Friday, March 6, 2015

White House knew of Clinton’s emails, JW takes lead on email scandal

White House knew of Clinton’s emails, JW takes lead on email scandal

 U.S. President Barack Obama
Photo by Pool/Getty Images
As the email scandal grows against Hillary Clinton, who while serving as U.S. Secretary of State, conducted all of her official business on a private email account, news is being reported that the White House, the State Department, and Clinton’s aides working for her, knew of the potential problem back in August 2014, but kept quiet about it. News of the cover-up was reported by Edward-Isaac Dovere of Politico on Friday and stated that sources revealed that key people in the Obama administration and Clinton’s staff were aware of what she was doing but kept quiet about it.
Furthermore, Dovere reported that the issue was submitted to Clinton’s aides but they decided to keep it under-wraps, fearing it would damage Clinton’s chance of running for President in 2016. Dovere said in his report, “Clinton’s slow-off-the-block defense has left many political strategists and observers confused because even a presidential campaign in its early stages should have been prepared to get out ahead of bad news. Had the existence of the email address and private server been made public in August, they say, it could have become a marginal issue in the run-up to the midterm elections, which Democrats badly lost anyway and in which Clinton wasn’t a candidate. But the decision to let it linger has meant it will cast a much larger shadow over Clinton’s expected campaign announcement.”
Meanwhile, Judical Watch (JW) also on Friday, stated that the growing scandal over Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account to conduct government business has once again put Judicial Watch at the center of the storm in regards to their perseverance of un-covering the Clinton private email account. Tom Fitton, President of Judical Watch said in an email correspondence, “I have no doubt that it was Judicial Watch’s focused Freedom of Information lawsuits, the disclosures from which led to the creation of the House Select Committee of Benghazi, which led to the uncovering of a scandal that could have criminal ramifications for Mrs. Clinton.”
“We knew something was up, “said Fitton. “And we had gotten hints in our blockbuster litigation that uncovered the smoking-gun documents showing Hillary’s top aides at State knew that the Benghazi terrorist attack had nothing to do with demonstrations or Internet videos. The scandal may impact at least 10 Freedom of Information Act lawsuits now active in federal courts as well as about 160 Freedom of Information requests we’ve filed with the Obama State Department.”
“There’s also the question of national security. During a State Department briefing, Harf put off questions from the press asking if the account Clinton used had any kind of encryption as a safeguard against hackers. Moreover, based upon available information there’s no way for us to know if Clinton discussed classified material in her private account, “Fitton said. “To be clear, there is potential criminal liability for Mrs. Clinton and others for concealing these government records, stealing these government records, and mishandling any classified information. Even the Obama White House has tried to avoid accountability by trying to pretend that, ultimately, it was Hillary Clinton’s responsibility to ensure she followed the law. This is absurd on its face, and the defense is falling apart even as I am writing this.”
The issue of national security is now growing since government business was being conducted by Mrs. Clinton through a private, non-government email account, opening up the possibility of criminal charges where national security may have been compromised. The issue of Clinton’s conducted is not only being raised by security experts, but also from Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.
Gingrich sent out an email on Friday concerning the implications of the conduct of Mrs. Clinton and her private email account. In the email, Gingrich said, “For her entire tenure as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton used a non-government, personal email address for all of her official business. Stunningly, the address was connected to an email server located at the Clinton's’ home in Chappaqua, New York. For four years, all email correspondence with one of America’s highest-ranking officials was housed on a server not protected or monitored by government cyber-security experts."
“Aside from the obvious and inexcusable ethical implications of this decision, a decision hard to explain except as an attempt to hide official correspondence that is by law a matter of public record…the server in Clinton’s closet was a grave threat to national security, “Gingrich said. “The potential implications for the national security of the United States are far greater. We may never discover the extent of the damage. But the misjudgment should be disqualifying for any would-be commander-in-chief.

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