The Muslim Brotherhood and the "CIA" .. renewed old ties
Common interests
The subject of the Muslim Brotherhood relationship and the CIA "CIA" frequently around the debate.
Some believe that a relationship exists between the Community and the
United States does not and is only an attempt to discredit others
confirms that the documents "CIA" and the US administration confirm the
existence of a relationship between the two parties back to the fifties
of the last century and during the Cold War between the United States
and the Soviet Union period, during which he played Brotherhood
important role in resisting the Communist tide.
Secret documents released by "CIA" confirms that Alomirakh
administration was watching the Brotherhood and their activities since
1947 (the magazine published a secret document on the situation in Egypt
on October 16, 1947).
Document released says that a new element was added after World War
with the advent of the Muslim Brotherhood party, "which emphasizes Islam
and extreme hatred for foreign intervention in the Arab world."
In another document titled "The consequences of the partition of Palestine" dated November 28, 1947 (published by the magazine) CIA remember that "it was the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, which is based in Egypt of young Muslims for the purpose of directing the Arab community in accordance with the Islamic ideology. Was established branches of the Brotherhood in Syria, and Lebanon, in addition to Palestine, which is one of the most active branches. And seen the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood to "Westernization" as a serious threat to Islam and will face any violation of the Palestine Zionist religious intolerance. If what has been "jihad" Declaration, the Muslim Brotherhood will become the spearhead of any "campaign". As can the Grand Mufti, as the head of the Islamic Supreme Council, that depends on the collective support of all members of the Brotherhood who trust in entering paradise if they died in the battlefield. "
In another document titled "The consequences of the partition of Palestine" dated November 28, 1947 (published by the magazine) CIA remember that "it was the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood movement, which is based in Egypt of young Muslims for the purpose of directing the Arab community in accordance with the Islamic ideology. Was established branches of the Brotherhood in Syria, and Lebanon, in addition to Palestine, which is one of the most active branches. And seen the organization of the Muslim Brotherhood to "Westernization" as a serious threat to Islam and will face any violation of the Palestine Zionist religious intolerance. If what has been "jihad" Declaration, the Muslim Brotherhood will become the spearhead of any "campaign". As can the Grand Mufti, as the head of the Islamic Supreme Council, that depends on the collective support of all members of the Brotherhood who trust in entering paradise if they died in the battlefield. "
Strategic interests
In a television interview program "Here, DC" with the Egyptian media to
Mays Iron Abdel Hakim Abdel Nasser, the late Egyptian president's son,
Gamal Abdel Nasser, the intimate relationship between the Brotherhood
and the America's exciting surprise and evidence confirming the
existence of an agreement between the parties to secure the interests of
Washington's strategy in the region.
Abdel Hakim Abdel Nasser, said that securing US strategic interests in
Egypt has been going on for forty years until the present moment, which
is witnessing issued Brotherhood of the scene.
In February 2011 In an article published by "The New York Review of Books," Canadian journalist Ian Johnson went on to describe the relationship between America and the Muslim Brotherhood to it more than intimate. His book "The mosque in Munich," he says (2010), which displays the Brotherhood activity in Europe and their role in recruiting adopted in the post-jihadist ideology, that between the Brotherhood and the CIA real Trazia due to the fifties of the last century, a "silent compromise" was endowed agreement on the anti-Communist and soothe any tensions for Muslims in Europe.
Johnson reveals in his article a brief him on the books of former US President Dwight David Eisenhower tells the details of the meeting attended by Said Ramadan, the Muslim Brotherhood delegate smelting founder and mentor group Hassan al-Banna, a father of Egyptian scholar Tariq Ramadan, who holds Swiss nationality.
Canadian writer also revealed that the "CIA" supported Said Ramadan openly and was considered an agent of the United States and helped him thus in the fifties and sixties in the seizure of land Munich mosque and the expulsion of Muslims living to build a mosque on which is one of the most important Muslim Brotherhood centers in Europe.
In February 2011 In an article published by "The New York Review of Books," Canadian journalist Ian Johnson went on to describe the relationship between America and the Muslim Brotherhood to it more than intimate. His book "The mosque in Munich," he says (2010), which displays the Brotherhood activity in Europe and their role in recruiting adopted in the post-jihadist ideology, that between the Brotherhood and the CIA real Trazia due to the fifties of the last century, a "silent compromise" was endowed agreement on the anti-Communist and soothe any tensions for Muslims in Europe.
Johnson reveals in his article a brief him on the books of former US President Dwight David Eisenhower tells the details of the meeting attended by Said Ramadan, the Muslim Brotherhood delegate smelting founder and mentor group Hassan al-Banna, a father of Egyptian scholar Tariq Ramadan, who holds Swiss nationality.
Canadian writer also revealed that the "CIA" supported Said Ramadan openly and was considered an agent of the United States and helped him thus in the fifties and sixties in the seizure of land Munich mosque and the expulsion of Muslims living to build a mosque on which is one of the most important Muslim Brotherhood centers in Europe.
Author has also revealed the role of British intelligence in helping
Said Ramadan to arrange a coup against Abdel Nasser in 1965 and the
process that ended with the arrest of most elements in what has
historically been the cause of the Brotherhood, which was executed
because of Sayyid Qutb.
After the revolution a year ie in 1953, the Revolutionary Command Council banned in Egypt all political parties except the Muslim Brotherhood big for their role in the success of the revolution, did not intercede to Abdel Nasser to avoid a clash with the Muslim Brotherhood at first, but the clash was soon back to the public because of the move away Abdel Nasser for thought Brotherhood The quest for the establishment of a secular state in conflict with "Islamization" which was sought by the Muslim Brotherhood in particular, and they see that they are the largest in the success of the revolution credited owners and therefore its leadership.
Open war between Nasser and the Muslim Brotherhood in 1954 began .. has survived an assassination attempt in October 26, 1954 when he addressed a rally in Manshiya Square in Alexandria at a ceremony marking the evacuation agreement, where thrown at him eight bullets not affected by the evil none of them but hit the Sudanese minister "Mirghani Hamza" and secretary Editorial Board in Alexandria, "Ahmed Badr," who was standing to the side of Gamal Abdel Nasser, was arrested on an absolute lead, which later turned out that he belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Matthew Holland stated in his book "America and Egypt: From Roosevelt to Eisenhower" (1996), the relationship between Nasser and the United States were not bad in the early years of the revolution, so that America gave Abdel Nasser Bulletproof vest before the famous Manshiya speech as if it had been aware the assassination attempt (as revealed later Thami good political adviser to President Gamal Abdel Nasser).
After the revolution a year ie in 1953, the Revolutionary Command Council banned in Egypt all political parties except the Muslim Brotherhood big for their role in the success of the revolution, did not intercede to Abdel Nasser to avoid a clash with the Muslim Brotherhood at first, but the clash was soon back to the public because of the move away Abdel Nasser for thought Brotherhood The quest for the establishment of a secular state in conflict with "Islamization" which was sought by the Muslim Brotherhood in particular, and they see that they are the largest in the success of the revolution credited owners and therefore its leadership.
Open war between Nasser and the Muslim Brotherhood in 1954 began .. has survived an assassination attempt in October 26, 1954 when he addressed a rally in Manshiya Square in Alexandria at a ceremony marking the evacuation agreement, where thrown at him eight bullets not affected by the evil none of them but hit the Sudanese minister "Mirghani Hamza" and secretary Editorial Board in Alexandria, "Ahmed Badr," who was standing to the side of Gamal Abdel Nasser, was arrested on an absolute lead, which later turned out that he belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Matthew Holland stated in his book "America and Egypt: From Roosevelt to Eisenhower" (1996), the relationship between Nasser and the United States were not bad in the early years of the revolution, so that America gave Abdel Nasser Bulletproof vest before the famous Manshiya speech as if it had been aware the assassination attempt (as revealed later Thami good political adviser to President Gamal Abdel Nasser).
Incident Manshiya enabled Abdel Nasser, according to Holland to get rid
of President Mohamed Naguib and Brotherhood by issuing a decree banning
the group and considered outside the law, so that Anthony Eden, British
Prime Minister Abdel Nasser described as "one of us".
Nasser later turned to the Soviets and the eastern camp is London and Washington accounts and became an enemy of yesterday a friend today and began a new relationship between America and the Muslim Brotherhood goal this time eliminating Abdel Nasser himself.
I tried the United States and Britain Brotherhood support through the formation of secret cells that act against the revolution has persuaded Washington and London Muslim Brotherhood in cooperation with the hardline Iranian groups were formed cell "Fedayeen of Islam," which could Abdel Nasser exposed and arrested on the track number of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood with the withdrawal of the Egyptian nationality from a number of them, including himself Said Ramadan (1965).
Although the proof of the Egyptian intelligence Said Ramadan's involvement in the implementation of terrorist acts, but the Swiss government did not take any action against Ramadan resident on its territory, putting question marks about the fact that the US and British role in the assassination of Gamal Abdel Nasser scheme.
Nasser later turned to the Soviets and the eastern camp is London and Washington accounts and became an enemy of yesterday a friend today and began a new relationship between America and the Muslim Brotherhood goal this time eliminating Abdel Nasser himself.
I tried the United States and Britain Brotherhood support through the formation of secret cells that act against the revolution has persuaded Washington and London Muslim Brotherhood in cooperation with the hardline Iranian groups were formed cell "Fedayeen of Islam," which could Abdel Nasser exposed and arrested on the track number of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood with the withdrawal of the Egyptian nationality from a number of them, including himself Said Ramadan (1965).
Although the proof of the Egyptian intelligence Said Ramadan's involvement in the implementation of terrorist acts, but the Swiss government did not take any action against Ramadan resident on its territory, putting question marks about the fact that the US and British role in the assassination of Gamal Abdel Nasser scheme.
After Nasser's death and the decline of national tide of a new type of
relationship between America and the Muslim Brotherhood emerged
especially in the reign of President Anwar Sadat.
American author Robert Dreyfuss has confirmed in a book titled "Devil's
Game .. How the United States unleashed Islamic fundamentalism" (2005)
that Washington supported the Middle East and North Africa Islamic
groups openly and secretly, causing the birth of "terrorism", stressing
that America manipulated groups Islamic supported and funded by.
The Dreyfus The United States used the Muslim Brotherhood in the fifties, against Gamal Abdel Nasser and national tide, and after the death of Nasser in 1970 and the decline of Arab nationalism end of the seventies troubled relationship between the parties because of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood to the Camp David Accords, in particular that of President Anwar Sadat, who became the most important allies of Washington in the region was, before Camp David, use the Brotherhood, with the blessing of American, anti-communism and Nasiriyah.
The Dreyfus The United States used the Muslim Brotherhood in the fifties, against Gamal Abdel Nasser and national tide, and after the death of Nasser in 1970 and the decline of Arab nationalism end of the seventies troubled relationship between the parties because of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood to the Camp David Accords, in particular that of President Anwar Sadat, who became the most important allies of Washington in the region was, before Camp David, use the Brotherhood, with the blessing of American, anti-communism and Nasiriyah.
I knew the relationship between Sadat and the Muslim Brotherhood
"truce" that lasted for years, but soon began to fade away to the
relationship ends later in 1981 to break the arrest of hundreds, led by
leader Omar Tlemceni.
In their book "fundamentalisms and the State" (1996), Martin Marty and Scott Apple Bay is noteworthy that the tendency of extremism began to lead the Brotherhood Unlike Azhar, who maintained a moderation did not want to enter into a confrontation with the group. Group launched across its magazine "call" explicitly call (July 1979) to attack the Israeli embassy and killed diplomats and tourists Israelis and all those who cooperate with Israel from the Egyptians.
In their book "fundamentalisms and the State" (1996), Martin Marty and Scott Apple Bay is noteworthy that the tendency of extremism began to lead the Brotherhood Unlike Azhar, who maintained a moderation did not want to enter into a confrontation with the group. Group launched across its magazine "call" explicitly call (July 1979) to attack the Israeli embassy and killed diplomats and tourists Israelis and all those who cooperate with Israel from the Egyptians.
In April 1980, "the call" magazine has called for a boycott of all that
is because the Israeli embassy or kill diplomats bombing would not work
after that relations between the two countries has become a reality.
In January 1979 was the "call" published a report claiming that it
emanates from "CIA" calls on the Egyptian government to eliminate
Islamist groups, including the Muslim Brotherhood.
"Advocate" quoted the report (which turned out to be false) to Richard
Mitchell, a professor of history and North Africa, the Near East at the
University of Michigan and author of the Muslim Brotherhood community.
The deliberate falsification of President Sadat and angered him to the custody of the numbers of "call" and scolding mentor himself to such tendentious and offensive to the US-Egyptian relations reports. The morning of September 4, 1981, Al-Ahram newspaper surprised that people have been arrested hundreds of instigators of sectarian strife, has been most of those from the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic groups, was in the forefront of the Muslim Brotherhood guide Omar Tlemceni. The newspaper pointed out that the majority of the defendants elements blinded fanaticism and religious extremism, and that the socialist prosecutor charge of the investigation with the accused. On September 5 Sadat announced, solve some of unregistered associations that worked against national unity, and the reservation of funds to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic groups. The tension between Sadat and the Muslim Brotherhood has reached its peak after Sadat Tlemceni to face charges of subversion, employment and raise the students and sectarian strife and to avenge the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood, including the revolution in July
The deliberate falsification of President Sadat and angered him to the custody of the numbers of "call" and scolding mentor himself to such tendentious and offensive to the US-Egyptian relations reports. The morning of September 4, 1981, Al-Ahram newspaper surprised that people have been arrested hundreds of instigators of sectarian strife, has been most of those from the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic groups, was in the forefront of the Muslim Brotherhood guide Omar Tlemceni. The newspaper pointed out that the majority of the defendants elements blinded fanaticism and religious extremism, and that the socialist prosecutor charge of the investigation with the accused. On September 5 Sadat announced, solve some of unregistered associations that worked against national unity, and the reservation of funds to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic groups. The tension between Sadat and the Muslim Brotherhood has reached its peak after Sadat Tlemceni to face charges of subversion, employment and raise the students and sectarian strife and to avenge the presence of the Muslim Brotherhood, including the revolution in July
Between denial and confirmation
Despite the vast amount of released secret US documents and Washington
still denies the existence of any relationship with the Brotherhood.
This may be true after of September atheist terrorist attacks that
followed Omirakh cut any ties with Islamist groups .. but the presence
of the Muslim Brotherhood in the American home with the knowledge and
consent of the US security authorities can not be denying any way.
Little Steven Merle scholar at the Hudson Institute in Washington, in a lengthy study of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States (2009) that the US administration allowed them to engage in regulatory activities within the United States. In this context, the Muslim Brotherhood in America in the early sixties work of organizations working on the external front cover of this secret organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in the American home. Merle says that this secret organization has achieved huge success in creating a sponsor and driving organizations to achieve the lofty goals of the Muslim Brotherhood America.
The writer states that he was in the beginnings of the assembly stage and the crowd, where the movement began to form in conjunction with the start of the Islamic efficiency in North America or slightly before.
Says, "The formation of volunteers began but without any regulatory framework, they are then groups of enthusiasts or activists who were in the country from the Muslim Brotherhood or the other group, or do not have the slightest affiliation activity gathered them together and work with the team and this was planting the seed of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America stage."
Little Steven Merle scholar at the Hudson Institute in Washington, in a lengthy study of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States (2009) that the US administration allowed them to engage in regulatory activities within the United States. In this context, the Muslim Brotherhood in America in the early sixties work of organizations working on the external front cover of this secret organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in the American home. Merle says that this secret organization has achieved huge success in creating a sponsor and driving organizations to achieve the lofty goals of the Muslim Brotherhood America.
The writer states that he was in the beginnings of the assembly stage and the crowd, where the movement began to form in conjunction with the start of the Islamic efficiency in North America or slightly before.
Says, "The formation of volunteers began but without any regulatory framework, they are then groups of enthusiasts or activists who were in the country from the Muslim Brotherhood or the other group, or do not have the slightest affiliation activity gathered them together and work with the team and this was planting the seed of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America stage."
He adds: "Then began the second phase of an organizational nature have
been working groups at the level of North America and they have a
regulatory framework for coordinating the so-called Council of
coordination and that the first interest coordination between
international groups efforts and verify their effectiveness and benefit
from their experiences and come up with recommendations but is not
obligated to groups and not in regulatory framework yet.
Then these groups have grown to produce leaders, and then be a working
group to coordinate and bring together the leaders of the groups in the
absence of at least members of the group's leadership in peace.
And it was causing some countries that do not have a group represented
by the Coordinating Council to accede to the nearest group in the
neighboring state, as was the case with Iraq with Jordan and Libya with
Egypt and examples contained. "
And reveals: "The range of affiliations Brotherhood in North America to gather students and Trooping the composition of Muslim Student Union to be a Muslim Brotherhood dye is then the other regulatory activities are limited to public gatherings, conferences and student camps mass."
And reveals: "The range of affiliations Brotherhood in North America to gather students and Trooping the composition of Muslim Student Union to be a Muslim Brotherhood dye is then the other regulatory activities are limited to public gatherings, conferences and student camps mass."
Although proof of Egyptian intelligence Said Ramadan's involvement in the implementation of terrorist acts, but the Swiss government did not take any action against Ramadan resident on its territory, putting question marks about the fact that the US and British role in the assassination of Gamal Abdel Nasser scheme.
According to a study has "confessed one of the founders of the Union
that the history of its foundation dating back to 1962. The work of the
Union has begun to Younis University in Iorbana Champaign where we share
for the first time in the twenty-fifth of December of 1961 and we were
the day eight students, where we agreed to that we meet in the first of
the month following the January 1, 1962, where included the states of
Indiana and Osconsen and Minnesota and we were the day fifteen Then we
agreed to ideological framework we can walk it and commitment to achieve
higher effectiveness in American universities and join us student teams
from all over the sound. "
Union work officially began in 1963 to become the hallmarks of the universities and academic institutes even enjoy about 250 representative offices him in various universities in the US and Canada. There is also the Brotherhood, according to Stephen Merle, associations and other institutions operating within the law and with the approval of the US authorities and the Islamic Waqf in North America and the Islamic Society of North America and the International Institute of Islamic Thought and the Council on American-Islamic Relations Society of America and the Islamic Fiqh Council of North America.
Union work officially began in 1963 to become the hallmarks of the universities and academic institutes even enjoy about 250 representative offices him in various universities in the US and Canada. There is also the Brotherhood, according to Stephen Merle, associations and other institutions operating within the law and with the approval of the US authorities and the Islamic Waqf in North America and the Islamic Society of North America and the International Institute of Islamic Thought and the Council on American-Islamic Relations Society of America and the Islamic Fiqh Council of North America.
Building bridges
After the election of Barack Obama as president of the United States,
succeeding George W. Bush began there have been attempts to build
bridges again between America and the Muslim world away from the
remnants of the Sept. 11 attacks came the Arab Spring and the rise of
political Islam, led by the Muslim Brotherhood in all their branches in
the country which have long been the spring to restore the atmosphere of
the fifties of the last century, and we are seeing D bridges between
two friends again Kadimin Frguethma policy interests.
Former officials in the US government called them "magazine" denies
that the United States sought to influence at all on the Muslim
Former Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Richard
Murphy says he does not mention the presence of any contacts between the
"CIA" and the Muslim Brotherhood during his time at the State
And also denied Tuitin Tom, who was head of Egypt and Libya branch of the "CIA" in the mid-seventies of the last century was a period, and then promoted to the position of director of operations in the nineties, that the White House ordered any attempts at intervention
He explained Tuitin saying: "If policymakers wanted policies .. that the (CIA) b (process) intervention, will require a written document that sets goals and boundaries and the reasons for the agency required process it .. and I can assure that it has not issued a document or discussion about interference in or with the Muslim Brotherhood since 1974 until retirement in 1995. He also does not mention any reference to the existence of such a program before 1974. "
And also denied Tuitin Tom, who was head of Egypt and Libya branch of the "CIA" in the mid-seventies of the last century was a period, and then promoted to the position of director of operations in the nineties, that the White House ordered any attempts at intervention
He explained Tuitin saying: "If policymakers wanted policies .. that the (CIA) b (process) intervention, will require a written document that sets goals and boundaries and the reasons for the agency required process it .. and I can assure that it has not issued a document or discussion about interference in or with the Muslim Brotherhood since 1974 until retirement in 1995. He also does not mention any reference to the existence of such a program before 1974. "
But we must distinguish between the attempt to intervene to influence
the organization and spying on them, which is the work of the agency,
Indeed intelligence analyst last confesses: "The agency has the
resources within some Muslim organizations because they provided a great
deal of confidential reports (organizations) reversed to obtain
information from informed sources."
Ian Johnson himself, who had the first links between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood, fell slightly below what previously said for "magazine" that the accusations of a relationship with "CIA" was "an" old way to tarnish the Brotherhood for decades. The beginning of the Nasser era, those were known to attack the group - that is said to be secretly cooperating with the global American plot method (extends to Zionism).
Ian Johnson himself, who had the first links between the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood, fell slightly below what previously said for "magazine" that the accusations of a relationship with "CIA" was "an" old way to tarnish the Brotherhood for decades. The beginning of the Nasser era, those were known to attack the group - that is said to be secretly cooperating with the global American plot method (extends to Zionism).
Within Egypt, the criticism will continue the existence of relations
between the Muslim Brotherhood and the United States so far.
At the moment where the controlled group, under the guise of Freedom
and Justice Party, the reins of power in Egypt, opponents find
additional incentive to seek to discredit.
Last July in an interview with "Al-Ahram" admitted Saad Eddin Ibrahim, a sociology professor and director of the Ibn Khaldun Center, he played a mediator between the Muslim Brotherhood and the American role in the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's time by facilitating meetings between the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Khairat Al-Shater and Essam el-Erian The current tour Mohammed Badie and former Mohammed Mahdi Akef, with American officials.
Ibrahim said he is not reached any agreements or transactions, it has been the primary goal is the keenness of both sides to be there are not interrupted communication channels between them and are invested when the time comes.
Last July in an interview with "Al-Ahram" admitted Saad Eddin Ibrahim, a sociology professor and director of the Ibn Khaldun Center, he played a mediator between the Muslim Brotherhood and the American role in the former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's time by facilitating meetings between the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood Khairat Al-Shater and Essam el-Erian The current tour Mohammed Badie and former Mohammed Mahdi Akef, with American officials.
Ibrahim said he is not reached any agreements or transactions, it has been the primary goal is the keenness of both sides to be there are not interrupted communication channels between them and are invested when the time comes.
For his part, Dr. Effat Sadat, President of the National Party of
Egypt, the Brotherhood decided to fall into the lap of the United States
of America, and this is not a stranger to them, Brotherhood, throughout
its long history, have become addicted to hold secret deals that are in
the interests of the community first.
During the visit by Secretary Hillary Clinton to Egypt in July, criticized the writer Ahmed Musa journalist President Morsi and Freedom and Justice Party because of the lack of express sufficient decisiveness in what American intervention in Egypt's internal affairs, saying that the United States has shifted from "the Great Satan" to a "friend" in the eyes of freedom and justice / Muslim Brotherhood.
And worthwhile that he claims that the alleged collusion between the two is a "conspiracy" aimed at undermining the authority of the Egyptian army. There were also concerns on the tongues of demonstrators who threw shoes at Clinton's car and tomatoes when she left the US Consulate in Alexandria. Many of them waved placards accusing the United States funded by the Muslim Brotherhood.
During the visit by Secretary Hillary Clinton to Egypt in July, criticized the writer Ahmed Musa journalist President Morsi and Freedom and Justice Party because of the lack of express sufficient decisiveness in what American intervention in Egypt's internal affairs, saying that the United States has shifted from "the Great Satan" to a "friend" in the eyes of freedom and justice / Muslim Brotherhood.
And worthwhile that he claims that the alleged collusion between the two is a "conspiracy" aimed at undermining the authority of the Egyptian army. There were also concerns on the tongues of demonstrators who threw shoes at Clinton's car and tomatoes when she left the US Consulate in Alexandria. Many of them waved placards accusing the United States funded by the Muslim Brotherhood.
US charges
Strange that in the United States the same place, "slander" a similar
process, where the resort some public figures to accuse political rivals
in collusion with the Muslim Brotherhood.
On 13 June, I sent Rep. Michele Bachman with four deputies Republicans
and other inquiries to the Office of the Inspector General in the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the question about the reason for
granting help Hillary Clinton's longtime Houma Abdeen security clearance
despite allegations of ties between her parents and her brother
individuals and groups affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood.
Met with accusations of a backlash from other lawmakers, including
Republican Senator John McCain, who ascended the platform of the Senate
to denounce the letter, saying the "malicious accusations .. have no
logic nor the basis of no use."
He described McCain Abdeen as "friendly" and pointed out that these
allegations are very similar to the allegations of Senator John McCarthy
during the fifties, when it was brought to US officials, particularly
from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, before Congress to defend
themselves in accusations of complicity with the Soviet Union.
For his part, Barack Obama Huma Abidin as a "patriotic American" saying during an iftar dinner at the White House that "the representation of our country and the democratic values that we cherish, not less than wonderful," adding: "The American people owe her grateful, because the US Houma national ، ومثال لما نحتاجه في هذا البلد، وهو مزيد من الموظفين الحكوميين، الذين لهم إحساسها باللياقة والكياسة وسماحة روحها”.
For his part, Barack Obama Huma Abidin as a "patriotic American" saying during an iftar dinner at the White House that "the representation of our country and the democratic values that we cherish, not less than wonderful," adding: "The American people owe her grateful, because the US Houma national ، ومثال لما نحتاجه في هذا البلد، وهو مزيد من الموظفين الحكوميين، الذين لهم إحساسها باللياقة والكياسة وسماحة روحها”.
which accused Abdeen seeking to reach the upper levels of the US
government said justified its position: "If my family members linked to
Hamas, a terrorist organization, that alone may be enough to prevent me
from getting a security clearance."
But the Muslim Brotherhood and the State Department are not parties only ones accused of complicity. In July, the newspaper "the Constitution" Egyptian devoted half its front page to the news refers to the provision of a member of Congress from the state of Virginia. Frank Wolf, "a legal document .. prove that President Barack Obama and (Secretary of State) Hillary Clinton, ahead of up to 50 million US dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood during the second round of the presidential election to support Mohamed Morsi. "
But the Muslim Brotherhood and the State Department are not parties only ones accused of complicity. In July, the newspaper "the Constitution" Egyptian devoted half its front page to the news refers to the provision of a member of Congress from the state of Virginia. Frank Wolf, "a legal document .. prove that President Barack Obama and (Secretary of State) Hillary Clinton, ahead of up to 50 million US dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood during the second round of the presidential election to support Mohamed Morsi. "
But when I called the "magazine" User Wolf in the Washington office, his spokesman has denied any knowledge of the matter. The
Wolf had traveled to Egypt twice, most recently in June 2011, and met
with Mubarak and other Egyptian officials spoke about her concerns about
religious and ethnic minorities in the Middle East rights. Perhaps
Wolf public support for the Copts led to the rise of its shares in
Egypt, becoming an easy target for this kind of accusations. As
for the claim itself, appears to be another example of a campaign to
tarnish the image of Mursi reference to the client that the US
government. Given all that, it seems that is attracting all
of Congressman Wolf, and the United States in general, to an escalating
propaganda aimed at undermining the credibility of Mercy with the
Egyptian people.
"CIA" supported Said Ramadan openly and was considered an agent of the United States and thus helped him in the fifties and sixties in the seizure of land Munich mosque and the expulsion of Muslims living to build the mosque, which is one of the most important centers of the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe.
we studied the American reaction to the events of the Arab Spring and
the modern method of mounting between the United States and Egypt today,
we will find it is clear that the United States was surprised by the
unrest that occurred in Tunisia and Egypt. The United
States was slow to respond during the crisis, at least because of
exaggerated fears that the Muslim Brotherhood will snap in the end to
power by force. What also became clear is that the attack,
which exposed him Morsi of his opponents - who often ignore the
background for part of the political elite in Mubarak's era of military
rule, which has maintained strong links with the United States - but it
is a part of the struggle for power in Egypt. In parallel
with this, came out bouts of doubt within the United States itself on
"infiltration" Brothers to the US government (and society) to reflect
the scary rumors circulating in Egypt and calls to mind the concerns of
Senator Joseph McCarthy's famous in the fifties of the last century.
the recent accusations that the United States supports the Muslim
Brotherhood, a secret, and that senior US officials "sympathetic" with
the aspirations of the Muslim Brotherhood or having links with Islamic
groups, and that the Obama administration has secretly financed the
election campaign of Mercy, you must differentiate between is "normal."
in relations states and between what is propaganda among especially
It should be remembered Slow US reaction to the Arab Spring, which saw the fall of two of America's most important allies: Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, which continued to govern the country over 23 years, and Hosni Mubarak, who has continued to govern Egypt since the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981. Thus it is clear that the Arab Spring is a popular act of self stunned the United States and that the accusations of a role for "CIA" behind the scenes unfounded or at least there is now backed up to reveal America new secret documents after decades from now.
It should be remembered Slow US reaction to the Arab Spring, which saw the fall of two of America's most important allies: Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia, which continued to govern the country over 23 years, and Hosni Mubarak, who has continued to govern Egypt since the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981. Thus it is clear that the Arab Spring is a popular act of self stunned the United States and that the accusations of a role for "CIA" behind the scenes unfounded or at least there is now backed up to reveal America new secret documents after decades from now.
Intelligence failure
was surprised the United States completely Tunisian and Egyptian
Balthortin, despite the presence of certain indicators of the
possibility of unrest in Tunisia, thanks to rampant corruption in the
Ben Ali family and senior officials. December 17 (December)
2010, Beachcomber Mohamed Bouazizi lit the fire in his body to protest
the confiscation of the fruit cart by municipal officials.
At a time when Bouazizi died of his wounds at the beginning of the month of January (January), did not understand very little in Washington fact the implications of what is happening in Tunisia. When news broke Bouazizi to ignite the fire in his body, came out anti-government demonstrations across Tunisia. On January 7 only, the United States recognized the existence of disorders, and summoned the Tunisian ambassador to criticize the government's handling of the protests and urged restraint. According to a statement made by a senior official in the US State Department, the United States expressed "concern about what is happening with regard to the demonstrations .. Tunisian government and encouraged to ensure respect for civil liberties."
At a time when Bouazizi died of his wounds at the beginning of the month of January (January), did not understand very little in Washington fact the implications of what is happening in Tunisia. When news broke Bouazizi to ignite the fire in his body, came out anti-government demonstrations across Tunisia. On January 7 only, the United States recognized the existence of disorders, and summoned the Tunisian ambassador to criticize the government's handling of the protests and urged restraint. According to a statement made by a senior official in the US State Department, the United States expressed "concern about what is happening with regard to the demonstrations .. Tunisian government and encouraged to ensure respect for civil liberties."
the timing was purely coincidence that travels the US Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton during the unrest to Qatar and a speech calling
for Arab rulers to "greater openness in political systems", where it
became clear that progress toward reform has witnessed a "recession." At
the same time, the deterioration of the situation in Tunisia quickly,
and published the "New York Times" on January 11 story about the killing
of up to 14 people. That prompted the State Department to
emphasize the Tunisian government that the Obama administration does not
feel "only concerned about the ongoing violence, but also emphasizes
the importance of respect for freedom of expression, and the importance
of the availability of information."
But the violence continued and on January 13, 16 people others were killed, making payment of Ben Ali to be noted that he will leave office after the end of his term. This was not enough. On that day, the Tunisian army explained that it would not use force to suppress the demonstrations. And forced Ben Ali after abandoned by the army to escape to the outside of Tunisia with his family.
But the violence continued and on January 13, 16 people others were killed, making payment of Ben Ali to be noted that he will leave office after the end of his term. This was not enough. On that day, the Tunisian army explained that it would not use force to suppress the demonstrations. And forced Ben Ali after abandoned by the army to escape to the outside of Tunisia with his family.
The United States used the Muslim Brotherhood in the fifties, against Gamal Abdel Nasser and national tide, and after the death of Nasser in 1970 and the decline of Arab nationalism end of the seventies troubled relationship between the parties because of the opposition Muslim Brotherhood to the Camp David Accords.
US government was shocked by President Obama criticized Intelligence
Agency (CIA) for failing to anticipate the revolution in Tunisia and the
sudden departure of Ben Ali. According to the American
journalist Mark Mazzetti, "focused (US officials) criticism of the
intelligence assessments in the last month (January 2011), which
concluded that despite demonstrations in Tunisia, the subsidiary of
President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's security forces would defend his
government." But it is clear that this did not happen. He
also said a US official, "Everyone realized that the demonstrations in
Tunisia serious .. but what was not clear even to President Ben Ali was
that his security forces will choose quickly not supported."
In fact, American officials have been candid with respect they feel surprise at the departure of Ben Ali , where he confessed to Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in "The Daily Show" on 3 February that the overthrow of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, we did not shock us, but also shocked many. " Mullen went on to say that "to a large extent the timing is surprising to us - and moved (unrest) of Tunisia .. difficult to actually challenge where now revolves events in Egypt."
In fact, American officials have been candid with respect they feel surprise at the departure of Ben Ali , where he confessed to Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in "The Daily Show" on 3 February that the overthrow of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, we did not shock us, but also shocked many. " Mullen went on to say that "to a large extent the timing is surprising to us - and moved (unrest) of Tunisia .. difficult to actually challenge where now revolves events in Egypt."
Between floundering about
changes in the US government's approach during the revolution against
Mubarak is more complicated, as attitudes shifted rapidly with the
development of events, the US is trying to hunt again. After
the success of demonstrators in Tunisia, gained demonstrations erupted
against Hosni Mubarak and his momentum in late January, forcing the
United States to call for calm, and urged the Egyptian government to
respect the rights of its citizens. As Mark Lander pointed
in the newspaper "New York Times" on January 25, before the exit
demonstrations in Egypt, "the revolution vary in Tunisia, a marginal
player in the region, for its in Egypt, the focus of the region. The
Egyptian government has an important ally for Washington, but people
feel great suspicion in American motives, and can specter of Islamic
extremism shows. "
After a period of uncertainty, under which the White House and everyone else as well as watching the current events in Egypt, Obama concluded in the end that Mubarak ended. In the meantime, the administration shifted its position from the system warning of the use of force, to call for "orderly transition" of power without calling for Mubarak step down explicitly, then change position again to refer to the necessity of his departure from power.
After a period of uncertainty, under which the White House and everyone else as well as watching the current events in Egypt, Obama concluded in the end that Mubarak ended. In the meantime, the administration shifted its position from the system warning of the use of force, to call for "orderly transition" of power without calling for Mubarak step down explicitly, then change position again to refer to the necessity of his departure from power.
Imam Hassan HUDHAIBI the second leader of the Muslim Brotherhood mediating group of Brotherhood and the Free Officers .. In the picture Gamal Abdel Nasser sits to the left of HUDHAIBI
the end of January 2011, after the Egyptian president announced that he
will remain in office until the month of September, Obama, Frank
Wisner, diplomat and former ambassador to Egypt sent to Cairo to move
the vision of the US administration that it must be on Mubarak to begin
the "orderly transition" of power . But as Josh Rogan
pointed out in "Foreign Policy", when he was Wisner in Cairo, did not
connect the message that the Obama administration wanted him to lead
them. On February 5, Wisner said at a security conference
in Munich, attended by Secretary Clinton, saying: "We want to reach a
national consensus on the preconditions for the next step. And must remain president (Mubarak) in office runs until these changes. " Immediately
afterwards, the US administration began distancing alone for his
comments, especially after Obama on the first of February, in a speech
on the Egyptian crisis, announced that "an orderly transition must be
serious and must be peaceful and must begin now."
But followed Obama's call to Mubarak to step down a dangerous escalation in the situation in Egypt, where he attacked a group of pro-government thugs riding horses and camels Tahrir Square, carrying sticks and knives, to the fierce battle in the streets. According to the "New York Times", about 600 people were injured and three were killed during the clashes. In the face of this unexpected scenes of violence, which was broadcast all over the world, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the administration's position of the situation when he said: "I want to be clear .. (now) started since yesterday." But the administration did not find invitations to the "orderly transition" heeded.
But followed Obama's call to Mubarak to step down a dangerous escalation in the situation in Egypt, where he attacked a group of pro-government thugs riding horses and camels Tahrir Square, carrying sticks and knives, to the fierce battle in the streets. According to the "New York Times", about 600 people were injured and three were killed during the clashes. In the face of this unexpected scenes of violence, which was broadcast all over the world, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said the administration's position of the situation when he said: "I want to be clear .. (now) started since yesterday." But the administration did not find invitations to the "orderly transition" heeded.
February 3, the Obama administration come to the conclusion that
Mubarak has ended, and pressed him to hand over power to Vice President
and newly appointed head of the former intelligence service of the late
Major General Omar Suleiman, who had enjoyed the support of the army. The
plan is that Suleiman takes office and is a transitional government
introduces reforms eventually lead to a model of a democratic system. As history shows, things do not always go according to plans set. Mubarak's
refusal to relinquish power and appeared determined to remain president
until September, which is scheduled to hold elections. Under
the excessive violence in Tahrir Square, the plan showed how the US
away from the protesters, who arrived at the stage where heated power
demand a new system altogether.
the same time, the United States realized that it is certain that a
democratic Egypt to deal with the Muslim Brotherhood included, the
largest opposition groups, the most organized. As
indicated, "New York Times" on February 4, "if allowed the Egyptians to
hold free and fair elections, the Obama administration's goal .. will
have to deal with the real possibility that the Egyptian government
including members of the Muslim Brotherhood."
Multiply this realization of the depth of a problem for the United States : conflict between American values of democracy and freedom and the national interest to ensure stability in Egypt, a key ally and the axis of American strategy in the Middle East. At that time, the United States has been under enormous pressure from key allies in the region such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and Jordan as "calm" in Egypt, because of their fear that if elections were held would take the Muslim Brotherhood to power in the country, which will end the peace treaty with the five-Israel and thirty years, and lead to a destabilization of the region.
Multiply this realization of the depth of a problem for the United States : conflict between American values of democracy and freedom and the national interest to ensure stability in Egypt, a key ally and the axis of American strategy in the Middle East. At that time, the United States has been under enormous pressure from key allies in the region such as Israel, Saudi Arabia and Jordan as "calm" in Egypt, because of their fear that if elections were held would take the Muslim Brotherhood to power in the country, which will end the peace treaty with the five-Israel and thirty years, and lead to a destabilization of the region.
the morning of February 10, the Egyptian government announced that
Mubarak will deliver a statement to the nation on the evening of the
same day, which led to the spread of speculation that he would announce
he stepped down from his post. But when millions around the
world listened to his speech, were disappointed when they found Mubarak
fighter, is to "delegate powers" to Solomon, but he will not step down.
Wounded protesters in Tahrir Square outraged, and some predicted the occurrence of excessive violence in the next day. As
commented George Isaac, one of the Egyptian opposition leaders, on this
night: "Is this man speaks seriously or that he had lost his mind? People will not return to their homes, and tomorrow will be a terrible day. "
the same night, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces issued after
the fact realized a statement under the title "the statement No. 1,"
which stated: "affirmation and support of the legitimate demands of the
people," the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces was held to discuss the
developments of the situation to date .. The Board decided to continue
to convene continuously to discuss what possible actions and measures to
preserve the nation and the gains and aspirations of the great people
of Egypt. " At the time, observers believed that this statement indicates that a military coup is about to happen. With
the uncertainty which actually happened behind the scenes on the night
of February 10 to 11, held Omar Suleiman, the next day a press
conference in which he announced Mubarak stepped down from power and
transferred executive powers to the military council, led by Field
Marshal Hussein Tantawi. Military Council also issued a
statement in which he announced that he would raise the state of
emergency when stability returns, and that he was committed to "the
legitimate demands of the people care," and "lack of security
prosecution of honest who refused to corruption and demanded reform."
The Muslim Brotherhood in America in the early sixties work of organizations working on the external front cover of this secret organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in the US .. inside this secret organization has achieved huge success in creating a sponsor and driving organizations to achieve the lofty goals of the Brotherhood of America.
the news of the fall of Mubarak to Washington arrived, Obama delivered a
speech on television, in which he said: "The Egyptians showed that
sovereignty for real democracy. The moral force of non-violence - not terrorism, murder mad - that changed the course of history toward justice once again. " Obama
called on the junta to lift the state of emergency, and the revision of
the constitution, and pave the way for free and fair elections. Thus,
it seemed that the path towards democracy exists, but the Egyptian army
will be represented in the junta His final say in the future of
politics in Egypt.
So President Obama and the rest of the US government was surprised by the fall of Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for thirty years and appeared ready to continue, in spite of the problems Egypt faced. At a time when the revolution against Mubarak mobilized strength, the administration scrambled to catch up with events taking place on the ground, and at several junctures was Tsdamha developments. While America retains some influence over Egypt and the Egyptian army - thanks to the massive aid program - it proved to be far from the puppeteer who attracts strings from behind the scenes.
So President Obama and the rest of the US government was surprised by the fall of Mubarak, who ruled Egypt for thirty years and appeared ready to continue, in spite of the problems Egypt faced. At a time when the revolution against Mubarak mobilized strength, the administration scrambled to catch up with events taking place on the ground, and at several junctures was Tsdamha developments. While America retains some influence over Egypt and the Egyptian army - thanks to the massive aid program - it proved to be far from the puppeteer who attracts strings from behind the scenes.
Conspiracy Theory
idea of the spread of the Central Intelligence Agency and its ability
to exploit the events in the Middle East from its headquarters isolated
in Langley, Virginia, a fixture in conspiracy theories across the Arab
world and Iran, reflecting a deep concern about the role of foreign
powers unaccountable in the lives of the residents of these states . But what the size of the power of the "CIA" and the US government actually? The
answer is not a source of comfort for those who blame the United States
because many of the problems solved in the Middle East or the hope that
America can use its influence in order to solve these problems.
In spite of the sheer size of the US intelligence budget, which amounted to about 80 billion dollars in 2011, the "CIA" and other organs, organizations and US intelligence is not widespread and do not know everything. At a time when shaken revolts against Mubarak and Ben Ali and other Arab world and the governors, the "CIA" and the Defense Intelligence Agency (Special Pentagon itself) and other intelligence bodies completely preoccupied with withdrawal from Iraq and the ongoing war in Afghanistan, which uncovered the points a real weakness in the system US to collect and analyze intelligence.
In spite of the sheer size of the US intelligence budget, which amounted to about 80 billion dollars in 2011, the "CIA" and other organs, organizations and US intelligence is not widespread and do not know everything. At a time when shaken revolts against Mubarak and Ben Ali and other Arab world and the governors, the "CIA" and the Defense Intelligence Agency (Special Pentagon itself) and other intelligence bodies completely preoccupied with withdrawal from Iraq and the ongoing war in Afghanistan, which uncovered the points a real weakness in the system US to collect and analyze intelligence.
The range of affiliations Brotherhood in North America to gather students and Trooping the composition of Muslim Student Union to be a Muslim Brotherhood dye is then the other regulatory activities are limited to public gatherings, conferences and student camps mass.
spies were also busy disappointed schemes, "al-Qaeda", and hunt and
kill Osama bin Laden, and the battles spy planes in Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, and put an end to Iran's efforts to acquire
nuclear technology and development. This is unlike the US strategic re-orientation toward East Asia in recognition of the rise of China's power. In
light of the relative stability of North Africa in the past decade, the
Arab Spring, it is understood not to customize Washington a great deal
of resources for which, at the time it was believed that other areas
pose the greatest challenges to US interests.
of having an American force unaccountable behind the scenes big decline
in America's popular all over the Middle East to use the charge of
employment in favor of America against political opponents. Egypt was an outstanding example in this regard. The idea prevalent in most of the letters of the opponents of Mubarak, Egypt that he sold to America.
For his part, Mubarak used the same charge when he needs to improve his image. For
example, contains correspondence leaked site "Wikileaks" in November
(November) 2010, a group of letters dating back to 2005, where US
diplomats feet, were working at the US Embassy in Cairo, reports on
their investigation in the rumors that suggest Muslim Brotherhood to
receive US funds. Also addressed correspondence media
reports that the Muslim Brotherhood thinking to establish a direct
dialogue with Washington at the request of the US State Department. And
wrapped up the rumors and leaks come in attempts to undermine the
group's part of the "face" the most comprehensive between the group and
the government of Mubarak.
The same Mubarak's government, which was in 2004 under pressure from
the Bush administration to open up to the opposition, and I took these
pressures many forms, the most important of President Bush's repeated
references in his speeches about the importance that Egypt is political
reform, and Bush's keenness in his State of the Union (February 2005) on
to repeat a public letter previously sent to the Egyptian regime in
2004, saying "Egypt is leading the transition to peace in the region can
show its ability to lead the region toward democracy," stressing that
"the United States will stand with the allies of freedom to support
moves towards democracy in the Middle East of ending tyranny in our
world. "
Besides, the US administration has taken a series of practical steps to
put pressure on the Egyptian regime, including an intimation views in
Congress to take punitive action against Egypt may amount to cut
military aid received by Cairo annually, and the threat of Congress to
provide what they call "Accounting Egypt project" to Congress because of
the increasing suffering of the Copts -hsp Zaamanm- and leak charges to
Egypt as supplied Saddam Hussein with chemical weapons, and offered
Washington a request to discuss the issue of internal reforms in Egypt
at a meeting of the Arab countries and industrial countries of Eight,
and the declaration of the Egyptian embassy in Cairo to provide one
million dollars for NGOs in Egypt .
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