PICTURES: Shocking Pictures Comparing US School Lunches to Other Countries Goes Viral
Since the program’s inception, Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act has offended the sensibilities of the entire nation.
Conservatives found the program to be invasive, thrusting D.C.’s hand into local education matters. Educators found the program wasted enormous amounts of food and money. Parents found the lunches far too light to be considered “meals.” And school children everywhere took to the Internet with pictures of the gruesome dishes the program sloshed onto their cafeteria trays every day.
Those pictures did massive amounts of damage to Michelle’s pet program, but now an even worse PR disaster rears its head. This week the U.K. Daily Mail ran pictures of what other countries feed their school children. The comparison is stark … and humiliating for the United States.
The “meal” above featuring an orange slice, a puddle of either apple sauce or a pulverized slice of peach or pear, and what looks like lumpy chipped beef without the toast is one of the dishes that complies with Michelle’s totalitarian program.
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There you have it. Those are samples from a bankrupt Mediterranean nation, a former second-world nation, a financially stricken European nation, a favela-ridden South American nation and some of our other allies.
Every single one manages to feed their schoolchildren in a more thorough, appetizing and seemingly humane way than the world’s lone remaining superpower (H/T U.K. Daily Mail).
What Michelle Obama has done to our children’s food is a national disgrace, and she should hang her head in shame.
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