After sixty years later, and after authored dozens of books and research on the process TPAJAX planned by the CIA Kkermt Roosevelt client order of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower in coordination with the British authorities for the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, the Central Intelligence Agency published for the first time an official documents proving Management Agency coup against Mossadegh in 1953.
The documents published today in the third part of an internal report detailed written by a historian working within the CIA about the process all the chapters publishing incomplete years ago, speaks of this part of the process of the coup itself and the field moves in the streets of Tehran, at a time when I spoke Forums Previously published coup process occurred in Iran, without giving any evidence about the role of the intelligence agency skyrocket, revealed today published portions of the role played by the Roosevelt and the CIA in the overthrow of Mossadegh.
And confirmed the documents published today , analyzes and novels published previously and confessions of each of the current President of the United States Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton, stating that the CIA had launched a "preparation and implementation of the coup to overthrow Mossadegh Muhammad plan" to fear from Iran's drive toward openness to the Soviet Union time.
Close to experts from the CIA believes that the agency proceeded to publish these documents, the Declaration of responsibility for the coup, without paying attention to the diplomatic disadvantages that may cause America to avoid out this information through leaks may develop a full US administration in an awkward position in front of its allies and in front of the American and international public opinion .
At a time when America declared it officially claimed responsibility for the TPAJAX process is still the United Kingdom in Britain to avoid talking about any role or the intelligence service Albrtani MI6 in preparation or in the implementation of this coup, although the leaked documents years ago match analysis says that alarmed Britain from the Mossadegh nationalized the oil industry, which was the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and now known as British Petroleum (BP) completely monopolized, make the US administration incite the preparation of the coup plan and participate in its implementation through its influence inside Iran in those days.
It is noteworthy that the ruling dictatorship for 20 years continued in Iran, followed by the process of the coup TPAJAX, where bloody clashes took place in Tehran that killed more than 300 people ended by a decree issued by the Shah spends isolating Mohammed Mossadegh and his imprisonment and the appointment of Gen. Fazlollah Zahedi as his successor as prime minister.
Many looked like the scene that preceded the 1953 coup in Iran, including experienced by Egypt throughout the years of the rule of Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi of hiring for the media to demonize the ruling power and support for dissidents Mustenain industry a state of tension and restlessness General prepare people to accept bring down the elected authority and replace certain ones under the pretext of saving the country.
Dr. Hussam Abu Bukhari spoke a few weeks ago on a platform of a sit-Rabi'a the field of exhibitions of the military coup in Egypt for similarity and match what Egypt is living in these days of what she experienced Iran in 1953 when implementing TPAJAX process in Iran.