The Leader Of The Free World Aims For America’s And Israel’s Jugular – Their “Disarming”: The Benefits Accrued To Iran
As has been charged at this site ad nauseum, the leader of the free world is both anti-American and pro Islamist. As a result, Barack HUSSEIN Obama works to weaken America and to decapitate Israel. Concomitantly, he strengthens Islamic regimes. NO doubt about it. For the record, the plans Obama Inc. has in place won’t be thwarted through partisan bickering. In fact, said squabblings lends the POTUS free cover to pursue his nation- stabbing. Besides, the Islamist-in-Chief’s deadly end point transcends – at least it should – petty politics.
That being said, this site warned against the Islamist-in-Chief’s reelection, to the point of sounding like a broken record. In the main, his efforts to bring down America are well known, and its results are playing out before American’s (and others) horrified eyes.
Specifically, the Radical-in-Chief’s animus towards freedom is on full display through his dictatorial actions, in relation to his own citizens, as well as his treacherous dealings in the Mid East and beyond. Said dealings expose, yet again, his fealty to Islamic regimes. The deadlier the better. And, back in 2009, when Obama Inc. enjoyed a prime geo-political opening to push the mullahs back, he did no such thing. Most revealingly, Obama acted as a shield for Iran’s Islamic regime, instead of assisting its dying freedom fighters. Simply put, Barack HUSSEIN Obama revealed his hand. He had no time, nor inclination, to give them anything but the finger. Absolutely.
Even more so, what else can one conclude from Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s cheerleading for the Muslim Brotherhood, both in the Mid East and Washington? Hardly freedom fighters – Obama or his Brothers!
Which leads us straight back to Iran…and the POTUS’s assists towards the Iranian bomb, as their triumph will be directly accrued to his “helping hands”.
As such, what does a POTUS do to simultaneously aid his Islamic Brothers (even though of the Shiite persuasion), at the same time that he weakens America? He disarms one, but not the other!
Charges president’s move meant to ‘disarm America’
In an attempt to “disarm America,” President Obama has canceled a defense system, placing the U.S. home front in danger of a missile attack, including one that could be launched from Iran, charged the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
a radio interview today, Sen. James Inhofe R-Okla., warned that Iran is
using Western talks to stall the international community while it
assembles a nuclear weapon and delivery system.
“Way back in 2007, our unclassified intelligence said Iran is going
to have a nuclear weapon and a delivery system by 2015. That was way
back in 2007. That’s a year and a half from now and they are right on
the road to making that a reality,” Inhofe said.The senator, recovering at home from quadruple bypass heart surgery, was speaking on Aaron Klein’s WABC radio show.
“I don’t trust the verification is in place, and they haven’t even said that they are going to slow down on their production right now,” Inhofe said of the talks between Iran and six world powers in Geneva earlier this month.
Inhofe told Klein that Obama’s cancellation of the U.S. missile-defense complex in Poland places America in grave danger.
“This president, President Obama, way back in his first budget four and a half years ago, one of the things he did in his effort to disarm America, was to do away with the ground-based interceptors that we were building in Poland.”
The senator asked Klein: “Now why were we building that in Poland? … We were doing it because we have 33 ground-based interceptors all on the West Coast of the United States.”
Inhofe said it “wasn’t until about 10 years ago that we realized how close Iran was.”
“And there shouldn’t be any doubt in anyone’s mind that if they had the weapon and the delivery system they would use it,” he said. “And where would that go? It would come from the east.”
However, Inhofe charged, cancellation of the U.S. interceptor site in Poland has resulted in the inability to effectively shoot down missiles coming from the east.
“Now we could be lucky if we had one shot to get it from the ground-based interceptor on the West Coast,” he said. “But we all know the security of that system is to be able to shoot, look and shoot. Now we can do that for something coming from the west. We can’t do it for something coming from the east.”
The disarming of America is both internal and external. At the same time that Barack HUSSEIN Obama eviscerates actual missile shields, he is busy gutting the Second Amendment. Thereby, he is effectively working towards disarming Americans!
YET, on the other hand, Iran’s Hitlerite regime is given cover by the leader of the free world, to race towards the ultimate weapons of mass destruction. Now, if THAT doesn’t indict the POTUS, thus, demonstrating what his plans are and where his proclivities lie, then nothing else will suffice.
Sach ha’kol, at the end of it all, either he will be removed or the free world will fall. Many millions of lives hang in the balance.
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