Leakage" secret plan Putin in Ukraine?
Date of publication:
Two weeks ago, the editors of "Novaya Gazeta" received from some
Kremlin insiders email, to which was attached a document in Word, claims
The Daily Beast , without mentioning the name of the insider.
"The e-mail stated that the document contains instructions on how to
destroy the Ukraine, and the Kremlin has received this document from
billionaire Konstantin Malofeeva in early February, long before the
Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych fled to Russia to escape the fury
of the revolutionary protesters Kiev Maidan "- says journalist Anna
"How much was known Putin about this plan? According to the deputy editor of "Novaya Gazeta" Sergei Sokolov, the newspaper is no compelling physical evidence, but there is a "strong feeling" that comes from its source, in February 2014, Putin looked at this document, "- the article says. "For many years we trust this Kremlin insider, he never mislead us," - Sokolov said in an interview with The Daily Beast.
On Wednesday, the "Novaya Gazeta" published a document.
Why would someone from the staff of the Kremlin such a document leaked to the press, and now?
"It is important to understand - said Sokolov, - what a red wall [in the Kremlin], there are people who are worried because of the war in Ukraine, ultra and reckless policy, people who want to stop the war, but can not do it yourself." They want to stop the war "hands of someone else," says Sokolov.
Edition returns to the publication. Sokolov called "deeply cynical" that the document does not mention pseudo-state "New Russia", and the emphasis is on the geopolitics of the Cold.
"Putin has limited the number of people that took seriously - says Sokolov - but the document Malofeeva came to him through the Foundation of St. Andrew" - Analytical Center, "one of the few sources, whom he trusted."
For its part, the Moscow political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky doubt that Putin ever listened to Malofeeevu.
"Since 2004, I've seen a ton of documents similar to the one published in" Novaya Gazeta ", - he said in an interview. - It is true that some people in the Kremlin fear that Russia is sliding down an inclined, but the strategy and plan of war exist in the head of Putin himself, he wants the West returned to the Yalta Agreement of spheres of influence. " Putin wants to appear "new plan, giving Russia authority and control over the post-Soviet territories - said Belkovsky. - While EU leaders will not take part in the new "Yalta meeting", the war in Ukraine will continue. "
February 26, 2015
Publication time: 11:06
"How much was known Putin about this plan? According to the deputy editor of "Novaya Gazeta" Sergei Sokolov, the newspaper is no compelling physical evidence, but there is a "strong feeling" that comes from its source, in February 2014, Putin looked at this document, "- the article says. "For many years we trust this Kremlin insider, he never mislead us," - Sokolov said in an interview with The Daily Beast.
On Wednesday, the "Novaya Gazeta" published a document.
Why would someone from the staff of the Kremlin such a document leaked to the press, and now?
"It is important to understand - said Sokolov, - what a red wall [in the Kremlin], there are people who are worried because of the war in Ukraine, ultra and reckless policy, people who want to stop the war, but can not do it yourself." They want to stop the war "hands of someone else," says Sokolov.
Edition returns to the publication. Sokolov called "deeply cynical" that the document does not mention pseudo-state "New Russia", and the emphasis is on the geopolitics of the Cold.
"Putin has limited the number of people that took seriously - says Sokolov - but the document Malofeeva came to him through the Foundation of St. Andrew" - Analytical Center, "one of the few sources, whom he trusted."
For its part, the Moscow political analyst Stanislav Belkovsky doubt that Putin ever listened to Malofeeevu.
"Since 2004, I've seen a ton of documents similar to the one published in" Novaya Gazeta ", - he said in an interview. - It is true that some people in the Kremlin fear that Russia is sliding down an inclined, but the strategy and plan of war exist in the head of Putin himself, he wants the West returned to the Yalta Agreement of spheres of influence. " Putin wants to appear "new plan, giving Russia authority and control over the post-Soviet territories - said Belkovsky. - While EU leaders will not take part in the new "Yalta meeting", the war in Ukraine will continue. "
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