يعني أن تغيب عن أي نص أدبي أو لاهوتي أو سياسي كلمة هي بالضبط قلبه النابض
و”ملكة النص” التي يسير وراءها كل الكلام.. وهي بمثابة حجر رشيد الذي يفك
رموز وطلاسم النقش الفرعوني؟؟.. وغيابها يجعل أي نص ألغازا ورسومات وطيورا
بلا أجنحة؟؟ فماذا يعني الكتاب المقدس إذا تلي كله ولكن اقتلع منه اسم يسوع
المسيح؟؟ وماذا يعني القرآن إن حفظ من غير كلمة الله؟؟ وماذا يعني أن تبنى
خلية نحل بلا ملكة نحل؟.
الكلمة التي تضخ الدم في عروق النصوص أو اقتلاعها من النص يجعله ينزف من
مكان شرايينها المقطعة دما حتى يموت.. وبدل أن نلمس حرارته نلمس جلدا باردا
للكلام وجيفا للمفردات.. ففي كل كلام هناك كلمة واحدة تقود النص إلى وجهته
الصحيحة كما يفعل الربان بين البحارة.. وكل الكلام حولها يتيه كما تتيه
السفن وبحارتها عندما يقتل القراصنة الربان..
أن تغيب
الكلمة الملكة بعينها عن أي نص يعني أن يتحول النص اللاهوتي أو الأدبي أو
السياسي من دونها إلى قطيع من الكلام لا راعي له يدهسك بحوافر الثرثرة
وبحوافر السأم بدل أن يجر عربة عقلك إلى قلب الحقيقة.. النص الذي لا تذكر
فيه الكلمة السحرية وملكة النص يشبه سربا كبيرا من الطيور المهاجرة التي
قصت أجنحتها فسقطت في البحر لتأكلها أسماك القرش.. الكلمة الملكة هي السر
الدفين والكنز المخبوء في أرض الكلام.. وهي ملكة النحل في مملكتها التي
تحفظ سلالة النحل.
ولذلك ماذا يعني أن يحدثك
المحدثون والثرثارون ولصوص النصوص عن الشرق الأوسط وعن الحرب على الإرهاب
وداعش من دون ذكر “دور سورية المحوري فيه”.. وسورية ملكة من ملكات الكلام
السياسي وملكة من ملكات علم التاريخ وقصة الحضارة.. لا يستوي بغيابها نص في
السياسة أو العروبة أو الإسلام أو الحضارة.. ولا يستوي بغيابها كلام عن
عدالة لفلسطين ولا نص عن الحرب ولا نص عن السلام ولا نص عن مواجهة
النصوص عندما يكتبون الكلام يسرقون منه الكلمات المقدسة التي تحكم النص
وتضبط إيقاعه.. وفي غيابها تتحول النصوص إلى نعوش مرصوفة لكلام ميت مثل
بيانات الجامعة العربية أو بيانات مجلس بان كيمون أو خطابات السلاجقة
الجدد.. ولذلك لايزال العالم لا يعرف إلا الثرثرة في السياسة والأزمات
الكبرى والحرب على الإرهاب.. وكل قراراته اقتلعت منها عيون الكلمات واجتثت
منها القلب النابض.. الثرثرة ليست كما في تعريف القواميس بأنها كثرة إنتاج
الكلام في مبالغة من غير جدوى بل الثرثرة هي في تجريد النصوص من أسرارها
ومن ملوكها وملكاتها ونهب مفرداتها الثمينة ودررها وياقوتها الأحمر.. بل
وإحلال أشباه الكلام مكان الكلام.. حيث تحل “من” محل “على” عندما يقال إن
أميركا “قلقة من داعش”.. ولمعرفة ذلك تعالوا معي إلى زيارة نصوص سياسية سرق
منها اللصوص كل عروق ذهبها.. وسبوا كل أميراتها كما يسبي الداعشي نساء سهل

الكلام المنقوص والمشرد الذي سرقت منه الملكة وطار بلا أجنحة فسقط، تصريح
ديفيد كاميرون رئيس وزراء بريطانيا من أن الغرب يحتاج إلى التعاون مع دول
المنطقة لحرب داعش.. لأن كاميرون عدّد وبشكل مقصود هذه الدول واحدة واحدة
من دون أن يذكر أهم فقرة في الحرب على داعش والإرهاب وهي “التعاون مع
الدولة السورية”.. وتغييبه المتعمد لها بذكره وتعداده الدول التي ستساعده
دون اسم سورية يدل على أن النية هي العكس وهي أن تتعاون هذه الدول مع
الإرهاب ضد سورية تحت ذريعة محاربة الإرهاب.. لأن منطق الحال يقول: ماذا يعني أن تحارب الإرهاب المولود في سورية من رحم الثورة السورية وصلب ربيع العرب من دون الحكومة السورية؟؟
سورية من نص كاميرون “الدقيق” جعل نصه مزيجا غريبا من ملهاة ومأساة.. فهل
هناك ملهاة وكوميديا أكثر من أن يحاول الغرب تحطيم داعش بدعم سعودي وتركي
وقطري..؟؟ وهل هناك من مأساة أكثر من الضحك على عقول الناس من أن بريطانيا
وأمريكا تريدان محاربة داعش في العراق ولكن ليس في سورية وتريد محاربته في
سورية من دون الدولة السورية؟؟ أي مثل أن تقرر طائرة من دون طيار قصف نصف
بن لادن فقط أو نصف أيمن الظواهري وتترك النصف الآخر دون قصف.. واليوم
تريد أن تقول لنا فكاهيات الغرب إن نصف أبي بكر البغدادي عدو فيما نصفه
الآخر ليس عدوا بل هو إسلام معتدل يحارب في سورية حرب الحرية ضد طاغية
ما هذا
العالم الذي يريد محاربة إرهاب داعش وجبهة النصرة ويبحث ذلك مع تركيا وقطر
والسعودية والإمارات.. ذلك لا يشبه إلا أن تبحث قيادة الشرطة في مدينة
طريقة التخلص من لصوص ومجرمي المافيا فتجري مشاورات مع زعماء المافيا
واللصوص في المدينة التي انتشر فيها رجال المافيا.. وتعقد اجتماعات مع
زعماء المافيا لتبحث معهم كيفية القضاء على عصابتهم وتستمع إلى توصياتهم في
أفضل طرق تدمير المافيا.. أما البطل الشعبي ابن المدينة الذي يطارد
المافيا بجهوده ومسدسه ويقاتلها ويحمي الأطفال فلا يدعى إلى الاجتماع لأن
رئيس المخفر يعتبره خارجا عن القانون بسبب أن البطل الشعبي يحمل سلاحا غير
مرخص من الشرطة حتى وإن كان يدافع فيه عن المدينة وأهلها ويهزم رجال
التعلل بأن تقديرات الغرب كانت مخطئة بشأن نمو وتحرك داعش وقوتها هو النفاق
بحد ذاته.. فالغرب يتهرب من مواجهة الاتهامات المحرجة بذريعة صارت مملة
لنا وهي أنه أساء التقديرات وقراءة الأحداث وأن استخباراته لم تقدم النصيحة
الملائمة بشأن نمو الإرهاب في سورية.. وتشبه هذه الذريعة كذبة أن
تقديراتهم وتقارير استخباراتهم بشأن حتمية وجود أسلحة الدمار الشامل
العراقية كانت خاطئة.. وذريعة أن قرار حل الجيش العراقي وقوات الشرطة
والأمن العراقية في اليوم التالي لسقوط بغداد كان خطأ كبيرا.. وأن دعمهم
للمجاهدين في أفغانستان كان خطأ أيضا دفعوا ثمنه في أبراج نيويورك.. فما
هذا الغرب الذي يخطئ دائما في حساباته ولكن نحن من يدفع الثمن الباهظ
لحساباته الخاطئة؟؟.. وكيف يمكن أن يتهرب من مسؤوليته بعبارة.. سخيفة هي:
للأسف وقعنا في الخطأ لو لم يكن الخطأ هو الهدف المقصود من سياسته..
هل يصدق
إلا المجنون أن الغرب لم يكن يعرف بعد كل فرق التفتيش وتقارير هانز بليكس
أن العراق كان خاليا من قطرة كيماوية واحدة وان أسلحة الدمار الشامل لا
وجود لها؟؟ إن سياقات الأحداث بعد ذلك وبعملية تحليل راجع تشير أن غزو
العراق تم بعد أن تأكد الأميركيون بنسبة 100% أن العراق قد جرد تماما من كل
سلاحه التقليدي وغير التقليدي وصار فريسة سهلة الهضم.. ولم يكن هناك أي
سوء في التقديرات الاستخباراتية.. ولكن شماعة التقديرات الخاطئة تعفيهم من
قتل مليون ونصف عراقي.. وتعفيهم من جريمة تاريخية بتدمير نسيج بلاد مابين
النهرين الذي عجزت عنه آلاف السنين من الحروب..
وهل يصدق
إلا المجنون أن الغرب لم يكن يعرف عواقب حل الجيش الوطني العراقي والشرطة
العراقية في مجتمع فيه 30 مليون مواطن تركوا فجأة دون راع للقانون ودون رجل
أمن واحد لتنتشر الميلشيات الطائفية مثل الفطر وتتكاثر كل أنواع الجريمة
وفرق الموت وتنفلت بلاكووتر ليلا فيما تحول مئات آلاف الجنود العراقيين إلى
عاطلين عن العمل تصطادهم عروض المليشيات وشركات الأمن للعمل فيها والولاء
لها لا للوطن حتى تحلل المجتمع العراقي وتفتت وبدأ يفرز كنتيجة طبيعية
ظواهر العنف الجماعي وظواهر الأقاليم المتمردة على الدولة؟؟ وبعد كل هذا
يقول المسؤولون الأمريكيون عندما يسألون عن ذلك -بمن فيهم بريمر نفسه صاحب
قرار حل الجيش العراقي- إنه كان قرارا خاطئا للأسف وغير صائب!!..
ولكن أين الخطأ أيها السادة؟
أليس معروفا في كل دولة أن غياب أجهزة الدولة والجيش والشرطة يعني إطلاقا
للجريمة والفوضى؟؟ كل ماحدث في العراق خدم الهدف الرئيسي للغزاة وهو إنهاء
وجود دولة موحدة قوية ومجتمع متماسك وتصدعت بلاد مابين النهرين.. ألم تكن
النتيجة أن غياب الجيش العراقي أنتج بيئة حاضنة لكل منظمات الجريمة والتطرف
وهو ما أنتج داعش وهيأ من داعش قوة تفرغ المجتمع من أقلياته وتستدرج
الجميع إلى حرب طائفية.. وكانت داعش سببا لتطرح أميركا فكرة تقسيم العراق
والفيديراليات من جديد؟؟
وهل يصدق
عاقل مثلا أن قرار تحطيم الدولة الليبية مثلا كان خطأ غير مقصود ناتج عن
سوء التقديرات الغربية؟؟ لأن النتيجة هي أن ليبيا التي نعرفها تتلاشى
وتتشقق تماما وفق الخرائط التي كنا نراها منذ سنوات تصدر في الغرب ولا
نصدقها.. وما فعله الغرب عن سابق تصور وتصميم نتج عنه تحلل دولة لم يكن فيه
ذرة واحدة خارج الحسابات..
يعيد الغرب نفس اللعبة القذرة من أنه أخطأ التقدير ولم يكن يدري أن داعش
ستظهر بهذه القوة وأنها ستهدد مصالحه وحلفاءه وأنه الآن صار مستعدا لقتالها
لإيقاف تمددها لأنه قلق من نموها.. وهناك -من جديد- اعتراف خبيث بسوء
تقديرات الغرب بشأن الإرهاب في المنطقة!!.
لا أدري لماذا تستفزني تحذيرات البيانات
الغربية والسعودية من خطر داعش وأن داعش تجاوزت الخطوط الحمر.. فماهي إلا
تصريحات مخاتلة مخادعة.. والأمريكيون هم سادة المراوغة والتنكر والخداع..
لأن من راقب تطور الأحداث في سورية منذ البداية لم يكن يحتاج إلى كبير عناء
ليدرك فورا أن الربيع العربي هو موجة
إسلامية عاتية.. شعاراتها إسلامية.. وأبطالها إسلاميون.. ونداءاتها
إسلامية.. ولباسها إسلامي.. ومفكروها إسلاميون.. وتتحرك بالفتاوى الإسلامية من المساجد في دول الخليج المحتل غربيا.. وتمويلها إسلامي من قطر والسعودية.. ودمها إسلامي ولهاثها إسلامي.. فهل يتوقع غبي أن موجة أولها “إخوان مسلمون ووسطها جبهة نصرة وقاعدة ألا تكون نهايتها داعش”؟؟
هل كان
يتوقع من هذا الحراك الديني العنيف الذي دلّل من قبل الغرب ووصف برومانسية
بالربيع العربي أن ينتج له جمهوريات اسكندنافية؟ أو أن تحتفل بانتصاراتها
وحريتها بفرق سيمفونية في الشوارع؟ ماذا كان متوقعا من ثوار همج يقتلون
الراحل القذافي بتلك الطريقة المهينة والبشعة والوحشية ودون أن يحقق
المجتمع الدولي الذي ساند الثوار الليبيين في تلك الممارسة المهينة للإنسان
وحقوقه واكتفى قادته بالتشفي والشماتة وإسداء النصح لغيره بتجنب مصيره!!؟؟
ألم يقتل القذافي على نفس الطريقة الداعشية الهمجية؟

ما الفرق بين مشهد قتل وتعذيب الراحل القذافي وبين ما تفعله دواعش سورية والعراق بالأسرى؟؟ لا فرق بالتأكيد..
ألم يقتل
في مدينة ليبية واحدة هي تاجوراء قرابة 30 ألف شخص في مذبحة مروعة داخل
بيوتهم على يد الثوار (دواعش ليبيا) ولم ينبس الغرب ببنت شفة ليوقف دواعش
ليبيا؟ بل تركهم يرسلون شحنات السلاح إلى موانئ لبنان إلى أشقائهم دواعش
لم لم
يؤت بالقتلة الليبيين أو زعمائهم إلى العدالة الدولية مثلما أحضر رادوفان
كارادزيتش ليتعلم القادمون إلى مؤسسات الحكم العربية النهج الإنساني في
الحكم ومعادلة الجريمة والعقاب؟ ألم يشاهد الغرب موظفي البريد يرمى بهم في
مدينة الباب السورية من المباني في أعنف مشاهد مروعة في العالم.. ألم ير
ذبائح نهر العاصي ومشهد الديرية الذبيحة وهم يقطعون الأجساد بالسواطير
وملايين الصور المروعة عن وحشية الثوار السوريين وهم يحرقون ضحاياهم أحياء
ويذبحونهم ويدفنونهم أمام الكاميرات؟؟.. ومع هذا أصر هذا الغرب على دعمهم
وتبرير همجيتهم بل وزارهم جون ماكين في حلب؟؟ هل يريد هذا الغرب الأفاق أن
يقنع شخصا عاقلا أن كل مؤسسات الغرب التي ترسم الخطط لعشرات السنوات لم تقم
بتقييم الوضع وطرح الأسئلة على الخبراء عن مآل هذه التحركات وتطورها
الحتمي نحو داعش الذي قد يهدد حلفاءه ومصالحه؟؟
أن نفس مشهد العنف الذي تقوم به داعش الآن قد شاهده سكان لندن في أيار عام
2013 عندما قطع متطرفون مسلمون رأس جندي بريطاني في وسط لندن ثم تحدثوا إلى
الكاميرا وأيديهم ملطخة بالدماء.. تابع الفيديو وتأمل:
الحكومة البريطانية والإعلام الغربي تعامل مع الخبر ليوم أو بضعة يوم ثم
تشاغل عنه بسرعة وطمره بدهاء لينساه الناس لأن الغرب كان منشغلا في تحشيد
الرأي العام الغربي من أجل قبول مشروع التغيير الإسلامي القادم برعاية
الإخوان المسلمين الذين كان يصر الغرب على وصفهم بالقوى المعتدلة الإسلامية
المتميزة عن القاعدة وفي وقت تحتاج الثورة السورية إلى العمل العنيف دون
تشويش.. في حين أن الشرطية البريطانية ايفون فليتشر التي قتلت برصاص غامض
أمام السفارة الليبية في لندن عام 1984 لم يكل الإعلام البريطاني عن الحديث
عنها منذ ذلك التاريخ وحتى اليوم بمناسبة وبدون مناسبة.. ولا أعرف ماهو
الفرق بين ذبح جندي بريطاني في شوارع لندن وبين ذبح صحفي أمريكي في سورية
رغم أن الصورة المخيفة للغرب والتي كان يجب أن تدق ناقوس الخطر هي في ذبح
جندي بريطاني في لندن وليس في ذبح صحفي في منطقة نزاعات معقدة بعيدة جدا عن
لندن دخلها خلسة.. إلا أن الغرب الذي أغمض العين عن حادثة لندن وكل أحداث
سورية يجعل اليوم من تصرفات داعش وذبح الصحفي الأمريكي محفزا لتحركه لأن
داعش هي الحصان الذي سيحمله من جديد إلى آفاق أخرى في الشرق مثلها مثل
القاعدة التي صنعها الغرب لمحاربة خصومه ثم امتطاها عبر أحداث سبتمبر
المدبرة ليعيد احتلال الشرق الأوسط ويبدأ مشروع التفتيت وتحت نفس المنطق
التبريري المخادع (للأسف أخطأنا التقدير والحسابات).. وداعش تحركت في
التوقيت المطلوب أمريكياً الذي سيجعل الجميع يبرر دخول أمريكا إلى معادلات
الحل في المنطقة.
لا أدري
كيف يستوي عند الغربيين أننا سنصدق قلقهم من داعش وهم من تجاهل العنف
المجنون في سورية طوال ثلاث سنوات وتجاهل حز الرقاب والإعدامات الجماعية
أمام الكاميرات للأسرى والمجازر التي دعمها مجلس الأمن لأن الثوار
الإسلاميين كانوا يقدمون لكل جلسة مجلس أمن مائدة عامرة من الجثث والمجازر
السورية حيث كان بان كيمون ومندوبو بريطانيا وفرنسا وأمريكا يقررون سلفا
وفي دقائق ودون تحقيق أن القاتل هو الجيش السوري.. وغبي من يعتقد أن الناتو
مغفل وأن عيونه ومجساته في المنطقة عمياء لتجهل أن القاتل والسفاح في تلك
المجازر هو المنظمات الإسلامية المسلحة والمدعومة من تركيا وممالك النفط..
ولم تقل
البي بي سي إن هذه الظواهر المنتشرة بكثافة في نهج الثوار دون شك غير مبررة
على الإطلاق وستنتج نوعا فظيعا من المجرمين الذين لم يعرفهم التاريخ مثيلا
لهم ويجب إيقافهم فورا ومحاكمتهم مع قادتهم.. فالذين يذبحون الشخص أمام
كاميرات ويفتون بالذبح والاغتصاب والسبي للطوائف علنا أمام الكاميرات وعلى
المنابر قام الكونغرس الأمريكي بمحاولة التغطية على تلك المشاهد والخطابات
العنيفة الدموية بتمثيلية سخيفة لـ”سيزر المقنع” الذي ادعى كذبا أنه صور
آلاف الضحايا في السجون السورية (طبعا من دون هوية ضحية واحدة).. بل إن
أستاذا جامعيا كويتيا سلفيا اسمه شافي العجمي يمول الثوار السوريين وقف
علنا أمام الكاميرات يتباهى أن مجموعته نحرت طفلا سوريا أمام أبيه وأمه وهو
أمر لم تجرؤ عليه حتى كاميرات النازيين والصهاينة.. ومع ذلك بقي طليقا ولم
تتقدم منظمات بان كيمون وحقوق الإنسان البانكيموني ولم يعره قاضي المحكمة
الجنائية الدولية أي بال أو طلب استجوابه واعتقاله.. أما من قتل السفير
الأمريكي في ليبيا فقد خصصت له فرقة اعتقال ونقل إلى قفص في أمريكا لينال
العدالة التي يستحقها..
إن كل
تقديرات المراقبين والمتابعين العقلاء كانت تتنبأ بأن النتيجة الحتمية لهذا
السلوك البربري هو خلق ثقافة عنف ستخلق مجتمعا عنيفا متشددا دينيا ومنفصلا
عن الواقع هو مايعرف اليوم بداعش.. وهو يعيش نوستالجيا الزمن الراشدي
والفتوحات المليئة بالفخر الروائي عن الشعوب التي وصلتها رسالة الفاتحين..
ووجد المجاهدون أنفسهم كمن كان يحلم بلعبة الخلافة وإذا بهم في حقيقة أرض
الخلافة الموعودة وأرض الأحلام حيث الجواري والسبايا وحكم الشريعة ويكاد
أحدهم يقول لك إنه يحس أنه يسير بجانب الرسول ويسمع أنفاسه ويسمع حوله
الصحابة وخاصة في مشهد مقزز يصور اليزيديين يعلنون إسلامهم بالقوة..
من يرى
البذرة يستطيع أن يعرف الثمرة التي ستعطيها هذه البذرة وسيعرف أي شجرة
ستنهض منها.. ولكن الغرب كان يرى شجرة الشوك تنهض أمامه في سورية إلا أنه
سقاها وحماها لأنه يريد للشوك أن ينبت في أرضنا ويقتل كل الورد وكل القمح
وكل أشجار الزيتون..
على تغييب سورية من مكافحة الإرهاب ورفض التعاون معها سببه بسيط وهو أن لا
نية لحرب داعش وأن سورية هي البلد الوحيد الذي يحارب الإرهاب وأن كل الدول
التي تدعو اليوم لمحاربة الإرهاب ومواجهة داعش إنما تريد إسعاف الإرهاب
الداعشي بتدخلاتها من أجل إطالة أمده في سورية والمساومة عليه..
الحقائق على الأرض هي أن خزائن الأسرار في دمشق.. في دمشق أسرار داعش
التركية والسعودية.. وفي دمشق أسرار أبي بكر البغدادي.. فكل الكلام عن حرب
أمريكا لداعش مثل الكلام عن حرب داعش لأمريكا.. وكل التهويلات من أن أمريكا
تخشى من داعش هراء لأن الحقيقة هي أن أمريكا تخشى على داعش من أن تهزم في
سورية والعراق..
تدور الكلمات الغربية وتدور وتناور تريد القفز فوق النهر الذي حدد مساره
وزير الخارجية السوري وليد المعلم في مؤتمره الصحفي.. فمن يريد مكافحة
الإرهاب عليه أن يجفف منابعه المالية بمنع تمرير المال إليه ومنع شراء نفطه
المسروق إلى تركيا.. وبتجفيف منابعه الفكرية وبحيراته الدينية ومستنقعاته
العقائدية في الفضائيات والمنابر الدينية الوهابية السعودية والقطرية.. وفي
فكر الإخوان المسلمين وفكر حزب العدالة والتنمية..
على كل
حال.. لقد جرب الأمريكيون نفس الخدعة فيما مضى وجربوا تجاهل الحقيقة
وحاولوا بناء نصوص في العراق وفق نصائح لصوص النصوص.. وفشلت كل نصوصهم
لأنها خلت من اعتراف لدور سورية المحوري.. إلى أن ظهر نص الحقيقة في تقرير
بيكر- هاميلتون.. وفي قلبه تربعت سورية على عرش الوصاية على كل الكلام..
أننا جميعا نذكر تقرير بيكر هاميلتون الذي كانت فيه الوصفة السحرية لمشكلة
أمريكا في العراق هو الاعتراف بدور سورية في الحل العراقي والتخلص من حالة
الإنكار لهذه الحقيقة.. التقرير قال إن على أمريكا التعاون مع سورية وإيران
للخروج من المأزق العراقي وأن اللاعبين الرئيسيين في العراق المحتل هما
الرئيسان بشار الأسد وأحمدي نجاد.. وعلى الغرب الإقرار بهذه الحقيقة وبناء
خططه عليها.. وهذا ماكان..

راوغ الغرب والعرب على إطلاق نص لمكافحة داعش من دون التنسيق مع الدولة
السورية سيبقى حبرا على ورق.. ولا قيمة له.. وسننتظر تقرير بيكر هاميلتون
الجديد الذي سيعترف من جديد أن لا حلول لقضايا الشرق إلا بالتنسيق مع
سورية.. فكل حلول المنطقة في خزائن دمشق.. وكل مصائر المنطقة تتقرر في
دمشق.. عندها لكل حادث حديث.
River to Sea
Uprooted Palestinian Is America worried Daash or them? Half of the bin Laden killing and save the other halfWhat
does it mean to be absent for any literary text or theological or
political speech is exactly the beating heart and the "Queen of the
text" which goes beyond all the talk .. It serves as the Rosetta Stone,
which decrypts the symbols and talismans Pharaonic inscription ?? .. and
its absence makes any text enigmatic drawings and birds Without Wings ?? What does it mean if the whole Bible, but after it pulled name of Jesus Christ? And what the Koran means that it is keeping the word of God ?? And what it means to build a hive without the queen bee?Amputation
of the word, which pumps the blood in the veins of the texts or
uprooted from the text makes him bleeding from everywhere veins cut
blood even die .. and instead be seen temperatures touch fortitude cool
to talk to and Jiva vocabulary .. In all the words there is one word
leads the text to the correct destination as does the master of Sailors .. all talk around confounding as shrouded ships and sailors killed when a pirate captain ..That
the word is absent specific Queen for any text means that the
theological, literary or political text turns from below to a herd of
talk does not sponsor him Adhsk Bhawwafr chatter and Bhawwafr boring
instead of dragging your mind wagon to the heart of the truth .. the
text in which the magic word and Queen of the text does not remember looks like a big swarm of migratory birds which recounted their wings
fell into the sea to be eaten by sharks .. Queen word is a secret
treasure trove and Almkhbu in the land of speech .. It is the queen bee
in her kingdom, which kept bees strain.So
what does that tell you narrators and Iirtharon and thieves texts about
the Middle East and the war on terror and Daash without mentioning
"Syria's pivotal role in it" .. and Syria queen of queens political
speech and queen of queens aware of the history and the story of
civilization .. not equal its absence provision in the policy or Arabism, Islam, or civilization .. not obtain its absence talk about
justice for Palestine or text about the war nor peace nor text for text
on the face of terrorism ??Thieves
texts when they write speech steal from the sacred words that text
control and regulate rhythm .. In the absence texts turn into coffins
stacked to the words of the dead, such as the Arab League statements or
Council Ban Ki-moon statements or letters of new Seljuk .. but it is
still the world does not know, but the chatter in politics and crises Grand
and the war on terrorism .. and all of its decisions uprooted them eyes
words and uprooted them heartbeat .. chatter is not as in the
definition of dictionaries as the large number of speech production in
the exaggeration of useless but the chatter is in stripping the texts of
their secrets and their kings and Mlkatha and looting vocabulary
precious Drrha Red Yakutea ..
and even bring semiconductor talk talk .. place where resolved "from
the" shop "on" when it is said that America "is concerned Daash" .. To
find out, come with me to visit political texts which thieves stole all
her gold veins .. and insulted each Omiradtha as Esp Aldaasha women Nineveh plain ..
For all the talk of American and Western fanfare about the war on terror does not make sense at all and the words of gossip .. It is believed Vsisthak titles of luxury titles afforded to illiterate kings such as "wise Arabs," which was granted Sisi (Abu tired) .. and like the "chief Arabs" who give him his Khaled Meshaal, the country .. and like "Donkey Arabs" who deserved Abu tired deserved the opinion of the Syrian people ..
It is speech undiminished and the homeless who robbed him of Queen and flew without wings fell, told David Cameron, the British Prime Minister that the West needs to cooperate with the countries of the region to war Daash .. because Cameron number and intentionally this one states and one without mentioning the most important paragraph in the war on Daash and terrorism a "cooperation with the Syrian state" .. and absent willful her penis and the population of states that will help him without Syria's name indicates that the intent is to the contrary is that these countries cooperate with terrorism against Syria under the pretext of fighting terrorism .. because the logic of the case says: What does it mean to fight terrorism, born in Syria, from the womb of the Syrian revolution and the Arab Spring solid without Syrian government ??Vngyib Syria Cameron text "careful" to make the text a strange combination of comedy and tragedy .. Is there a comedy and comedy more than to the west trying to break Daash Saudi support and Turkish and Qatari .. ?? Is there more of a tragedy of laughter on the minds of the people of Britain and America want to fight Daash in Iraq, but not in Syria and want to fight in Syria without Syrian state ?? Any such decide drone bombing half bin Laden or only half of Ayman al-Zawahiri and leave the other half without shelling .. Today you want to tell us Vkahiat West Half of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an enemy in half the other is not an enemy but a moderate Islam is fighting in Syria war freedom against the tyrant ..What is this world who wants to fight Daash Front victory terrorism and looking with Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE .. it does not look like, but the leadership of the police looking in a way to get rid of thieves and criminals, the Mafia is being conducted consultations with the Mafia bosses and the thieves in the city where the spread Men Mafia .. and hold meetings with Mafia bosses to look them how to eliminate Asapthm and listen to their recommendations in the best ways to destroy the Mafia .. The popular hero son of the city that haunts the Mafia for his efforts and his gun and is fighting and protects children not invited to the meeting because the head of the station is considered out of the law because of that popular hero carries weapon is licensed by the police, even though he was defending the city and its people and defeat the gangsters ..The excuse that the West estimates were wrong on growth and move Daash and strength is hypocrisy itself .. The West evades the face of accusations embarrassing pretext become boring for us is that it miscalculated and read events and intelligence did not provide appropriate advice on the growth of terrorism in Syria .. and this is similar to excuse Fool that their estimates and reports their intelligence about the inevitability of the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was wrong .. and excuse that the decision to disband the Iraqi army and police and security forces of Iraq on the day following the fall of Baghdad was a big mistake .. and that their support for the mujahideen in Afghanistan was also a mistake they paid the price in New York towers. . This is what the West, which is always a mistake in his calculations, but we pay a high price for his calculations wrong ?? .. and how they can evade responsibility .. silly words are: Unfortunately we signed in error if the error was not the intended target of the policy ..Are you crazy but true that the West was not after all the inspection teams and reports Hans Blix knew that Iraq was free of chemical drop one and weapons of mass destruction do not exist ?? The events contexts then and process analysis, see indicates that the invasion of Iraq was after that make sure Americans are 100% that Iraq had been completely stripped of all conventional arms and non-traditional and became easy to digest prey .. and there was no abuse in intelligence estimates .. but estimates peg erroneous exempting them from the killing of a million and a half Iraqi .. and exempting them from a historical crime to destroy the fabric of Mesopotamia, which has failed thousands of years of wars ..Is it only the insane believe that the West did not know the consequences of the Iraqi national army solution and Iraqi police in a society where 30 million citizens left suddenly without a shepherd of the law and without the one-man security to spread sectarian militias such as mushrooms and reproduce all types of crime and death squads and instincts Blackwater night while turning hundreds of thousands of soldiers Iraqis to unemployed Tstadehm militias deals and security companies to work in and loyalty to the homeland have not even decomposition of Iraqi society and the fragmentation began secreted natural phenomena as a result of collective violence and phenomena rebel regions on the state ?? After all this, US officials say when they ask about it -bmn including Bremer himself the owner's decision to disband the army Alaraca- It was a wrong decision and unfortunately not Saeb !! ..But where error gentlemen? Not known in every state, the absence of state agencies and the military and police means absolutely crime and chaos ?? All what happened in Iraq served as the main goal of the invaders, a termination of the existence of a strong, unified state and cohesive society and cracked Mesopotamia .. Did not the result that the absence of the Iraqi army has produced an incubator environment for each crime organizations and extremism which produced Daash and created from Daash force emptied community Okulaiath and drag everyone into a sectarian war .. The reason Daash America to present the idea of dividing Iraq and federations of new ??Is, for example, believe that sane decision to destroy the Libyan state, for example, was an inadvertent error caused by misuse Bank estimates ?? Because the result is that Libya that we know exactly fade and crack according to the maps that we see for years published in the West do not believe it .. and what the West has done for premeditated resulted in the decomposition of the state in which one atom is not outside accounts ..Today, the West brings the same game dirty it erred appreciation did not know that Daash will appear with the same force and that it would threaten its interests and allies, and now it has become ready to fight to stop its expansion because it is worried about the growth .. There -mn new-malignant recognition bad West estimates on terrorism in the region! !.
I do not know why Tstvzni Western and Saudi Arabia data warnings of danger Daash and Daash exceeded the red lines .. Which version but insidious deceptive statements .. The Americans are prevarication and denial and deception pad .. because of monitored events evolved in Syria since the beginning did not need to be a big bother to immediately realize The Arab Spring is an Islamic wave winds .. Islamic slogans and heroes .. .. Islamists and Islamic appeals .. Islamic dress and .. and .. Islamist thinkers and moving Islamic fatwas of mosques in the occupied Western Gulf states .. and financing of Islamic Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic blood .. Hatha and Islamic .. Is Stupid is expected to the first wave of "Muslim Brotherhood and the Central Front victory and the base should not be an end Daash" ??Is he expected from this violent religious movement that demonstrated by the West and the romance of the Arab Spring to produce a Scandinavian republics? Or that celebrates freedom and Pantsaradtha teams symphony in the streets? What was expected of barbarians rebels kill Gaddafi late that way degrading and ugly and brutal and without investigating the international community who supported the Libyan rebels in those degrading to human rights and the practice and only led Balchwi and gloat and advice to others to avoid his fate !! ?? Did not kill Gaddafi in the same way Aldaashah barbarism?We Came we saw he diedWhat is the difference between killing and torture scene of the late Gaddafi and what you do Doaash between Syria and Iraq prisoners ?? Certainly no difference ..Pain kills in a Libyan city and one is Tajura nearly 30 thousand people in the terrible massacre inside their homes at the hands of the rebels (Doaash Libya) was the West saying a word to stop Doaash Libya? But let them send arms shipments to Lebanon's ports to their siblings Doaash Syria ??Libyans did not borne killers or their leaders to international justice as Radovan Karadzic was brought to coming to learn Arabic institutions of governance and humanitarian approach to governance and the equation of crime and punishment? Did not watch the West postal employees thrown them in the Syrian door city buildings in the heaviest horrific scenes in the world .. Did not see the sacrifices of the Orontes River and scenery monastic sacrifice they cut the bodies with machetes and millions of horrific brutality of Syrian rebels images they burn their victims alive and massacred and Adfnnounam front of the cameras? .. however insisted that the West for their support and justify the barbarism but John McCain and visited them in Aleppo ?? Is that the West wants Hobo to convince sane people that all institutions of the West, which draws plans for tens of years do not assess the situation and ask questions to experts about the fate of these moves and the inevitable evolution towards Daash which could threaten its allies and interests ??Strangely enough, the same scene of violence by Daash now has seen the population of London in May 2013, when Muslim extremists behead a British soldier in central London and then spoke to the camera, their hands stained with blood .. He hopes the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8hjZ1d42qgBut the British government and the Western media deal with the news of the day or a few days and then farm it for quickly and Tamra artfully to forget the people because the West was busy in the rally Western public opinion to accept the project next Islamic change under the auspices of the Muslim Brotherhood who was the West insist on what he described as the forces of the Islamic moderate distinct from Al-Qaeda at the time of the Syrian Revolution need to violent action without interference .. while the conditional British Yvonne Fletcher was shot dead by a mysterious front of the Libyan embassy in London in 1984 did tireless British media for talking about it since then, and even today the occasion and without proper .. I do not know What is the difference between the slaughter of British troops in the streets of London and the slaughter of an American journalist in Syria despite the fact that the picture frightening to the West and that should have set off alarm bells are in the slaughter of a British soldier in London and not in the press slaughter in a complex conflict area is very far from London income stealth .. But the West, which I close eye on the London incident and all the events Syria makes today's actions Daash and slaughter of American journalist catalyst for the move because Daash is a horse that will carry back to the other prospects in the East, like the rule that made the West to fight his opponents then Amttaha through the events of September masterminds to restore the occupation of the Middle East and the project begins shredding, under the same logic apologetic prankster (unfortunately erred appreciation and accounts) .. and Daash moved in the desired time, which will make the US everyone justify entry into America equations solution in the region.I do not know how it sits at the western we going to believe concern Daash They ignore the insane in Syria violence for three years and ignored Jun necks and mass executions in front of the cameras for the prisoners and the massacres which were supported by the Security Council because the rebels Islamists were giving each a Security Council session is full of corpses, and the massacres of the Syrian table where Ban Ki-moon and representatives of Britain, France and America decide in advance in minutes and without realizing that the killer is a Syrian army .. and stupid are those who believe that NATO moronic and eyes and tentacles in a blind area is unaware that the killer and incest in these massacres is armed Islamic organizations and backed by Turkey and the kingdoms of oil ..I do not know how it could be that the West is blind visionary be a diligent and Lefty to his audience for four years how the rebels Syrian Islamist moderates do not resemble Islamist militants, although the level of violence by armed groups in the same period was Daashaa with distinction and without the slightest difference .. and the same slogans (Christian Beirut and the top of the coffin), which is the same slogans Daash in the Nineveh Plain, now it is the same root .. any sectarian killing of minorities and the displacement of Christians .. but that scene eroding the heart of Syrian troops martyr was thrown fall on deaf ears of Western leaders for the fact that Putin became agitated once he chides West lowliest silence on those brutal .. and instead alerted Western political institutions to this scene means that the Syrian Revolution became a school for the bad sides and farm hyenas and crocodiles, the BBC interviewed wolf who snap heart offender and submitted it to be a victim of poor to the brutality of the Syrian regime and acquitted him of and brutality to the public replete with accounts of lying outright that he was subjected to the horrors continued .. section:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23196438The BBC did not say that these phenomena deployed heavily in the rebels approach without doubt is justified at all, and will produce a terrible kind of criminals who did not know them history ever seen them, and must be stopped immediately and tried along with their leaders .. Those who massacred the person in front of cameras and Lifton slaughter, rape and captivity sects openly in front of cameras on the platforms the US Congress of trying to cover up those scenes of violent and bloody letters silly Pettmtheleh for "Caesar Mystery," which falsely claimed that images of thousands of victims in Syrian prisons (of course without the identity of one victim) .. But if a university professor Kuwaiti Silvia named Shafi Al-Ajmi funded rebels Syrians stop publicly in front of the cameras boast that his group slaughtered children Syria in front of his father and his mother, which is not dare him even cameras Nazis and Zionists .. However remained at large did not progressing organizations Ban Ki-moon and human rights Albankimuna not Aaara judge of the International Criminal Court any pal or request questioned .. The arrest and killing of the US ambassador in Libya has allocated band arrest and transfer to the cage in America to obtain justice they deserve ..All estimates of observers and observers wise was predicts that the inevitable result of this barbaric behavior is to create a culture of violence will create a society violent militant religious and separate from reality is what is known today Bdaash .. He lives nostalgia time Rashidi and conquests filled with pride novelist of the people and their relevance message conquerors .. and found Mujahideen themselves as one who had dreamed game of succession and if their in the fact that the land promised Caliphate and the land of dreams, where slaves and captives and the rule of law and hardly someone tells you that he feels that he is walking beside the Prophet and hear his breath and heard around the companions, especially in the sickening scene depicting Yazidis declare their Islam by force ..He who sees the seed can know the fruit that would give this seed and will know any tree will promote them .. but the West was seen thorns tree play in front of him in Syria, but he Sagaha and protected it because he wants to forks that grows in our land and kill all roses and all wheat and all the olive trees ..Insisting on the absence of Syria's anti-terrorism and refused to cooperate with them caused by simple is that no intention of war Daash that Syria is the only country that fights terrorism and that all countries that call today to fight terrorism and confront Daash but want an ambulance terrorism Aldaasha intervenes in order to extend its life in Syria and bargain ..But the facts on the ground is that the secrets cabinets in Damascus in Damascus .. Secrets Daash Turkish and Saudi Arabia .. In Damascus Secrets of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi .. All the talk about America's war Daash like to talk about Daash American war .. and all the intimidations of the American fear of Daash nonsense because the truth is that America fears for Daash of defeat in Syria and Iraq ..Today spin Western words and spin and maneuvering want to jump over the river, which defined path Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem in his press conference .. It wants the fight against terrorism has to Sears Financial headwaters to prevent passing the money to him and to prevent the purchase of oil stolen to Turkey .. and draining intellectual headwaters religious and lakes and Mstnqath belief in religious and satellite platforms Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and Qatar .. At the thought of the Muslim Brotherhood and the thought of the Justice and Development Party ..After all .. The Americans have tried the same trick in the past and tried to ignore the truth and tried to build texts in Iraq, according to tips thieves texts .. and failed all their scripts as they are free of the recognition of Syria's pivotal role .. that the text appeared truth in the Baker-Hamilton report .. At the heart of Syria knocked on the throne of custody of all the talk ..There is no doubt that we all remember the Baker-Hamilton report, which was the magic formula to the problem of America in Iraq is a recognition of the role of Syria in the Iraqi solution and get rid of the denial of this fact .. The report said that the American cooperation with Syria and Iran out of the Iraqi impasse and that the key players in occupied Iraq two Presidents Bashar al-Assad and Ahmadinejad .. and on the West to acknowledge this fact and building plans it .. This McCann ..Whatever rip off the West and the Arabs on the launch of the text to combat Daash without coordination with the Syrian state will remain ink on paper .. no value .. and we will wait the new Baker-Hamilton report, which will be recognized once again that no issues of the Middle solutions only in coordination with Syria .. Each region Solutions Built in Damascus .. and all the destinies of the region decided in Damascus .. then every incident.River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

For all the talk of American and Western fanfare about the war on terror does not make sense at all and the words of gossip .. It is believed Vsisthak titles of luxury titles afforded to illiterate kings such as "wise Arabs," which was granted Sisi (Abu tired) .. and like the "chief Arabs" who give him his Khaled Meshaal, the country .. and like "Donkey Arabs" who deserved Abu tired deserved the opinion of the Syrian people ..
It is speech undiminished and the homeless who robbed him of Queen and flew without wings fell, told David Cameron, the British Prime Minister that the West needs to cooperate with the countries of the region to war Daash .. because Cameron number and intentionally this one states and one without mentioning the most important paragraph in the war on Daash and terrorism a "cooperation with the Syrian state" .. and absent willful her penis and the population of states that will help him without Syria's name indicates that the intent is to the contrary is that these countries cooperate with terrorism against Syria under the pretext of fighting terrorism .. because the logic of the case says: What does it mean to fight terrorism, born in Syria, from the womb of the Syrian revolution and the Arab Spring solid without Syrian government ??Vngyib Syria Cameron text "careful" to make the text a strange combination of comedy and tragedy .. Is there a comedy and comedy more than to the west trying to break Daash Saudi support and Turkish and Qatari .. ?? Is there more of a tragedy of laughter on the minds of the people of Britain and America want to fight Daash in Iraq, but not in Syria and want to fight in Syria without Syrian state ?? Any such decide drone bombing half bin Laden or only half of Ayman al-Zawahiri and leave the other half without shelling .. Today you want to tell us Vkahiat West Half of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, an enemy in half the other is not an enemy but a moderate Islam is fighting in Syria war freedom against the tyrant ..What is this world who wants to fight Daash Front victory terrorism and looking with Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the UAE .. it does not look like, but the leadership of the police looking in a way to get rid of thieves and criminals, the Mafia is being conducted consultations with the Mafia bosses and the thieves in the city where the spread Men Mafia .. and hold meetings with Mafia bosses to look them how to eliminate Asapthm and listen to their recommendations in the best ways to destroy the Mafia .. The popular hero son of the city that haunts the Mafia for his efforts and his gun and is fighting and protects children not invited to the meeting because the head of the station is considered out of the law because of that popular hero carries weapon is licensed by the police, even though he was defending the city and its people and defeat the gangsters ..The excuse that the West estimates were wrong on growth and move Daash and strength is hypocrisy itself .. The West evades the face of accusations embarrassing pretext become boring for us is that it miscalculated and read events and intelligence did not provide appropriate advice on the growth of terrorism in Syria .. and this is similar to excuse Fool that their estimates and reports their intelligence about the inevitability of the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was wrong .. and excuse that the decision to disband the Iraqi army and police and security forces of Iraq on the day following the fall of Baghdad was a big mistake .. and that their support for the mujahideen in Afghanistan was also a mistake they paid the price in New York towers. . This is what the West, which is always a mistake in his calculations, but we pay a high price for his calculations wrong ?? .. and how they can evade responsibility .. silly words are: Unfortunately we signed in error if the error was not the intended target of the policy ..Are you crazy but true that the West was not after all the inspection teams and reports Hans Blix knew that Iraq was free of chemical drop one and weapons of mass destruction do not exist ?? The events contexts then and process analysis, see indicates that the invasion of Iraq was after that make sure Americans are 100% that Iraq had been completely stripped of all conventional arms and non-traditional and became easy to digest prey .. and there was no abuse in intelligence estimates .. but estimates peg erroneous exempting them from the killing of a million and a half Iraqi .. and exempting them from a historical crime to destroy the fabric of Mesopotamia, which has failed thousands of years of wars ..Is it only the insane believe that the West did not know the consequences of the Iraqi national army solution and Iraqi police in a society where 30 million citizens left suddenly without a shepherd of the law and without the one-man security to spread sectarian militias such as mushrooms and reproduce all types of crime and death squads and instincts Blackwater night while turning hundreds of thousands of soldiers Iraqis to unemployed Tstadehm militias deals and security companies to work in and loyalty to the homeland have not even decomposition of Iraqi society and the fragmentation began secreted natural phenomena as a result of collective violence and phenomena rebel regions on the state ?? After all this, US officials say when they ask about it -bmn including Bremer himself the owner's decision to disband the army Alaraca- It was a wrong decision and unfortunately not Saeb !! ..But where error gentlemen? Not known in every state, the absence of state agencies and the military and police means absolutely crime and chaos ?? All what happened in Iraq served as the main goal of the invaders, a termination of the existence of a strong, unified state and cohesive society and cracked Mesopotamia .. Did not the result that the absence of the Iraqi army has produced an incubator environment for each crime organizations and extremism which produced Daash and created from Daash force emptied community Okulaiath and drag everyone into a sectarian war .. The reason Daash America to present the idea of dividing Iraq and federations of new ??Is, for example, believe that sane decision to destroy the Libyan state, for example, was an inadvertent error caused by misuse Bank estimates ?? Because the result is that Libya that we know exactly fade and crack according to the maps that we see for years published in the West do not believe it .. and what the West has done for premeditated resulted in the decomposition of the state in which one atom is not outside accounts ..Today, the West brings the same game dirty it erred appreciation did not know that Daash will appear with the same force and that it would threaten its interests and allies, and now it has become ready to fight to stop its expansion because it is worried about the growth .. There -mn new-malignant recognition bad West estimates on terrorism in the region! !.
I do not know why Tstvzni Western and Saudi Arabia data warnings of danger Daash and Daash exceeded the red lines .. Which version but insidious deceptive statements .. The Americans are prevarication and denial and deception pad .. because of monitored events evolved in Syria since the beginning did not need to be a big bother to immediately realize The Arab Spring is an Islamic wave winds .. Islamic slogans and heroes .. .. Islamists and Islamic appeals .. Islamic dress and .. and .. Islamist thinkers and moving Islamic fatwas of mosques in the occupied Western Gulf states .. and financing of Islamic Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic blood .. Hatha and Islamic .. Is Stupid is expected to the first wave of "Muslim Brotherhood and the Central Front victory and the base should not be an end Daash" ??Is he expected from this violent religious movement that demonstrated by the West and the romance of the Arab Spring to produce a Scandinavian republics? Or that celebrates freedom and Pantsaradtha teams symphony in the streets? What was expected of barbarians rebels kill Gaddafi late that way degrading and ugly and brutal and without investigating the international community who supported the Libyan rebels in those degrading to human rights and the practice and only led Balchwi and gloat and advice to others to avoid his fate !! ?? Did not kill Gaddafi in the same way Aldaashah barbarism?We Came we saw he diedWhat is the difference between killing and torture scene of the late Gaddafi and what you do Doaash between Syria and Iraq prisoners ?? Certainly no difference ..Pain kills in a Libyan city and one is Tajura nearly 30 thousand people in the terrible massacre inside their homes at the hands of the rebels (Doaash Libya) was the West saying a word to stop Doaash Libya? But let them send arms shipments to Lebanon's ports to their siblings Doaash Syria ??Libyans did not borne killers or their leaders to international justice as Radovan Karadzic was brought to coming to learn Arabic institutions of governance and humanitarian approach to governance and the equation of crime and punishment? Did not watch the West postal employees thrown them in the Syrian door city buildings in the heaviest horrific scenes in the world .. Did not see the sacrifices of the Orontes River and scenery monastic sacrifice they cut the bodies with machetes and millions of horrific brutality of Syrian rebels images they burn their victims alive and massacred and Adfnnounam front of the cameras? .. however insisted that the West for their support and justify the barbarism but John McCain and visited them in Aleppo ?? Is that the West wants Hobo to convince sane people that all institutions of the West, which draws plans for tens of years do not assess the situation and ask questions to experts about the fate of these moves and the inevitable evolution towards Daash which could threaten its allies and interests ??Strangely enough, the same scene of violence by Daash now has seen the population of London in May 2013, when Muslim extremists behead a British soldier in central London and then spoke to the camera, their hands stained with blood .. He hopes the video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8hjZ1d42qgBut the British government and the Western media deal with the news of the day or a few days and then farm it for quickly and Tamra artfully to forget the people because the West was busy in the rally Western public opinion to accept the project next Islamic change under the auspices of the Muslim Brotherhood who was the West insist on what he described as the forces of the Islamic moderate distinct from Al-Qaeda at the time of the Syrian Revolution need to violent action without interference .. while the conditional British Yvonne Fletcher was shot dead by a mysterious front of the Libyan embassy in London in 1984 did tireless British media for talking about it since then, and even today the occasion and without proper .. I do not know What is the difference between the slaughter of British troops in the streets of London and the slaughter of an American journalist in Syria despite the fact that the picture frightening to the West and that should have set off alarm bells are in the slaughter of a British soldier in London and not in the press slaughter in a complex conflict area is very far from London income stealth .. But the West, which I close eye on the London incident and all the events Syria makes today's actions Daash and slaughter of American journalist catalyst for the move because Daash is a horse that will carry back to the other prospects in the East, like the rule that made the West to fight his opponents then Amttaha through the events of September masterminds to restore the occupation of the Middle East and the project begins shredding, under the same logic apologetic prankster (unfortunately erred appreciation and accounts) .. and Daash moved in the desired time, which will make the US everyone justify entry into America equations solution in the region.I do not know how it sits at the western we going to believe concern Daash They ignore the insane in Syria violence for three years and ignored Jun necks and mass executions in front of the cameras for the prisoners and the massacres which were supported by the Security Council because the rebels Islamists were giving each a Security Council session is full of corpses, and the massacres of the Syrian table where Ban Ki-moon and representatives of Britain, France and America decide in advance in minutes and without realizing that the killer is a Syrian army .. and stupid are those who believe that NATO moronic and eyes and tentacles in a blind area is unaware that the killer and incest in these massacres is armed Islamic organizations and backed by Turkey and the kingdoms of oil ..I do not know how it could be that the West is blind visionary be a diligent and Lefty to his audience for four years how the rebels Syrian Islamist moderates do not resemble Islamist militants, although the level of violence by armed groups in the same period was Daashaa with distinction and without the slightest difference .. and the same slogans (Christian Beirut and the top of the coffin), which is the same slogans Daash in the Nineveh Plain, now it is the same root .. any sectarian killing of minorities and the displacement of Christians .. but that scene eroding the heart of Syrian troops martyr was thrown fall on deaf ears of Western leaders for the fact that Putin became agitated once he chides West lowliest silence on those brutal .. and instead alerted Western political institutions to this scene means that the Syrian Revolution became a school for the bad sides and farm hyenas and crocodiles, the BBC interviewed wolf who snap heart offender and submitted it to be a victim of poor to the brutality of the Syrian regime and acquitted him of and brutality to the public replete with accounts of lying outright that he was subjected to the horrors continued .. section:http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-23196438The BBC did not say that these phenomena deployed heavily in the rebels approach without doubt is justified at all, and will produce a terrible kind of criminals who did not know them history ever seen them, and must be stopped immediately and tried along with their leaders .. Those who massacred the person in front of cameras and Lifton slaughter, rape and captivity sects openly in front of cameras on the platforms the US Congress of trying to cover up those scenes of violent and bloody letters silly Pettmtheleh for "Caesar Mystery," which falsely claimed that images of thousands of victims in Syrian prisons (of course without the identity of one victim) .. But if a university professor Kuwaiti Silvia named Shafi Al-Ajmi funded rebels Syrians stop publicly in front of the cameras boast that his group slaughtered children Syria in front of his father and his mother, which is not dare him even cameras Nazis and Zionists .. However remained at large did not progressing organizations Ban Ki-moon and human rights Albankimuna not Aaara judge of the International Criminal Court any pal or request questioned .. The arrest and killing of the US ambassador in Libya has allocated band arrest and transfer to the cage in America to obtain justice they deserve ..All estimates of observers and observers wise was predicts that the inevitable result of this barbaric behavior is to create a culture of violence will create a society violent militant religious and separate from reality is what is known today Bdaash .. He lives nostalgia time Rashidi and conquests filled with pride novelist of the people and their relevance message conquerors .. and found Mujahideen themselves as one who had dreamed game of succession and if their in the fact that the land promised Caliphate and the land of dreams, where slaves and captives and the rule of law and hardly someone tells you that he feels that he is walking beside the Prophet and hear his breath and heard around the companions, especially in the sickening scene depicting Yazidis declare their Islam by force ..He who sees the seed can know the fruit that would give this seed and will know any tree will promote them .. but the West was seen thorns tree play in front of him in Syria, but he Sagaha and protected it because he wants to forks that grows in our land and kill all roses and all wheat and all the olive trees ..Insisting on the absence of Syria's anti-terrorism and refused to cooperate with them caused by simple is that no intention of war Daash that Syria is the only country that fights terrorism and that all countries that call today to fight terrorism and confront Daash but want an ambulance terrorism Aldaasha intervenes in order to extend its life in Syria and bargain ..But the facts on the ground is that the secrets cabinets in Damascus in Damascus .. Secrets Daash Turkish and Saudi Arabia .. In Damascus Secrets of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi .. All the talk about America's war Daash like to talk about Daash American war .. and all the intimidations of the American fear of Daash nonsense because the truth is that America fears for Daash of defeat in Syria and Iraq ..Today spin Western words and spin and maneuvering want to jump over the river, which defined path Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem in his press conference .. It wants the fight against terrorism has to Sears Financial headwaters to prevent passing the money to him and to prevent the purchase of oil stolen to Turkey .. and draining intellectual headwaters religious and lakes and Mstnqath belief in religious and satellite platforms Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and Qatar .. At the thought of the Muslim Brotherhood and the thought of the Justice and Development Party ..After all .. The Americans have tried the same trick in the past and tried to ignore the truth and tried to build texts in Iraq, according to tips thieves texts .. and failed all their scripts as they are free of the recognition of Syria's pivotal role .. that the text appeared truth in the Baker-Hamilton report .. At the heart of Syria knocked on the throne of custody of all the talk ..There is no doubt that we all remember the Baker-Hamilton report, which was the magic formula to the problem of America in Iraq is a recognition of the role of Syria in the Iraqi solution and get rid of the denial of this fact .. The report said that the American cooperation with Syria and Iran out of the Iraqi impasse and that the key players in occupied Iraq two Presidents Bashar al-Assad and Ahmadinejad .. and on the West to acknowledge this fact and building plans it .. This McCann ..Whatever rip off the West and the Arabs on the launch of the text to combat Daash without coordination with the Syrian state will remain ink on paper .. no value .. and we will wait the new Baker-Hamilton report, which will be recognized once again that no issues of the Middle solutions only in coordination with Syria .. Each region Solutions Built in Damascus .. and all the destinies of the region decided in Damascus .. then every incident.River to Sea Uprooted Palestinian

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