutual trust and affect the status of the United States. He wrote humorous in another message on his page in Facebook that perceptions of Obama judge that Iran has resorted to dialogue against the backdrop of threats and ban illegal but it is an abuse to the Iranian people is the practice of arrogant and wrong. He Zarif, we have not touched so far serious signal reveals the goodwill Washington stressing say that we will not allow the Prime Minister of the Israeli entity determines the future of our negotiations. * Zarif Netanyahu faces: You are a liar! .. Obama calls to refrain from firing conflicting attitudes Zarif: "Netanyahu is the most isolated in the United Nations man" accused Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to "lie" in response to his remarks about the Iranian nuclear program. Zarif said, speaking on Iranian television from New York, "we have not seen on the part of Netanyahu's only lies and acts intended to mislead the international public opinion and scare him, but that public opinion will not leave these lies without response." He called Netanyahu, during his talks with US President Barack Obama that "the disintegration of Iran fully its military nuclear program," calling to also retain the existing sanctions during the negotiations. And Zarif said "went 22 years and the Zionist regime, echoing constantly that Iran will have an atomic bomb within six months lie, the world must understand after all these years, the fact that these lies and prevent their recurrence." words Zarif comes at a time which he denounced the Netanyahu as "a campaign to woo" which fought by the new Iranian President Hassan Rohani, stressing that it "intends to tell the truth in the face of good talk and Smiles" campaign. In this regard, Zarif said that "Netanyahu is the most isolated in the United Nations man." * grander: Bahrain's Foreign Minister's remarks promote state terrorism suspended spokeswoman Iranian Foreign satisfactory behalf grander during Almutmr weekly press the Bahraini foreign minister's remarks, claiming interference Islamic Republic of Iran in the internal affairs of his country, as well as being Secretary General of Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said, "if true, what was quoted as it is exciting for a lot of surprising because such talk is a kind of harmony in discourse with the Zionist entity and the promotion of state terrorism." We hope that does not have the permit has been published accurately to put such talk by the official Muslim countries around the Lebanese character is well known and has the support of Muslims and people of the region is a kind of promotion of state terrorism and hope that Bahrain's Foreign Minister statement may not be true and transferred accurately, and officials Bahrainis response in this area. * Salehi: optimistic about the negotiations with the group "5 +1" The head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi on optimism about the next round of negotiations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the group "5 +1." Salehi said in a statement told reporters Tuesday in response to a question which only should be the cancellation of the embargo measures on the part of America's first step to prove its good faith: that these details will be discussed in the negotiations between Iran and the group "5 +1" and I am personally optimistic about the upcoming negotiations. and on the identification of places expected to set up stations new nuclear in the country said that the locations have been identified in the coast of the South and the North, but the priority is for the coast of the south. The president of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran that future stations will be established with water and added desalination devices, we now need for fresh water in the southern coasts and conducting at present talks with the Russians for this purpose. He Salehi said the talks with the Russians carried out well, adding, that in the last meeting of the joint committee on the agreement to continue cooperation on the basis of the 1995 Protocol, it was decided to continue the establishment of nuclear power plants by Russia, but the number of stations that will be created is being examined at the present time. On the Bushehr nuclear power plant, said that this station is three months since the production of a thousand megawatts of electricity on a regular basis was the station of the Iranian contractor delivery. With regard to constantly enrichment process in Iran, the head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, said the uranium Uranium is the demand of the people. * Zarif: Iran made a nuclear solution and looks the will of the other party said Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif that the issue of Iran's nuclear solvable quickly if there is the political will of the other party and we believe the possibility of an end to this subject within 3 to 6 months. He Zarif told us in New York, said that Iran does not seek behind the nuclear weapons also confirmed the commander of the Islamic Revolution and the rest of Iranian officials on several occasions, but Atattabrh useful, and you see that these weapons to Atjda useful not Iran nor any other country. He said that Iran believes that these weapons to Atjelb any country security, but also lead to a lack of security. The US Secretary of State Jean Kerry had said yesterday that the nuclear deal with Iran can be achieved in less than 6 months. He said Zarif, Iran has made in order to prove to the world that it does not seek behind nuclear weapons and has no any program in this context, and now we need the political will of the other party to resolve the issue instead of making excuses and stir excuses. * Tehran's nuclear rights uranium enrichment non-negotiable spokeswoman said the Iranian Foreign Ministry satisfactory plush that Iran's nuclear rights to enrich uranium are not to negotiate, and that Tehran still expect US officials to speak according to a realistic policy. She plush during a press conference on Tuesday, that an understanding was reached upon between Iran's Foreign America and the ministers did not include deep between the two differences, pointing out that Iran will remove all concern the resources of the other party in the talks. She stressed that it must recognize Iran's nuclear rights and the abolition of the ban imposed on them, as there must be a part of a specific nuclear negotiations guarantees the right of Iran. She said: What we adopt the change of US tone is a change in policy, and either the Israeli entity scenarios against Iran duplicate وتأتي للخروج من أزماته. وحول محادثات ايران مع الوكالة الدولية للطاقة الذرية قالت: لدينا ارتياح تجاه وصف الوكالة الدولية للمحادثات الاخيرة بأنها بناءة، ونأمل أن تعترف محادثات جنيف القادمة بحقوق ايران النووية كما أوضحت أنه كانت لدى طهران مفاوضات جيدة مع الوكالة وتم تحديد اطار للمحادثات المقبلة ، محادثات جنيف القادمة يجب ان توضح خط سيرها بين إيران و5+1 المحادثات بين ايران والدول الست نأمل ان تكون بداية للتعاون بينهما ورأت أن التوجهات الاعلامية السلبية ينبغي ان لا تؤثر على مسار المفاوضات. * ظريف: إيران جاهزة لتنسيق مستوى التخصيب مع المجتمع الدولي أكد وزير الخارجية الإيراني محمد جواد ظريف ان ايران جاهزة للتنسيق مع المجتمع الدولي بالنسبة لمستويات تخصيب اليورانيوم في مفاعلات إيران لمعالجة بعض المخاوف لدى الآخرين مؤكداً في نفس الوقت تمسك بلاده بكامل حقوقها النووية. وقال ظريف في حديث لصحيفة الأخبار اللبنانية نشرته الثلاثاء: لسنا على استعداد للتنازل عن شيء. |
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* What's behind Obama's escalation against Iran in the presence of Netanyahu? political expert said that US President Barack Obama's recent remarks against Iran during a visit by the Prime Minister of the Israeli entity come into consideration for the feelings of Israelis, do not reflect the true position of the United States, who recently expressed During his speech at the United Nations last and closer between Tehran and Washington, saying that the Israeli entity failed to persuade the US administration to move against Iran will not be able to do so without permission and Washington. US President Barack Obama said after meeting with Prime Minister of the Israeli occupation Benjamin Netanyahu that he does not rule out any option, including military so against Iran over its nuclear program, adding that he agreed with Netanyahu to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, as he put it. The director of the center Arab-American Dialogue Sobhi Ghandour channel world news Monday: It is important, taking the size of the Israeli influence in American politics past and present, especially in issues related to Iran and issues are considered "Israel" itself involved in the Middle East. He said Ghandour: There is now the beginning of the variation occurs between two visions of the region and Iran and also for the future of US-Iranian relations, explaining: American vision based on either announced by US President Obama AVI United Nations in front of the General Assembly is the real and serious intention of understanding with Iran on the nuclear issue and other issues, as well as announced from the agenda and was important in terms of the remaining three years of his deal to prevent the nuclear issue in a peaceful manner and with the Syrian file in a way of understanding with Moscow him and taking him to the stage of a political solution. He added: The third file is the file of the Arab-Israeli conflict, saying that "Israel" does not find any interest in these three issues that are through the agenda laid out by Obama. It was also considered Ghandour that what will come out of the statements in the next few days, will take into account into account the internal Israeli sentiment in the United States and at the level of "Israel" itself, but the essence of the position announced by Obama before the United Nations General Assembly will not change . On the Israeli threats that it will act unilaterally against Iran, director of the Arab American Dialogue Center Sobhi Ghandour said he did not believe that Ntnaniaho unable to tolerate any act of this kind against Iran without US approval, has tried it since 2009, but we found a conflict of vision between Governments Netanyahu and Obama. He said Ghandour said Netanyahu since 2009 calls for the priority of the Iranian issue at the expense of the Palestinian issue and other issues, and it was during the Congress is pushing for an escalation of negative biggest with Iran and reach me end to military confrontation. He continued: This is were betting on Israel and no in the last period through the crisis, which occurred about chemical weapons in Syria, saying that there is a large Israeli interest especially for the Netanyahu government to walk quite the opposite of the direction in which the Obama administration in these files. He said Ghandour: "Israel" is betting on the Arab internal civil wars, and the escalation of the crisis in between the Arab states and Iran, and conflicts Islamist Muslim, and the wars of sectarian and set up a sectarian and religious entities to justify the existence of the Israeli Jewish state, saying that all these elements are available when there is a worsening US and western Iran, and when there is an Arab internal civil wars, as is happening now in more than Arab country and when there is a complete disregard for the Palestinian file the Arab-Israeli conflict. The head of the Arab American Dialogue Center Sobhi Ghandour, he also must look to the Americans statements in these days that the consideration for the feelings of Israelis do not reflect the position of the real Alamirkmyin, should also not expect to be There worsening in US-Israeli relations in exchange for improvement in US-Iranian relations me overnight. He said Ghandour: It will take far turn over the months, we find the case of discrepancies, then perhaps reach a state contradictions on the ground. * woke Yajun Kerry !! addressed Iranian newspapers on Tuesday in Tehran, topics and different political analyzes, including Maitalq remarks Foreign Minister of the United States on Iran's nuclear file. newspaper Resalat: Awake Yajun Kerry !! we read in the newspaper "Resalat" an editorial writer, "Hanif Ghaffari" entitled "Awake Yajun Kerry," said The article that outside the United States Minister "John Kerry," said in an interview with "60 Minutes" program aired by the network (CBS) to the noteworthy points, related to Iran's nuclear program. It quoted the opening for Kerry, saying that the desire expressed by Iranian President Hassan Rohani, reaching an agreement within 3 to 6 months, can be achieved in the nearest of that time, if Iran met certain conditions, and added: "Kerry" that Iran can prove its sincerity to open its nuclear facilities immediately in front of the inspectors, and otherwise, the sanctions will not raise them. The newspaper, US Secretary of State John Kerry has happened, about the possibility of reaching an agreement with Iran during the months, through the promotion of diplomatic efforts, and this relates to the extent of the extent of the transparency and credibility of Iran. Kerry noted in his remarks to the television network said, and based on that, the United States and friends At the White House, want Iran acts to prove that he can not be for this program that poses a threat to us and to our allies and our friends in the region !. The paper that John Kerry's statements contain interesting things, the first point relates to the validity of show America's views about Iran's nuclear program. In this regard the newspaper said, I've mentioned so far repeatedly, that the White House was in the production and use of biological and chemical weapons in Fallujah (Iraq) and even in the use of nuclear bombs of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, his main producer and publisher of nuclear terrorism in the global system role, and in such circumstances, America and the Minister of Foreign Affairs are not qualified to comment on the Almtalh Iran's nuclear program issues. and writes the opening, the second point in this regard, relating to accent John Kerry toward Iran, where he pointed out that all things depend on the transparency and credibility of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The editorial says that the complainant turned to accused in an interview with "Kerry" is very funny !. The paper goes on to say, that determine the president of the Islamic period of 3 to 6 months to resolve Iran's nuclear dossier had created ill puerile understanding in mind, "John Kerry," which led him to launch such statements, words explained , to determine this time period is an opportunity for America to repair their positions is correct and rude toward Iran's nuclear file, not a request for courtesy Tehran White House. and went on the article, adding that external America Minister has forgotten that his government and his country, bear the consequences of the imposition of unilateral and unjust sanctions against our country , in addition to tightening pressure in recent years on the Iranian people. At the end of the day said the writer, in such circumstances, should the external America Minister prepares to around out of respect and reverence rather than apologize, in front of the Iranian people .. and nothing else !. * Thierry Meyssan : America is no longer scare anyone! Voltaire - Thierry Meyssan in 1991, the United States believes that getting rid of her rival in the international arena, will release its budget warfare, and will enable it to achieve economic prosperity. This proceeded President George Bush (father) immediately after Operation Desert Storm to reduce the number of formations armies, as well as his successor, did Bill Clinton, who went on to promote the measure further reduce military spending. However, the Republicans return to Congress in the 1995 elections, led to a reconsideration of the issue of military spending, by returning to the arms, despite the lack of the presence of enemies to fight at that time, that the neocons unleashed their country to attack the world in order to establish the first global empire. The atheist th September 2001 attacks, the opportunity favorable to President George W. Bush (son) to make a decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, and then Syria and Libya Somalia and Sudan, to end Iran, and then conclude it by attacking China. We have reached war spending budget in the custody of 40% of the volume of global military spending. However, it was necessary for this excessive extravagance of the end: the economic crisis has forced Washington to do the availability in spending. The outcome of the feet of the Ministry of Defence to lay off 5 varieties of ground armies and stop several research funding programs. This sharp decline, it was the beginning of a bug that hit the entire system later. It is now clear that the United States, despite the superiority of its military capabilities to twenty global state combined, including China and Russia, but they are no longer able to wage conventional wars and large-scale. Thus we have seen how Washington retreated from decision to attack Syria as soon as the spread of pieces of Russian military fleets in the Mediterranean. Which was imposed on the Pentagon's need to be concentrated in the Red Sea to missiles Tomahawk that it must also called crossing Arabia atmosphere and Jordan to reach Syria. As for Syria and its allies of non-state, has waved to launch a regional war that the United States is sinking in the great struggle for her. In an article published in The New York Times, open a newspaper, President Vladimir Putin fired when pointed out that the "American exception" is actually an insult to the issue of equality among human beings, and can only lead to disaster. Individual by President Obama from the rostrum of the United Nations that there is no country in the world, not even Russia, was a wish to bear the burdens of the United States, which has been through its role as world policeman ensure precisely the right of equality among human beings. Obama's intervention were not reassuring: I reaffirmed the superiority of the United States to all countries in the world, did not exceed his vision of the right of human equality, the rights of citizens of his country. suddenly collapsed magic words while reverberated with applause after a claim Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, Washington to apologize for having spied on all countries of the world, while the condemned President of the Swiss Federation of force pursued by the United States' policy. He then went on Evo Morales, President of Bolivia to go further when asked for President of the United States to international justice for crimes against humanity, followed by Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic, who denounced the farce of international courts to Atsdr provisions only against opponents of the American empire. So he moved the scene, the criticism is usually issued by a handful of anti-imperialist states, to a general uprising even include friends and Washington's traditional. were not masters of the world authority ever, prone to criticize public as it is now, and this is a pointer to the the United States after falling shameful in front of Syria, no longer frighten anyone. * The need to reduce the tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia focused on articles and editorials in Tehran newspapers Tuesday, many of the local issues, including the importance of reducing tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia. newspaper Tehran Emrooz: the need to reduce Tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia spoke editorial "Tehran Emrooz" To this day, about the need to reduce the tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia by the author "Heshmat God Flaan Bisha" writes the newspaper that the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia have evolved through different periods, particularly in the past two decades, so that the effect of relations regional and even international, has cast a shadow on the nature of these relationships. In this regard, the positions of the Islamic Republic of Iran in its relations with the West, and America in different periods of time, has had a profound impact on relations between the two countries. and I followed the opening, it should be noted Saudi Arabia has achieved over the past the last few, the greatest interest, due to Iran's attitudes toward the West and the United States. The newspaper noted that there are in Saudi Arabia, a stream of Salafis believe that strained relations between Iran and the West will achieve the best conditions for Saudi Arabia in order to achieve maximum gains and profits, while there is another group opposes this view and believe that the improvement of relations between Iran and the West, especially with the United States, are beneficial to both countries and the region. The article adds that in the current circumstances, Iran has adopted a clear policy to reduce tensions with the West, and it's moving in that direction. She editorial that there are issues such as Bahrain and the Syrian crisis, have had the greatest impact on the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, so that more tensions between the two countries due to their attitude towards the developments and regional crises present. According to the opening that with all of these events, the relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia can be in a state of reduced tension, which confirms the current government policy in Iran. Finally, he expressed the writer believes the need to start a new phase of relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, and that the visit of President Rouhani to Saudi Arabia, which comes at the official invitation of the Saudi monarch to perform Hajj ceremonies, can achieve good achievements of Iran and improve relations between the two countries, and also repeated visits can leave a positive impact on bilateral relations between the two countries. |
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Call shook the world
Zuhair Majid good description of it, it shook the world .. What can you do President Obama's call Iranian President Hassan Rohani, what are therefore the following steps at this level, is better for speech which sounds relay acquainted on the insides of the characters, and must be followed by direct dialogue stage, is this possible between the two, and whether their circumstances allow the meeting and in any country! can call that will continue to be the main concern for unlimited definition, as an attempt to break the deadlock between the two countries fought over the idea of what is after nuclear, in order to be a nuclear solution dissolved . If we knew that Obama said in his call for a spiritual extent of the importance of the nuclear solution even for file Syrian, consists Our impression is certain, how important post-nuclear and perhaps beyond beyond. arduous process without the slightest doubt, but open hearts begins with words, words take the position of industry New sometimes be a victory for her. If spotted what was said between the two presidents almost every sentence to be discussed in open more than one channel on the road to open a single channel. There is no doubt that the call between the two sides left deep among Americans who mostly supported it effects, as well as the case of the reformists who belongs to them, Iranian President Rohani, in spite of all what the Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander who was criticized, which are allowed to trade and perhaps even a lot of them Leader Ali Khamenei. The world also won the call, with the exception of Israel and Netanyahu talk clearly about the best evidence. Israel will continue to ruin the carpet Iranian American relationship whenever initiated to extend weaved. Every American rapprochement with Iran blow to the Israeli mind, Israeli and ideas, and the continued Israeli in drawing permanent crisis, which Israel does not want to leave the hostility with Tehran components, until the overthrow all Iran's achievements, not nuclear strikes only, but in all areas of operation, cultural, artistic, technological, and may not appeal to Israel that there is a scientific prestigious place the size of Sharif University of graduate tremendous minds in various areas of inventions, which may not exceed the owners thirties sometimes. It is hard as saying that Netanyahu in Washington, a guest on Obama, will hear words of this kind, will dull and commandments given by a lot of Americans about the importance of striking Iran, because the major battle that does not see the other and that will remain troubling him to solve the case, is the strike to Iran through the US .. But the US president chose another target, did blow a teacher, at the end of the remainder of Obama's rule, will not be in the interest of Israel, it seems, what are the President, it will not be renewed or extended in front of another, will walk to his home and folding secrets or maybe say it in the right moments. However, the two presidents will remain spiritual and Obama's call, the light is not between Iran and the United States, but in the wall of the closed area, which became the title today the struggle for a Syrian. |
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No Arabs in the United Nations and the theater is free for the Americans and the Russians ..
Talal Salman
must face the truth no matter how painful: no longer the Arabs and the
presence of influential at the international level, but as objects or
addresses issues were sacred, one day, and they were growing up by the
imposing presence through prove themselves to defend her, which has now
become in the hands of others, and often What used against them in their
day and in Gdhm.oha is the new session of the General Assembly of the
United Nations confirms the absence of «Arabs» albeit tragedies,
entitled Syria, has served this international forum, the bracketed
decision around in the hands of the «Big Five» who can Achtsarhm the
United States of America and deducted Former Ndha now and her partner in
the future: Union Alrosa.ouhty the issue of Syria, its system and the
civil war in which, and the future of the mysterious, split the people
of the Arab system to three Avriqa: 1 team acted as prosecutor,
targeting President Bashar al-Assad's regime directed against serious
criminal charges entitled responsibility on a genocidal war, waged by
its forces against the Syrian people, both women and children by men,
using a chemical weapon. The attack was fierce with more
than can be issued by the enemy and Judy and historical, such as Israel,
hitting the Syrian state and the nation and its people more than they
hit Nzamha.oukd this team served Bgloh in hostility, all the enemies of
the Arab aspiration for a better future in the vanguard of Israel, as
her behalf filming « Arabs »generally the enemies of humanity, they eat
meat parents raw does not respect the conventions, they are out of 0.2
times and the team acted as counsel for the accused without enthusiasm,
and in order to protect Syria as a state and the unity of its people
more than it is designed to protect Nzamha.vdol Gulf represented by
Prince Saud al-Faisal, supported by the site «Bidder» Amir new Qatar who
came presents credentials to the world leaves, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad,
took a sweeping attack scanner so Pat Defense difficult ... and
expensive, as Saithamn gold 0.3 and a third team «missed hearing»
waiting for the end of the battle to take the position, according to
results, taking the new Lebanese Fad «self» model enough believers
fighting and even speak, but only with gestures and suggest language
Alaaon.oma Palestine, grandiosely case, has continued its marginal,
especially after leaving the people of the Arab system to its fate amid a
split of its people and its distribution strongly distance Israeli
occupation and Disclaimer Arabs, including the «two» is not any of them
raison d'être, as well as the ability to withstand the siege, from home
and abroad, which is almost amounting to starvation and the imposition
of underdevelopment Balomr.bdaah, most of the Arab kings and presidents
missed this session that it was clear that they witness crystallized
shifts influential at the international level, most notably in
US-Russian relations, and by extension between (the two new camps foes),
the most serious related US relations Alaaranih.oma surprise that
turned into a pivotal event in this session was the presence of Iran's
new president, Sheikh Hassan Rohani and his Foreign Minister Mohammad
Javad Zarif, which came to a head over the dial which was between him
and US President Barack Obama, which is seen by observers «the beginning
of a new era» in US-Iranian relations in all possible consequences on
several levels, most notably in the Peninsula and the Gulf region, with
expansion into Iraq, Syria and to Lebanon, as well as the Islamic Middle
Jmie.kadd was the star of the session on its first day of US President
Obama's speech victory peered by the General Assembly, where many heads
of state and their representatives gathered, which was titled seek UN
resolution to destroy chemical weapons in Syria, and the Damascus
Declaration commitment Bh.okan of Obama right that boasts his victory
made him a ladder after he waved the war though is their size in the
form of «airstrike» military capabilities of Syria cheers of many Arab
regimes ... and for sure that some of these may be felt disappointed
when the US president only diplomatic his victory it has provided him
the Russians, led by President Putin, who spent the settlement will
satisfy Washington and kept the regime in Damascus, in that, and that
this system has lost his weapon Alkimaaúa.olon deal binary has shifted
«adult» in the United Nations, the Europeans and Asians and Latinos to
«guests of honor», leaving each of them to dig for the same position in
the project solution, if not in the planning During the execution. ...
However, Iran! that Iran «tacit partner» in the Russian resolution on
Syria, as much as a partner on the ground with the Syrian regime, and
certainly the Moscow had been delivered, and long-standing, sharing
roles with Tehran.oma the people of the Arab system has landed them «war
on the people of Syria» victims cancel strike on Syria in exchange for
the settlement of the chemical, while I suppose Standing alongside
maintaining the Syrian state they are united in a row winners, even if
they did not reach to the rank of partner or even a legitimate ally of
Russia and Aaran.las of fabrication to say that «Arabs» no longer pose,
Collectively, «regional power» ... It is no longer the Arabs «Total»,
Rather, they are divided loyalties vulnerable countries according to the
needs of their systems. And not the oil wealth or gas
source of strength, but the richest countries in this area are the most
call foreign to protect, the US until further notice ... A fortiori that
poor countries to justify joining the US camp Pfqrha and inability to
protect «presence», which means in this moment «system» .ibst evidence
of the lack of value is the reaction of these systems on a dial-up
connection between the American and Iranian presidents, which was
followed by 5 talks +1 with the Iranian Foreign Minister, and all that
was issued directly, or has been appreciated for potential political
shifts in the positions of the two the two pivot and move from
estrangement, in light of the wars in climate, the state of
communication with diligence to confirm the desire to Altaaon.kadd
exaggerated some Gulf regimes in welcoming these changes, and in
particular, including Saudi Arabia, to suggest that it including, while
the United Arab Emirates returned to raise the issue of the islands
three and put it on the table, perhaps within the deal Muftredh.ovi
while Tunisian President cared that exonerate the regime led by «Muslim
Brotherhood» of charge to participate in the «conspiracy» the change in
Egypt, which ended the rule of «brothers», the Foreign Minister of Egypt
only to read the diplomatic about shifts in Egypt, remain closer to the
justification of them to announce a new policy for the rule is supposed
to speak on behalf Almidan.mn here, the Lebanese President Michel
Suleiman has emerged like a «Arab star» prominent through the lengthy
meeting, which summed up by US President Barack Obama, which included
«bilateral Retreat», a «blessing» had not been reciprocated by any Arab
delegation Akhr.khalash lessons learned from the meetings on the
sidelines of the new session of the General Assembly of the United
Nations, the Arab states have lost their ability to influence and have
become very marginal and presence «symbolic» in any international
conference .owalsaal: Is Pat Arab voices to pronounce on their behalf
and represent interests in the country and therefore attitudes which
order: American, Russian and Iranian .. Finally Israel? Is the
disappearance of the Arab presence and missed his influence to this
extent? .. commentator and answer waiting for the return of Egypt to the
consciousness and the role that not compensated by the other country,
and in waiting to crystallize political uprisings and confirm its
ability to change its approach in a world in which no account is
calculated only for the strong of their decision by their wealth. |
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Western conditions for the participation of Iran in Geneva 2 newspaper
"Middle East" for Western diplomatic sources in Paris, that the
presence of Tehran in the "Geneva 2" conference conditional on the
consent of the transitional government in Syria, dating back to all
executive authorities. Under the title "conditional Western
approval of Iran's participation in" Geneva 2, "the newspaper quoted"
western diplomatic sources in Paris as saying, "The door is not closed
to the presence of Iran," Geneva 2 "conference scheduled for
mid-November next, to find a political solution to the Syrian crisis,"
adding that "Tehran has returned to the theater international political
matter of its nuclear program and the speech of Iranian President Hassan
Rohani. " The newspaper added that "the sources required
to Tehran to participate accepted that the purpose of the" Geneva 2 "is
the access to the formation of a" transitional government "in Syria,
dating back to all executive powers, including supervision of the
intelligence and the military and all other powers. "
Last edited by brother Zainab server, 02.10.2013 time 4:27 a.m. PM . |
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* President Rouhani: nuclear technology and the right of enrichment are not negotiable Iranian President Hassan Rohani stressed that the Iranian people must be confident that the possession of peaceful nuclear technology and uranium enrichment inside Iranian territory are not subject to negotiation. This came in a statement by President Rouhani to reporters and journalists on the sidelines of a cabinet meeting on Wednesday in response to recent remarks by US Secretary of State John Kerry, adding: Our policy towards the International Atomic Energy Agency is the Open Doors for the control of our nuclear facilities policy. It was US Secretary of State has called on Iran to open the doors of Fordow plant to international inspectors and reduce its uranium enrichment level from 20 percent to 5 percent. The head of the Supreme Council of National Security of Iran, saying: We have nothing to hide in terms of nuclear activities, and moreover, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution decreed the sanctity of possession and use of nuclear weapons Therefore, we do not seek to acquire these weapons. He added: We are discussing the details, but the foundations of nuclear non-debatable. For example, the right of enrichment is debatable, but we're going to the talks to discuss the proposals of the two sides and the details. He said both acknowledged Iran's right or not, this thing is our right and said: but recognize the right of Iran clearly and in a positive atmosphere and then cancel the unfair play that-imposed on the Iranian people Under the title of the ban, need to take steps. Some of these steps have been taken, including a meeting between Iran's Foreign Minister and the P5 +1 in New York, where the participants conceded Iran's right to the peaceful use of nuclear technology. He pointed out that Iran has taken a step forward and said: The second step will be a meeting in Geneva where they will discuss details and how to translate the first stage on the ground. In especially his visit to New York President Rohani said the visit was aimed at preventing the outbreak of war in the region because the issue of the lives and the blood and lives of Muslims and the security and stability of the region is one of the issues that are important to us. He noted the efforts made in this regard In interviews, meetings and added: Syrian issue also was one of the issues that have been addressed in all the talks and bilateral meetings, and the Iranian delegation made gains in this area. He said: During the talks we had with some officials caved that the war is not in the interest of the region, and even Senior European officials admitted that the Syrian crisis is not resolved through military option is not entitled to any foreign country to interfere in the affairs of this country and that the final word is for the people. He pointed out that the other purpose of the visit was to foil Israeli plots aimed to poison the atmosphere against Iran and enlighten Rai US General in this regard, he added: During the early days of the visit was the issue Alholokasp and Israel's destruction of the questions posed always, but during the last press conference did not ask this question, and this means that these questions were erased from the minds of the people, which hold things Israeli side. On the the issue of terrorism and the threat of extremism, he said, the subject of moderation, which was welcomed in Iran, he was known for in the United Nations, too, since all parties were bow to the necessity of this matter. He continued: the world is beginning to realize that terrorism and extremism pose a significant threat to the stability and security. He noted that officials Americans were trying to hold a meeting between the presidents of the two countries and they sent the first of mission on Friday, just days before we went to America, he said: The second letter also we received on the same day and then there were frequent messages on Sunday and Monday Overall, we received five letters did not want them. And Aoazna to the brothers in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not to respond to them that we get to New York to decide about it. He continued: On the same night that we got them to New York, we received another message, but since we are those who agree on the details, this meeting did not take place. Then there was talk of a meeting for several minutes between the US president in a meeting or in the corridors of the UN headquarters, but I did not favor this. He said Rohani that this meeting was important and added: After 35 years it was planned two heads to sit at the same table to negotiate and that it was not easy, these conditions marred the atmosphere there and was looking for opportunities to hunt in the murky water. He said: Of course, that the meeting held between the Foreign Ministers of both countries led to soften somewhat so that the two sides will be in touch atmosphere. After that was waving that President Obama connection on Friday, when the Iranian delegation plans to return to the country for a short conversation. Already been contacted sacks Iran's ambassador to the United Nations, where we intend to go out of the hotel and we had a telephone conversation lasted several minutes. According spiritual as explained by US President that atmosphere that prevailed Iran over the past years of the 35 were bleak and there are many contentious issues that the Iranian people are opposed to a lot of the US measures and that the issue of Iran-US relations will not be solved in the short term. US President has supported this issue. He said the nuclear issue was the other topics that were discussed during the call, where he said: I have confirmed that the nuclear issue must be resolved in a short period and this was supported by the US president also explained that you asserted during your speech UN UN that you do not Ninety to acquire nuclear weapons, and the leader of the Iranian revolution also decreed the sanctity of the possession and production of nuclear weapons, and based on this, the way Temple to reach the negotiations to a satisfactory conclusion. He said on the other side of his speech to a meeting with the President of the European Union and renovated confirmation that Iran is not seeking to acquire nuclear weapons and that it victims of weapons of mass destruction and said: president of the European Union also agreed opinion and stressed that the diplomatic option is the only option to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue. * Iran: Netanyahu sign that "PT" rather than take a lesson for others said the first secretary of the Permanent Mission of Iran to the United Nations Haddadad Sify Barghu, in response to the allegations of the Prime Minister of the Government of the Israeli occupation, that no one can impose dictations on Iran and it only teaches us a lesson, but should his being the signing of a treaty that "BT". He will meet Barghu the remarks in response to allegations of Netanyahu in his speech to the Assembly General of the United Nations: that no one can impose dictations on Iran and what they must do, and that Netanyahu tried orientations United Nations General Assembly a character is that he did not carry a fee with him this year as it did last year, it said to Ayalmana lesson, but that the Israeli entity is it should be learning where not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. " He said he does not want to grant the allegations made by the Prime Minister of the Israeli entity prestige through respond to them. Netanyahu has reiterated previous claims about Iran's nuclear program and said the entity will not allow what he called Iran for nuclear weapons. It is noteworthy that the Israeli entity is the only one who possesses a nuclear arsenal in the Middle East and refuses to accede to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation tagged "said BT." * Iran proposes to join all regional parties to the Treaty of chemotherapy ban spokeswoman Iranian Foreign Ministry satisfactory luxurious Ban Republic Islamic Iran submitted a proposal to join the states and parties which have not joined so far to the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Convention. The most luxurious in response to a question about the proposal submitted by the Islamic Republic of Iran over Syria's accession to the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Treaty: Since the Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition decision Chemical Weapons (OPCW) measures exceed the decisions and commitments of the chemical on the Syria-proliferation treaty, it has been an extension to include in the text of the relevant paragraph mode, and upon which the decision was made in Syria special and exceptional circumstances do not lead to a past event for the future of the Chemical Weapons Convention. and she said, that due to the accession of Syria to the treaty, is still there in the Middle East, some of the parties, including the Alasriala entity, as cases alone, did not join the treaty, so the Islamic Republic of Iran proposed that States not acceding to ratify the treaty quickly, a move that was in the safe path the region and the international system. *** * diplomatic role in the Iranian economy focused on Iranian newspapers on Wednesday in Tehran, many of the local political and economic issues, including the role of diplomacy in the Iranian economy. The newspaper "Mardom Salari": the role of diplomacy in the Iranian economy discuss the newspaper "Mardom Salari" In an editorial diplomatic role in the Iranian economy. The editorial says that by "Nasser Mousavi" The President of the Republic of Iran Hassan Rohani has begun a good diplomacy should be in the future Show tangible results of this policy. It adds editorial York visit was one of the diplomatic tactics of President Rohani, and support members of the Islamic Shura Council of the policy indicator that domestic support as well as the responses of foreign positive feedback, backing positively to the policy point. The relay opening, said the meeting, which was held in the Security UN Security Council was very important, because as well as the President's spiritual, the talks Almakhltfah that took place there were good results as well. The opening sequence, that Iranian society is concerned, is that these discussions and the march of moderation and measure and hope have an impact on the country's economy? Will lift the ban? and moving the opening to say, because the decisions are subject to political rational and moderate, it could weigh on economic conditions, and of course, the smart negotiations will leave its effects on the removal of bans in addition to stimulating economic cooperation with other countries. According to the author, of course, must not forget that the ban not limited its impact on the Iran only, but he leaves the negative on the other side also raised. In conclusion, the newspaper said, when we talk of diplomatic language with the world, we will see the results in practice and that the economic situation of the country will be subject to the effects of the positive of this moderate policy. * "balloon New York and dialectical "Iranian-American rapprochement Hamid Hilmi Zadeh may be premature effusive hopes to step up New York as part of a call made by US President Barack Obama with Iranian President Hassan Rohani the end of the month of September 2013. The belief prevails is that this event - with its importance certainly - remain in the firing limits balloon test to see how serious the United States government to show credibility and intentions offices in order to switch the words into action. The main problem inherent in the American international policy itself, so it is building their positions on the basis of the hypothesis the weakness of others or weaken them or their vulnerability, has exacerbated this node, which represents "the top of arrogance" in the wake of the collapse of the resounding of the Soviet Union in December 1991, the thing that gave a dense HID on the strategic outlook that you do not see things only in one eye, and so blinded by the facts and variables and data , were produced by the balance of the new powers, and to the point, including the growing capabilities of the Islamic Republic. It was the tolerance of the religious leader Imam Khamenei, the ultimate intelligence when he should be seizing the opportunities created by the post-Cold War ended in 1991, to take the Islamic Republic to the fields of innovations, inventions and achievements self-sign, which Qadt her later role of exercise (molar pole) in international and regional equations, especially with the possession of Iran's armed forces (army, the Revolutionary Guards Islamic) upper in global energy supplies control - Oil Hand and Gas in the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz, the strategic region. Thus make sure that the move initiated by the President of the Republic Sheikh Hassan Rohani is seeking to open up to the West in general and America in particular, in order to reach a logical and objective approach to the dispute over Iran's nuclear CERP development, are to be compelling for both sides, is derived from this (Polar), which was reinforced by the commander of the Islamic Revolution Mr. Khamenei principle (flexibility heroic), in order to restore security and stability to the Middle East, which is currently experiencing a cold war differ in the elements and severe as those that existed between the two two great twentieth-century. However, the change in US tone between overnight, especially following the entry " Israeli Album "on agitational line again, enhances the health of the Iranian doctrine argument: that the dialogue with the United States will remain dialectically unless mutual trust and responsive to the requirements of making openness, transparency and flexibility in dealing with the thorny and complex strategic settlement of the problematic relations between Tehran and Washington, the level of the files are available, in addition to the issues and problems of the region and the world. In this regard, there is an interview with a senior military official expressed eloquently about the fact tugging striking Botunabha the atmosphere of the supposed rapprochement between Iran and the United States. Commanding General of the Guards Corps Islamic Revolution Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari said in a media statement: "The Iranian people seeking to overturn the ban completely Bashکl him, and lifted the freeze on financial Iranian assets in the United States and abandon the anti-this noble people and Alکv about conspiracies against him and recognize the right of the Islamic Republic in the use of nuclear energy goals peaceful and not obstacles put and obstacles in this way. The Iranian people waiting for the implementation of the Washington these things. We look really askance to the statements made by officials Amirکan confessed that they had told entity Zionist each threads started speaking the Iranian side and he has already been telling them even dial-up conducted by the President Alamirکa and they will continue this approach. We have to say Commenting on this trend that one concerns the main menu lies at this point, which is that American politicians and also seem to unfortunately, lack the autonomy to take decision and are influenced by Zionism global, it is clear that they Astimanha in the decisions they make. We must here also Nkburaalaa launch concept (flexibility heroic) announced by Mr. Leader Ayatollah Khamenei during a meeting with leaders and cadres Guards of the Islamic Revolution. I have used Eminence this term which consists of کlmtیn (flexibility) and (tournament) in the current global circumstances, taking into account the privileged position that Taatboah Iran at the present time, where the enemies of the Islamic system has been operating for several years in order to weaken it and try to overthrow him, has used all their energies in this direction, But they faced failure in all their plans and Tکbdoa defeats repeated and did not achieve any goal for them, but I doubt that Syria's steadfastness is the latest model of these defeats. The world is کlh witness today that the Islamic Republic of way continues each force and hit the ground running, and has thwarted all attempts by enemies including the ban and the exercise of economic pressures, political, and security and conspiracies military hatched against it, Iran has foiled all these schemes strongly "- Ends statement - Going back to the history of the US anti-Iran, it is important to note the role of the United States government in seducing tyrant Iraq to attack the Islamic revolution, boys. But the magic practiced by Washington, turned it completely. Valthabt the Persian Gulf War, the challenges of the first (1980-1988), as well as various pressures and blockades and sanctions over 34 years, Iran has earned an impressive experiments in the field of raising the level of readiness and defensive arms, and Ttaiwiravaq sustainable development, and mastery of modern technology, especially the production of peaceful nuclear energy and owning corners of space science within the Earth's atmosphere Aoforeigh to perches. * What is the importance of resolving Iran's nuclear program during the 6 months? dealt Tehran newspapers published Wednesday, multiple local topics, including the importance of the timing of resolving the Iranian nuclear program . The newspaper "Avrenc": What is the importance of resolving Iran's nuclear program during the 6 months? discussed the newspaper "Avrenc" in an editorial for today's important to confirm Iran to resolve its nuclear program within 6 months, and reminds the editorial writer Hamid Reza military, said the new style of Iran in dealing with the nuclear issue and talks with the P5 +1 led to the creation of a positive atmosphere in international relations. It adds the opening, the positive outlook for the parties to the dialogue in good faith, the other party, raises hopes to reach the results desired in future negotiations. The paper said that President said to foreign media that Iran's nuclear program resolved within 6 months, the best of all. The paper says, when the analysis and study of this proposal is to achieve the negotiations of the results within a short period, highlights the great importance of the negotiations and the nuclear issue of Iran in the internal and external dimensions. She continued opening, that the nuclear diplomatic device the country announced recently that Iran demands appoint Bending negotiations as soon as possible. clarifies the newspaper that the appointment of this framework is of great importance for Iran and the West from several points. The newspaper said, for Iran, the importance of determining the period of negotiations, is in the western unjust ban led to some economic problems, in addition to the burden carried by the ban on the government and the people, so the select a specific part of the negotiations and appoint a timetable for negotiations to reach a certain result is necessary. The paper goes on to say: that Dharroh set the framework of the negotiations timetable has considered the western side is also very important and schedule , for it to hide the one that has been the politicization of Iran's nuclear program by the West, and that the interests of a lot of these countries affected by the escalation or reduction of tension between Iran and the West, and that is trying the other to resolve this issue as soon as possible. It concludes the paper by saying, we hope to be able diplomatic corps of the country's power and perseverance that prevents nuclear talks to him to improve Iran's standing among the peoples of the world and come to the legitimate rights of the Iranian people in this area are met. * conflict rather than for the facility "Vrdo" the last American president's remarks on Iran, they have Oasaddae in most editorials and articles Tehran newspapers issued Wednesday morning. The newspaper "Joan": the conflict rather than for the facility "Vrdo" read the second page of the newspaper "Joan" an analytical article by author "Hussein Kadiana" respect to the threats of the new American president against Aarano change his tone. The article begins by saying, Well revealed the White House once again the real face, even clear why should not optimistic about the negotiations with the United States. The writer adds that the Great Satan his nature Ktabieh..an leave it attacks you, and carry it and resist it flees, we are here talking about the intentions of the enemy Alemczuama, as we are Anck in the sector concerned the diplomatic service in achieving the national interests of the country. He continues the article, we are Anard negotiations with the United States because of Ahsasatna revolutionary values and ideals only, but there is evidence and reasoning to support our position. The paper pointed out that the telephone conversations that took place between Iranian President and his American counterpart, and added, that President Obama told pleased to reporters after the dial and touched on the topics of this contact, and that this shows that the gain of the enemy of this research, even if phonetically, more than Maxibna !. paper went on to say, there is in this area are some noteworthy points mentioning, namely: First: as long as the Israeli entity is a danger red positive for the United States and Iran, the red line negative, it is unlikely to be negotiations between the United States and Iran, a formula based on profit-profit. Second to change the tone of Obama's positive in the United Nations, was a political tactic in order to حصول تنازلات من ايران، ولكنه بعد ذلك عاد البيت الابيض الى حقيقته وشرارته. ثالثا- المقصود من اعطاء تنازلات لاميركا هو لقاء وزير خارجية ايرن مع نظيره الاميركي والاتصال الهاتفي بين روحاني واوباما. رابعا- بطبيعة الحال فان كل ماحدث في نيويورك، ليس بالضرورة ان تكون "ليونة بطولية" لان مبدأ "الليونة البطولية" تم تنظيمها بشكل واع بحيث ان العالم وقف على النية الصادقة والحق المشروع للجمهورية الاسلامية في ايران، كما كشف في نفس الوقت الخباثة اللامتناهية للبيبت الابيض. خامسا- ان العدو يتابع هذه الايام هدفين واضحين، الاول هو تبديل العداء لاميركا الى عامل لضرب وحدة الشعب الايراني وبث الاختلافات بين الافراد، وثانيا بث الصراع بين الثوريين والدبلوماسيين. سادسا- ان "الليونة البطولية" ليست عملية تنتهي بالمساومة بل هي تكتيك مؤقت من اجل اماطة اللثام عن الوجه الحقيقي للشيطان الاكبر ودق المسمار الاخير في تابوت المساومين. وتساءلت الصحيفة، ماتريد اميركا من الجمهورية الاسلامية؟ |
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* Visit failed Netanyahu .. and tacit surrender to Iran's nuclear Hassan Ibrahim, a result of the visit of President of the Zionist government, Benjamin Netanyahu, to the United States, is "a failure." It was found that the intentions of Western convergence towards Iran, is the largest and most comprehensive, from that contained in the Israeli approach and warnings issued by the "Tel Aviv". The West can not provide the interests of Israel to its interests, even if the contrast is "Israel" itself, which is being handled in Washington as one of the American States. In the words of Haaretz, "Netanyahu arrived at the ceremony (in New York) and all the guests had departed, and it remained only to deal with the empty chairs. " The newspaper "Maariv" Vocharat that "the lack of leaders actually listen to what Netanyahu said." In the broad-line, in its front, in the wake of the speech, and his threats against Iran from the rostrum of the General Assembly of the United Nations, wrote, "Haaretz" says, "Netanyahu seemed like a wrecker of the joys, and there is a suspicion that if one is in the room sincerity that" "Israel is heading for an attack (military) on Iran." The "Israel" has announced its refusal to "convergence" between Iran and the West, and particularly with the United States to resolve the nuclear dispute, from the first moment in which to talk about Western flexibility toward Iran was launched, and the intention of opening negotiated path directly between Washington and Tehran. alcove that opened in the wall of US-Iranian relations, which promised in the West "groundbreaking" unprecedented, saw it as "Tel Aviv," it is "open" catastrophic, may erase from existence all what was done against Iran during the past but years and decades. Israel's response was clear and direct through four conditions and, "but there is no room for agreement with Iran" mode. Where he wanted to "Tel Aviv" to put these conditions in front of the American hubs, before they are dedicated to the Iranian axis, perhaps in the end the convergence path, and return him quickly to the front path, including sanctions and tightened, and perhaps also, military options against Iran. came Terms "Israel," in the words of Benjamin Netanyahu, as follows: 1. stop enriching uranium at various levels and total closure of the facility, "Fordow" near the city of Qom. 2. dismantle all advanced centrifuges, which are installed Finally, in all of Iran's nuclear facilities. 3 - take out all the enriched uranium amounts of Iran towards a third country. 4. The closure of the heavy water reactor in Arak, which says "Israel" that he was working to produce nuclear weapons from plutonium. But things came about as possible. Where I found the "Tel Aviv" wall west of the bodice, do not listen, does not want to listen to Israeli conditions. Retreated her back, and found its expression in remarks fired by Netanyahu later, in which he stressed the need for further sanctions against Iran, at a time when negotiations begin it with them, but also tightened. approach the Israeli current, emphasizes this trend, in addition, of course, the public relations campaigns that run by Netanyahu and his entourage, against Iran's newly formed in the West, and even penetrating the depths in the capitals of the Western decision, led by Washington. Between the end everything associated Iranian nuclear strikes, and the claim of the need to keep the sanctions, very big difference. more. Shortly before Netanyahu flew to the United States, to deliver his speech at the General Assembly and also to meet with US President, Barack Obama. Netanyahu's entourage focused on the need to issue about Obama's position deals with the development of a clear red line in front of the Iranian nuclear program, modeled on the roof, or the amount of uranium enriched uranium or other, and that Iran does not comply and overtaken, the United States will move militarily against Iran. According to the leaks, which traded media Hebrew, was estimated to be issued by the Obama such a statement, but the reality is, showed the contrary. It seems that after Netanyahu's speech at the United Nations and meeting with Obama, it became clear to the "Tel Aviv" limited impact on the nuclear issue, and the limited ability to brake American impulse toward negotiating track with Iran. Turning the Israeli approach to prevent the negotiation, to prevent regression more about American concession to Tehran, with the hope to collect "something", as a result of the propaganda campaign Israel in Washington. From here, and within the grasp limited ability to influence, and despite all the Israeli thrust propaganda, found Observers In Netanyahu's speech a shift key, and perhaps substantially, the number of Israeli experts was forced to stop in front of him, according to the tenth Hebrew channel expression "I heard another message from the words of the prime minister, a change, or softer, with respect to the red line toward Iran, compared to the speech, which he delivered in Last year, before the United Nations General Assembly ", according to the channel," Netanyahu spoke about the separation between the two lines: the Israeli Red Line topic in the past few years, about all the entire Iranian nuclear capability, and between the new Red Line, which Netanyahu was forced to accept it, which is only to prevent Iran from through military action, in the case already decided to move to a military levels toward a nuclear bomb, which is not the dismantling of Iran's nuclear program, but to work to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons capability. " The approach Netanyahu's new, despite what the media and propaganda, indicate that the "Israel," as the United States, surrendered to the Iranian's will, and delivered what got him Tehran in fact, remains the only, to get the approval of them, or by selecting the best, the US approval, that the right and the rights to which she obtained the them, are recognized the rights, nor can be undone. In fact, Netanyahu referred indirectly to the affidavits, unprecedented by "Tel Aviv." The first is to emphasize that military options are only intended, to prevent an Iranian military nuclear program, but not quite toward nuclear capability entire nuclear file, including Iran continues to enrich uranium, in general. But with respect to the Israeli mobility to come, can be monitored by two points two: First: Whatever happens, and whatever the form and content of the negotiations with Iran, will ensure "Tel Aviv" that does not show any strategic disagreement, above dimensions tactical, between them and the White House, even with doing what is necessary, to put pressure on the US president, within a game of incitement by the Zionist lobby In the United States, to be more stringent with Iran, and block any agreement that does not satisfy them, note that each agreement, would not it pleases with Iran. In the sense that the dispute with the United States, it will be worse for the benefit of "Israel", than any other approach, whatever their price, with Iran. Within this framework, we are seeing, and we will see, a high level of statements and attitudes of Israeli, which focuses on "the unity of approach" between "Tel Aviv" and Washington over Iran's nuclear program, and work to "enlarge" the common points, and "zoom out" points of contention, regardless of Tgazbha and levels of realism, including a focus on the both sides, seeking to one goal, which is to prevent Iran from possession of nuclear weapons, note that this is the common denominator, is the decline Israelis are very great. Second, confirm the approach the Israeli public, the need for compliance and non-minimum ceiling that Israel can not coexist with him to negotiate with Iran stage bypass, which is not to remove or reduce the penalties imposed on the Iranians, but after the end of the negotiations, and access to satisfactory results from before. Sense request to refrain from "gestures of goodwill", whatever their level. This approach explains Netanyahu's insistence on the need to tighten sanctions on Iran during the negotiations stage, a requirement is well aware that Washington can not meet or to comply with it, but it would, according to Netanyahu estimates that prevents reduction estimator for sanctions on Iran, during the period of negotiations with them, Israeli and destination in this context, is asked a lot to get less of it. * wits Obama and stupidity Netanyahu Shaker Xraúa Prime Minister of the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu came to Washington rushed to meet with President US President Barack Obama warned again of any positive step provides them for the benefit of the Iranian side. signs of anger was visible on Netanyahu's face which is up Washington and meet with US President and deliver a speech at the United Nations General Assembly, because he has not been able to convince himself emerge as the person is indifferent towards results The visit of President Hassan Rohani positive for New York and dial between US and Iranian presidents and their agreement to take urgent steps in order to engage in talks to resolve the disputed issues. Netanyahu's remarks focused in his press conference with Obama on the need to prevent Iran from producing nuclear weapons and not to raise the strict sanctions and continuing military threat Iran finally announced, Netanyahu said he was ready to go to war against Iran on its own. It seems that Netanyahu was unable to convince the US president his views, so I came to the United Nations to repeat the demands put forward by the US President did not get it on a positive response. When Netanyahu despaired of US President , cried all the power from the rostrum of the United Nations, saying: "Do not stop the pressure on Iran," he said, adding that the only agreement that can be entered into with the new Iranian President Hassan Rohani is the "complete dismantling of Iran's program of nuclear weapons." Netanyahu, who threatens Iran consistently beat its nuclear facilities until If left alone, not the United States support him well aware of what the response awaited from Iran if the oldest on any crap, and he was confident that Sahath and Arbdath in Washington and New York will not fall on deaf ears, because the Israeli boastings time has gone, and that Iran is not like some Arab rulers who are afraid of the wrath of "Israel" and working on not upsetting the Israeli prime minister. Netanyahu has poured scorn on the platform of the United Nations threatened Iran by saying that "Israel will not let Iran get nuclear weapons. If forced "Israel" to act alone Vstthrk alone. " said Netanyahu, who is keen to prevent Iran from making an atomic bomb, is not ashamed of the whole world, which keeps more than two hundred nuclear warheads in its military bases and nuclear installations and refrain from joining the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. I do not know how Netanyahu justified as he stood on the platform of the United Nations acquisition of nuclear warheads, shouting loudly and calls to prevent Iran from enriching uranium and to continue its nuclear program? It is very surprising that sits Mndeboi major countries, especially European countries, and listen to the speech of Israeli Prime Minister did not protest against his remarks reckless, which is in fact a challenge from his part for all the states and peoples of the world that understands who is Netanyahu and what are the crimes committed and perpetrated against the Palestinian and Lebanese people over the past years. Netanyahu's talks with US President has failed and went out of his meeting with Obama, empty-handed and this is what we see in the Report site "Deepak" Israel about the meeting, which was held Monday evening between the US president and the Israeli prime minister, said the site that "Obama" statements and "Netanyahu" after the meeting, which brought them reflected the split in views between Washington and Tel Aviv over dealing with Iran's nuclear program, adding that these statements denied the existence of any full agreement between the two countries over Iran's nuclear program. He concluded, "Deepak" report stressing split America and "Israel" stance on Iran's nuclear program, which calls for Tel Aviv to halt uranium enrichment immediately, while only Washington's pledge to Iran not to produce bomb Nuclear and do not mind in the possession of nuclear capabilities. wrote diplomatic correspondent in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz says that the "gap" significant between the two men about Iran and noting that "for the Israeli prime minister that he does not believe in dialogue with Iran and prefers sanctions and military force. Obama has identified since he entered the White House in 2009 a target to launch a direct dialogue with the Iranians. "What Nstanbth from the Israeli press sources said that the US president wanted to appease Netanyahu reiterating his commitment not to lay off" any choice between him and the military option "against Iran. For his part, said Bahrain's Foreign Minister Sheikh Khaled bin Ahmed bin Mohammed Al Khalifa, the United States informed the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in reference to the relationship with Iran, it «will not take a step» dealing with the Persian Gulf «area before consulting with her friends in the region». He : «that US Secretary of State John Kerry told fellow Gulf, during a meeting on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly last week, said the US focus with Iran« will be on the nuclear issue »and Americans« want to reach a breakthrough and are seeking to Iran change its policy toward the various issues . It seems that the United States wanted by US Secretary of State permit, to reassure Arab allies and Tstrdém and tell them that it will consult with them on any issue concerning Iran, and this is the same position that the United States taken from "Israel" after the wrath of the Israeli prime minister of the US talks Iranian. * .. Netanyahu aggressive and secluded enemy's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not appear that much of the aggressive design by as it appeared on the platform of the General Assembly of the United Nations, stressing the resort, if necessary, to military force to destroy Iran's nuclear capabilities. But, at the same time, never seemed more isolated from now. It has been the words of Netanyahu bad happened in the hearts of his listeners, especially Westerners who want to believe in the possibility of a peaceful solution, which preaches the beginning of detente between the United States and Iran after a lengthy telephone conversation that took place between US Barack Obama and Iranian presidents Hassan Rohani and enter into negotiations on this file with the five permanent members of the Security Council plus Germany. "Israel will never accept that the rogue state, threatened several times Bmahohna off the map, that has nuclear weapons ... in the face of such a threat, will not be in front of Israel's only option to defend itself alone .... I want there be any doubt about it: if Israel was forced to act alone Vstthrk alone, "so threatened Netanyahu. During his meeting with Obama in the White House, Monday , it seemed as if the only Netanyahu reaffirmed the US president that "all options remain open" in the face of Iran, a recognized political term to mean that resort to the military option Matrouh. But it appeared that the purpose of this sentence was to maintain the consensual nature of this meeting, which has long lacked a mechanism for the two meetings in the past. But Netanyahu's speech before the General Assembly showed that these words were not enough to please him. Have wanted to seize the opportunity and indicates that Washington is stalling in front of a country on the cusp of a nuclear capability, while "Israel" alone know how to take responsibility on their own. In the context of his accusations and his speech against Iran's nuclear capability that looks North Korea's ability "lackluster" compared to them, to some extent saying, Netanyahu overlooked that Israel enjoys a double as the largest regional military power and nuclear power alone in the Middle East, while not accept any criticism of this situation does not satisfy waived. problematic Netanyahu's speech, is that his words, which beats the war drums deliver a welcome in the party, "Likud "On the whole," the Israeli right. " But he can not find a positive impact but alienate him from refusing to demonize Iran and fear a regional war, whether those in occupied Palestine or in Western countries. Netanyahu, who was the last speaker, did not stay to hear only a small audience, while robbed Hassan Rohani lights this year. But this speech made clear the priorities of the enemy government has Netanyahu has devoted more than 25 minutes to Iran and less than two minutes for the ongoing negotiations with the Palestinians. * Is Western countries passed the Zionist Aqaba? Iranian strategic expert stressed that Western countries know very well what is the Zionist pressure, but initiated a rapprochement with Iran, saying that the Zionist entity has become more Anzoa in the corridors of the United Nations. The director Amir Mousavi, the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Tehran in a dialogue with the world news channel on Tuesday evening that Western countries have expressed Zionism Aqaba when I decided rapprochement with Iran, and this convergence, which happened in New York and before and beyond came after American and Western initiatives par excellence, and the Islamic Republic grab these initiatives caution and desire. He Mousavi: west side knows very well what is the Zionist pressure of the Zionist lobby in their capitals, and it was evident the Zionist pressure during the past two days on the American administration, and it became evident what caused the European Iranian-American and Iranian rapprochement from the wrath of this entity and its leadership, and because of the advanced logic to Iran and acceptable internationally and globally. He expressed his belief that the Zionist entity has become more Anzoa in the corridors of the United Nations and the world after diplomatic success steady President Hassan Rohani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, saying that Iran's logic has become today's transparent, more and met clear acceptance of Western circles. Mousavi confirmed that the ball Today in the court of Western countries, and that if they wanted to take advantage of this atmosphere to reach an understanding, the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready, and if they want insulting, play and dribbling Vsergon all back to square one. He said the Zionist entity pressure on the US administration will affect the American accent for a specific period and not on position, because we know very well that the atmosphere in which President Obama said his comments, which came across two angles, first he wanted to get congressional approval of the project budget and failed to do that, and tried to appease the Republicans through the escalation of verbal with Iran. He Mousavi: The second corner is meeting with Netanyahu and his vision wrath of US-Iranian rapprochement, and I think he was not successful in escalation with Iran during Tsrihth and tried to win over Republicans and the Zionist entity was unsuccessful at it. He expressed his belief that the US administration will pass this stage and will try to build bridges back to Tehran, adding Obama to be appointed foreign minister, to communicate with Tehran, and Iran announced its displeasure to these statements, and estimated the US position and the pressure exerted on the US administration |
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