The answer to Question: Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia and its repercussions on Syria
The name of God the Merciful
The answer to Question
Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia and its repercussions on Syria
of Life site, quoting the French news agency "AFP" in 08/03/2014:
"Believe the Supreme Military Council FSA to appoint Brigadier-General
Abdul-Ilah al-Bashir al-Naimi head of the general staff instead of Maj.
Gen. Salim Idris ...", and came under the "complete Supreme Military
Council body ...", and included this interpolation other appointments in
the General Staff ... coincided with these events, news leaked out
about the closure of Turkey offices of the coalition and the possibility
of transfer to Cairo: The question is: Do these changes and news leaked
relationship Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia, especially late this month
to Saudi Arabia's role in the fighting fronts in Syria, particularly the
southern front? What is meant by the closure of offices? Praise be to Allaah.
The answer:
visit to Saudi Arabia later this month and the completion of the
Supreme Military Council authority to exempt Major General Salim Idris
and the appointment of Brigadier General Abdul Ilah al-Bashir place two
tracks meet in the outlines of US policy in Syria, but differ in the
details, each has a path to achieve certain purposes, and to clarify the
following remarks are :
First: For Obama's visit to the region, particularly Saudi Arabia at the end of this month:
(ie IBM Digital page US State Department on 21.01.2014), quoting a
statement released by the Office of the Press Secretary of the White
House in which he stated that President Obama will be in the 24-25 March
/ March in the Netherlands to participate in the nuclear security
summit to discuss progress winning in ensuring the safety of nuclear
materials and the obligation to take future steps to prevent nuclear
terrorism .. and will move to Brussels on 26 March / March to attend a
summit between the United States and the European Union ... and to
continue his trip to the Vatican to meet with Pope Francis on 27 March /
March .. . and meet with Italian President and Italian Prime Minister
... At 03/02/2014, after more than ten days in the Office of the Press
Secretary of the White House issued a statement in which he said: "As
part of regular consultations between our two countries will go to
President Obama Saudi Arabia In March / March ... "The statement added:"
The president looks forward to the search with the Saudi monarch in
solid between the United States and Saudi Arabia relations, in addition
to a discussion between the two countries work to promote the common
interests related to the security of the Gulf cooperation, regional
security, and peace in the the Middle East, the fight against violent
extremism, and issues related to prosperity and security. The
President comes to visit Saudi Arabia in the wake of a European tour
that includes both of the Netherlands, Belgium and Italy. "(Ie IBM
Digital page US State Department 02/03/2014).
Clear from the foregoing that Saudi Arabia will visit later this month after Obama's visit to Italy on 27.03.2014.
CNN page that in the US 03.02.2014 it had received a statement that
"the US president to hold talks with Saudi Arabia in March / March next
amid disagreements between Washington and Riyadh on the agreement that
was recently reached on the Iranian nuclear program." The
news page statement, White House spokesman Jay Carney about it saying:
"Whatever the differences in views between us, it does not alter the
reality of something and it is very very important and close partnership."
published (The Washington Post, February 3) that Jay Carney official
spokesman for the White House said in a press conference: "Saudi Arabia
is close to the United States, and we have a bilateral relationship and a
wide, deep and cover a wide issues, and the President looks forward to
the visit, where will discuss all these issues in meetings ... Whatever
the differences that could be us, this does not change the fact that
this partnership is very important document. ".
«Wall Street Journal» newspaper in America 02/01/2014 US President
Barack Obama plans to visit Saudi Arabia next month for a summit with
Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz, to soothe strained relations between
the two because of the policies adopted by the US administration toward
Middle East and specifically about the Iranian nuclear program and the
unwillingness of military intervention in the Syrian civil war, the
newspaper quoted one Arab officials that this summit will be very
important, and it aims to achieve harmonization between US policies and
Saudi Arabia, adding that the visit «belonging to a deteriorating
relationship and trust shrinking».
means that there are things that pushed America to add Saudi Arabia to
visit in a statement released after more than ten days of the issuance
of the statement of Obama's planned visit to the three European regions! To find out these things and motives review the following:
The American rapprochement with Iran after nuclear deal in 11/24/2013
which almost up to the launch of the hand of Iran in the region, then
America's position on the events in Syria, which turned out to support
him for Bashar direct and indirect impact of all of this ... in Saudi
Arabia and in particular the launch of the hands of Iran in the region,
and is known for Iran to use the confessional in each country have
doctrinal by link, so as to raise tensions in that country, and Saudi
Arabia see what happened in Bahrain, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Yemen ...
They are afraid of Iran moves in the Eastern Region from Saudi Arabia to
affect destabilize security in judgment ... All this made the
strained Arabia and withdraw its membership in the Security Council,
arguing the actions of the international community, and the intended
course then is the United States, as well as the statements of some
officials of the Saudi criticism directed to America about their
positions ...
that what the Saudi Arabia of supplying weapons to the revolutionaries
in the southern region of Syria any via Jordan, especially those
shipments that exceed US coordination room in Jordan to monitor the
weapons for the rebels southern Syria, these shipments annoy America ...
newspaper «Le Figaro published »French in 10/28/2013, a report by
journalist Georges Malbrunot where he came in (every week up 15 tons of
weapons to the Free Syrian Army stores, pointing out that he is buying
weapons Saudi funding of black markets in Ukraine and Bulgaria before
being transported by helicopter Airports in Saudi Arabia to the south of
Jordan), as well as the report notes that «during the first six months
of this year, is connected to six hundred tons of weapons to the
opponents of the (Syrian President Bashar) Assad via Jordan» ... Safir
newspaper has been published in 21 / 2/2014: (... On January 29 last,
three Saudi military cargo planes landed in Mafraq, carrying with them
weapons, including «Lao» rockets and encrypted communication devices,
and anti-tank missiles, light weapons and armored vehicles ... and says
source Arab Americans are still reluctant to provide missile system
Chinese-made and sophisticated to the Syrian armed opposition ..), also
added: (says Western and Arab security sources cross it during the
Battle of the Eastern Gota, and weeks that followed, the transfer of the
Saudis through retail loads airport of weapons have been buy some in
Ukraine. And
crossed the weekly convoys carrying 15 tons of the Jordanian-Syrian
border in the corridors of weapons across the desert to the Centers hub
in the region, extending beyond the 15 East towards Gota.), And
indicates the arrival of weapons of what was published "Ambassador" in
06/02/2014 from that (the majority Armed factions in Daraa, had met
yesterday and decided to unite under the banner of "Yarmouk Band," which
became the 14 battalion, brigade, most notably the "Shield of the
South" and "Bara bin Malik" and "armor") battalion, and she said (to
unify the insurgents were simultaneously with battle fired them in
southern Syria, under the name of "Geneva Horan," led by five operating
rooms, spread over the whole of Daraa governorate) ...
this is no nuisance to America for a possible exit of some rebels in
the southern front for Toaha, especially that in Saudi Arabia follow the
British forces and are going to their steps in terms of jamming schemes
America as it is known in the political English ... All this has made
America afraid of Saudi activity in front South in Syria ... Although
America has on 13 December 2013 to establish Front rebels of the FSA
Syria and its branch base in the south, and in response to the movement
of Saudi Arabia in the south of Syria, but that America take Arabia
movements in the south seriously, especially those moves that exceed the
coordination with the American Chamber of Jordan.
Then there is another factor, the Saudi royal family, although now was
driven from men the English King Abdullah and his aides, but which also
men affiliated with the America, and America needs to be hostility to
Saudi Arabia from the door again highlights not for the development of
its men there and re-sentence to influence as was in the reign of King
Fahd, and at the same time, the American men in the royal family are
interested in good relations with the United States ...
3.ohecma the two parties share a desire to resolve the dispute! This
desire has been moved to the process from both sides procedures as
steps preliminary Obama expected to visit later this month, has been
both parties procedures as follows:
As for Saudi Arabia, they issued (the law to punish fighters abroad and
belonging to extremist currents), "Economic 02/03/2014", and of course
meant that the fighting in Syria, this law has been released in
conjunction with any 02/03/2014 Obama's decision Deal Saudi Arabia to
visit schedule as mentioned above! All
this to appease America ... This is in addition to that, Prince
Mohammed bin Nayef (interior minister) had met with the Central
Intelligence Agency and other heads of intelligence in Washington to
discuss a range of issues, including the issue of Syria ... it has a
network vision News quoted at 24 / 2/2014: (met Susan Rice, the national
security adviser and Lisa Monaco homeland security adviser last
Wednesday with Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, the Saudi interior minister,
has issued a statement after the meeting the spokeswoman for the US
National Security Council spokesman Caitlin Hayden explained that the
three officials "also exchanged views on regional issues and stressed
the commitment to strengthen our cooperation in a range of common interests).
The United States has sent Kerry twice in recent months: In the
November / November 2013 and December second / January 2014, these
visits was to reassure the Saudi officials on the one hand America on
Iran and Syria policy, and repeated Kerry America's determination to not
allow Iran to have a nuclear weapon . Kerry had said before the meeting that Saudi Arabia plays a key role in the Arab region. (BBC Turkish 11/06/2013).
came Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia, which comes at the highest level of
mending fences and ease the tension from both sides and to reassure Al
Saud on their system who fear him, and not on anything else, it is just
what worries them, not worried about what is happening in Syria, but as
far as can be reflected on their system, but this did not champion the
people of Syria and wanted to resolve America the subject of the Syrian
regime in the Geneva conference "1.2", which are endorsed by the House
of Saud, and thus get rid of the repercussions of the Syrian Revolution,
Concern is Balarrouc and not with the blood of the Muslims and their
victory in Syria ...
visit here is to ease tensions with Saudi Arabia, and clarified her
that rapprochement with Iran and its position in Syria is not directed
to destabilize the Saudi government, and America know that the alert
center at Al-Saud, is that the judgment is not affected in Saudi Arabia,
and their chairs become vacant, that which they are interested, which
is above the above what matters to them the number of dead and wounded
in Syria ...
it is likely that Obama limp during his visit to the region to other
places, but that is expected to be Obama's visit to Saudi Arabia is the
touchstone ... and will try to Obama to reassure the Saudi rulers that
their chairs reserved and that his relationship with Iran, Iraq and
Syria, Lebanon and Yemen are not directed against Saudi rule, it is
against the so-called "terrorism", which will bend in this area on the
Saudi steps in their decisions to prevent Saudis from going to fight in
Syria ...
With regard to the issue of disqualification Salim Idris and add the
closure of some offices and transfer to Cairo ... the matter probably is
as follows:
In 7 December / December 2012 m, met between 260-550 military
leadership, and the representative of the Syrian armed opposition in
Turkey, also attended the meeting, security officials from Western and
Arab countries, and was active role is the United States of America, was
elected a new military council Created Thirty of the free army
commander, and Brig. Gen. Salim Idris was elected new president of the
Free Army, and became head of the Supreme Military Council (SMC). (Associated Press, December 7 / December 2012).
Washington Post on 05/07/2013 that "the US administration led by Barack
Obama is betting on Salim Idris," the newspaper said that "the
cornerstone of the new US administration's strategy since the approval
of the responsible and moderate was the factor which made the
administration is betting it." And
stated that "Send a message to President Obama expressed his
understanding of the position of America warned of intervention in Syria
and request support from America and in-kind and financial training
hand and expressed his willingness to face the jihadi groups." In this case can not be made without the knowledge of the dismissal Idris including but without instigation. Because they are appointed and was betting on them to provide services which is manufactured as a military board has made the coalition.
Salim Idris succeed in winning any of the fronts Front rebels were
unable to compose his front in the home, despite his attempts, but he
was unable to prevent the Free Syrian Army fighters, and some
battalions, to join the Islamist fighters, Reuters has reported on 30 /
9/2013 for this accession: "join the fighters not only as individuals,
but complete and Kktaúb of small groups, but they are strong." Then
if that matters worse for America is to seize the Islamic Front for the
border crossing, and the weapons depots of the Free Syrian Army's
Western-backed stores, in December / December 2013 ... The Magazine /
Time / American reported that US officials confirmed that the commander
Free Syrian Army Salim Idris fled from Syria, and the American Journal
quoted - in the context of the report reported on its website on
12.12.2013 US officials - saying (if Idris fled from Syria to Turkey and
then traveled to Qatar ...), and was Salim Idris's actions did not
like. It
appears that Americans Ozaajtahm attack on their aid warehouses which
has deposited the incident, and the United States have developed a
condition not reach the hands of the rebels who did not declare their
walk with them did not recognize coalition did not declare their
acceptance of its project.
to Salim Idris, America is appointed, as mentioned above, it has bet to
make free standing army in Syria within the work of the striking
features of which some factions of the army free ... but the bet was a
loser, he could not includes free factions of the army at home, but
could not maintain it without decrease as the number of left and joined
the factions! Then
the issue exacerbated he could not maintain his weapon you provided by
America, was taken over by the other factions, weapons stores, and is
rumored to have Salim Idris fled to Qatar what gig America more. Thus
America has failed for Salim Idris through to make the free army roots
at home significant, and America was betting on this matter because
Snaúaha in the coalition are abroad, were you think that the free army
can focus himself inside an influential operations carried out, but bet
was a loser as we have said, so I decided to search for the commander of
his other internal roots in terms of lineage, clan or tribe, and has
roots in terms of internal hostilities on the ground, that was signed on
its consideration Abdul Ilah al-Bashir, Fienth place Salim Idris in the
16/2 / in 2014, the military council issued a decision to that effect,
also appointed Colonel Haitham Avsih of Idlib province in the north,
deputy Bashir, Washington hopes to be able to Bashir in the south and
Haitham in the north of improving fronts coordinate creating rules for
them at home, have warmed recently these appointed leaders to work
closely with Syria Revolutionaries Front, headed by Gamal known that,
also hopes Washington using Bashir relations in the south of the country
to form a force at home on the floor to be a pillar in the interior of
the coalition abroad, and at the same time control the rebels in the
south, backed by Saudi Arabia.
Idris showed initially Reacting missed Jarba coalition chairman
dictator, and issued a statement on behalf of fronts leaders, military
councils blaming Jarba responsibility for the Supreme Military Council's
decision and said: "The squad leaders do not trust him and accused him
of financial corruption and that he bribes the signatories of the
resolution." (AFP
02/17/2014) knowing that Jarba and those with him are not able to take
any decision without the consent or instigation of America ...!
all, Idris has calmed down after that, especially when it was published
in 06/03/2014 news (that the head of the Syrian coalition, Ahmed Jarba
five military commanders at the corners and the Revolutionary commander
of the southern front, and Chairman of the Military Revolutionary
Council in Daraa, agreed to provide defense minister Asaad Mustafa his
resignation to the President of the Coalition, and is considered his
deputies by resigning ... as leaders agreed that Maj. Gen. Salim Idris
submit his resignation from the presidency of the General Staff, and
appointed an adviser to the president of the Coalition Military Affairs,
in addition to the expansion of the Supreme Military Council and
increase the number of its members.).
followed this day 08/03/2014 06/03/2014 confirmation of the news, where
the deployment of Life site, quoting the French news agency "AFP" on
03/08/2014: "Believe military Supreme Council of the FSA for the
appointment of Brigadier General Abdul Ilah al-Bashir al-Naimi head of
the general staff instead of Maj. Gen. Salim Idris ... ".
Brigadier paratrooper Abdul Ilah al-Bashir Al Nuaimi, Chief of Staff of
the "Free Syrian Army" is a new body of the people of the village of
Quneitra, Syria Rafid province (southwest) on the border with the Golan
Heights occupied by Israel, which is one of the elders of the
clan-Naimi, one of the largest clans Syria. Bashir
was defected from the Syrian regime forces in July 2012, and since that
date the work of the foundation and form the nucleus of the "Free Army"
in Quneitra, before he received the presidency of operations there, and
thus the presidency of the junta later, where he led the operating room
by himself and organized military plans that contributed to the control
of more than 90% of the southern countryside of the province under his
leadership. A
statement by the President of the Coalition Ahmed Jarba Commenting on
the junta's decision that the coalition "has received the Supreme
Military Council's decision to appoint Brigadier Abdul Ilah al-Bashir in
the position of Chief of Staff of the Free Syrian Army, Colonel Haitham
Afeesh in the position of Deputy Chief of Staff more comfortable." (Al-Jazeera + Agencies).
qualities of Bashir where he is from the tribe in the south, and the
commander of a field on the ground is what made America appointed by
the hope that can create internal roots Snaúaha abroad ... and
disappointed, God willing, hope that as disappointed before, and Allah
is Mighty, Wise.
Third: The closing some offices in Turkey and the search moved to Cairo ...:
it has been reported that in "all of us" 12/02/2014 partners, and the
panorama of the Middle East site in 02.05.2014 has also pointed to the
closure of some offices as well as in Turkey ...
07 of May 1435
Corresponding to 03/08/2014 م
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