Mark Levin – Mexican Government’s Accelerated Document Production Program Is Proof We Are Being Conquered By The Mexican Government
I’ve held the position for years, that Mexico should occupy a space right next to Iran, North Korea, China and Russia as an enemy of our country, arguably more engaged in acts of aggression than any of the others.
Levin notes that the Mexican Counsel General has urged his troops, the illegal invaders within our nation, to apply for “matricula consular” identification documents issued by the Mexican government, which have no official recognition within the United States but which are being widely accepted for use in the private sector.
The Mexican official asked other illegals from other nations to start gathering documentation as well. Levin reports that the Mexican government has beefed up its mobile operations and added a night and a weekend shift to meet demand. They were processing 500 applications for the documents per day prior to increasing their staffing and hours.
Levin rightfully proclaims, “So we’re being conquered by the Mexican government; the corrupt, abusive, authoritarian Mexican government.”
He mocks the ignorant comments of Lindsey Graham who urged Republicans to cave on amnesty and trust our national future to the whims of a judiciary, saying, “No, let me explain something and why Lindsey Graham is so dishonest and unconscionably dishonest.”
Levin says, “The popular will of the American people really has no manifestation within the legal, within the court system. The job of the courts is to address facts, relate them to the law, sometimes the Constitution, involving the parties in front of the court.”
He continues, saying, “When Lindsey Graham says you get behind the Judge, this isn’t a campaign. Nothing matters when you get behind the Judge, a letter writing campaign, a petition, I don’t know what he’s thinking. But it’s an absurdity.”
Levin adds, “So Lindsey Graham is dissembling, he’s a liar. We elect people to the Senate to get behind the Constitution and then we get behind them. There is no reason for this surrender. There’s no reason for Lindsey Graham and John McCain to continually say that the Department of Homeland Security is going to be shut down. They are participating in flat-out lies intended to create hysteria.”
Mr. Levin is, in a way, wrong on one issue. There is a reason why Graham and McCain are supporting the surrender to the criminal acts of the illegitimate occupier of our White House. It’s not one that meets the demands of their oaths; it is one that meets the requirements of the subversive treason to our nation. They are paid for, owned by the anti-American forces which have hijacked our nation. For them, there is no reason not to surrender.
Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit
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