Saturday, February 28, 2015

Police grab Christian woman protesting Muslim Call to Prayer in Oklahoma State Capital Building

Police grab Christian woman protesting Muslim Call to Prayer in Oklahoma State Capital Building
Who the hell allowed Muslim extremists from designated terrorist group CAIR to desecrate the Capital Building with their offensive Call to Prayer?
Even worse, look at all the Christophobes sprawled out on the floor of the State Capital Building, blocking any real American citizens from entering. Disgusting!
Star Tribune So-called ‘Muslim Day’ participants at Oklahoma Capitol were met by a group of angry anti-Islam protesters. Adam Soltani, the group’s executive director, said Muslims in Oklahoma are increasingly being targeted with anti-Islamic rhetoric, some of it from Republican state legislators, making it even more important to learn how government operates. For example, Republican Rep. John Bennett is a frequent critic of CAIR who has said he believes Islam is a threat to America.
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