Monday, March 9, 2015

The “War Against Terrorism” is a secret agenda to create terrorism. It must have included the following polices:

The “War Against Terrorism” is a secret agenda to create terrorism. It must have included the following polices:

  1. To become the # 1 supplier of light and heavy weapons and explosives.
  2. To increase the already strong historic relationships between international secret societies and Islamic organizations.
  3. To destabilize and topple nationalist Arab governments with the help of Islamists and Gulf Arab sheikhdoms.
  4. To strengthen the alliance with Turkey and its killer secret societies.
  5. To provide indirect and direct military, intelligence, and financial support for militant religious and ethnic groups in Africa and Asia.
  6. To engineer and direct regime-change in African and Arab countries.
  7. To wage an undeclared war and carnage against Shia’t Muslims and create bloody conflicts between Shia’t and Sunni Islam.

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