Nazi black magic and the anti-christ order
Insignia of the Der Fuhrer Regiment of the SS
Extracted from:
The Nazis
By George Bruce
Hamlyn 1974
ISBN 0-600-36556-5
Nazi black magic and the anti-christ order
Heinrich Himmler, whose arrest as a traitor Hitler had ordered on 28 April 1945 for negotiating with the Allies, was captured by a British patrol on 23 May. A few hours later he killed himself with cyanide, and, dying as Reichsführer-S.S., set his final seal upon the destruction of the world's most sinister order, which the Third Reich's military defeat had already inflicted.Hitler had sown seeds of the deepest hatred between Nazis and Communists in his teaching and in the cruelty and mass murder he had launched in Russia. Now it was the turn of the Soviets. Nazism reached its end in a Berlin turned into a battleground of unparalleled violence, fire and brutality as the Soviet forces dealt blows of destruc-tion and revenge. It was as if the Satanic essence of Nazism shone through the flames and the ruins.
From 20 November 1945 to 1 October 1946 the Nuremberg International Tribunal tried 24 members of the Nazi hierarchy as war criminals, accusing them of crimes 'against Peace, War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity...' Von Papen, Schacht ,and Hans Fritsche were acquitted. Twelve were sentenced to death, Bormann in his absence. Goering poisoned himself shortly before he was due to be executed. Ribbentrop, Streicher, Keitel, Kaltenbrunner, Frank, Frick, Jodl, Rosenberg, Sauckel and Seyss-Inquart were hanged. Von Schirach and Speer were sentenced to 20 years, von Neurath to 15 and Admiral Doenitz to 10 years. Lesser lights, such as obscure S.S. murderers, were tried before the various Allied Military Tribunals.
Many Nazis thus paid with their lives for the misery and death they unleashed upon the world in seeking to clamp their creed of hatred and domination upon its peoples.
Can the mystery of the evil of Nazism be explained? Was there a Satanic nucleus at the heart of it? One inter-pretation of its nature that should be mentioned is the link between Nazism and the alleged attachment to black magic and occultism of Hitler and his inner circle, including Goering, Himmler, Goebbels, Ley and, in the early days, Dietrich Eckart and Professor Karl Haushofer. Hitler, according to what may seem to many people a far-fetched belief, was the medium through whom contact was made with supernatural powers of evil. Hermann Rauschning, who observed Hitler with a cold and analytical eye, declares that he was a medium, 'possessed by forces outside himself - almost demoniacal forces'. Rudolf Olden, political editor of the Berliner Tageblatt in the days of Nazism's rise to power, remarked how the overwhelming, almost superhuman Niagara of words that poured forth during Hitler's speeches sometimes reached a climax during which he literally 'spoke in tongues' and seemed possessed. André François-Poncet, French Ambassador to Berlin, also referred to this apparent demoniacal possession.
Insignia of Hitler's SA in 1923
Rauschning also reports in 'Hitler Speaks' a warning given to Hitler by a
percipient woman in his circle, one of the few who dared to speak forthrightly
to him. 'My Fuhrer, do not touch black magic,' she said. 'As yet both white
and black magic are open to you. But once you have embarked upon black magic
it will dominate your destiny. It will hold you captive. Don't choose the
quick and easy successes. 'There lies before you the power over a realm of
pure spirits. Do not allow yourself to be led away from your true path by
earth-bound spirits which will rob you of creative power.'
Apparently Hitler disregarded the warning and was dominated by the evil forces, who, bribing him with early successes, forced him along the path of their own choosing towards an inferno which destroyed him, split Germany and impoverished Europe and Britain for two decades.
To believe this theory one must suspend rational judge-ment, but are there not in any case fields of human experi-ence which it cannot explain? And does not this theory of Hitler being dominated by evil supernatural forces throw light for the first time on the reason for Auschwitz, Treblinka, the deaths of six million Jews, the plan to murder 33 million of the Slav population of Russia, the readiness to sacrifice three or four million of Germany's young man-hood in war and, finally, the long-term aim, reported by Fabian von Schlabendorff, for the total and permanent destruction of Christianity throughout the world?
In Ernst Röhm's expressive phrase, the Nazis were out to lift the world off its hinges, to destroy the power both of the proletariat and the middle classes and to found a new order of society to accord with the commands of the demonic voices which spoke through Hitler. 'I will tell you a secret,' he told Rauschning. 'I am founding an Order... In my Ordensburgen there will stand as a statue for wor-ship the figure of the magnificent, self-ordaining God--Man...' Hitler at this point checked himself with the remark that there were matters of which even he must not permit himself to speak. [my emphasis - ed.]
Until more research has been devoted to the issue of Hitler's link with supernatural forces the subject must remain a closed book. Perhaps we should content ourselves with the words of General von dem Bach-Zelewski, at the Nuremberg International Tribunal: 'You will never know the whole truth.'
Magic and the fate of nations
- The Black Art Today
Cover of Dennis Wheatley's study of Black Magic and the occult - The Devil
and All His Works - written and published in the final years of his life
Extracted from:
The Devil and All His Works
Dennis Wheatley
Hutchinson 1971
ISBN 0-09-107770-2
' It has been said that, as a young man, Winston Churchill was a member of
the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt. In view of his tirelessly inquiring mind,
it would not be very surprising if that were so.'
'Hitler once confided to Rauschnig that he was founding a secret order at the second stage of which a man-god would be worshipped throughout the world'
Magic and the fate of nations
…The French and Russian revolutions were among the greatest upheavals in modern history. During them many million people lost their lives, and scores of millions more had loved ones killed or were reduced to beggary. One of Satan's titles is Lord of Misrule. No circumstances could have better served his purpose.It has been said that, as a young man, Winston Churchill was a member of the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt. In view of his tirelessly inquiring mind, it would not be very surprising if that were so. But one is reminded of the saying 'A man who at the age of twenty is not a Communist has no heart; if he is still a Communist at the age of thirty, he has no head.'
Of one thing I feel positive. During the war Churchill had no truck with occultism of any kind. For three years it was my good fortune, as a member of the Joint Planning Staff of the War. Cabinet and therefore one of Churchill's staff officers, to work in the fortress basement under Whitehall, from which the war was directed.
I state this as evidence to my readers that I am no woolly-minded mystic, but have my feet very firmly planted on the ground. Unlike the majority of the other Planners, doubtless owing to the fact I was already a very well known author, I was' privileged to count among my friends General Lord Ismay, Major Sir Desmond Morton and Commander 'Tommy' Thompson, R.N., who were respectively the Prime Min-ister's Chief Staff Officer, his Personal Assistant, and his personal Aide-de-Camp; so were all constantly with him. All three lunched and dined with me, and I with them, on many occasions. (cannot believe that I would not have picked up at least a rumour of it from one of them, had our great war leader owed anything to the Power of Darkness.
There is evidence that Hitler expressed great interest in Satanic ceremonies, and an American correspondent writes to me that Hitler once confided to Rauschnig that he was founding a secret order at the second stage of which a man-god would be worshipped throughout the world - and presumably Hitler intended to be that man.
Himmler was obsessed by a belief in occult power. He listened greedily to every potential magic-maker that his sycophants could produce for him; and Hitler frequently consulted astrologers whom he kept as permanent members of his entourage. Not once, but on half a dozen occasions, he escaped assassination when by all the laws of chance he should have been killed. But, in view of the work he was doing, it paid the Power of Darkness well to keep him alive until it was no longer possible for him to do further harm. We recall, too, his last desperate efforts to destroy the German people with himself. That he survived as long as he did could surely be termed the 'luck of the Devil'.
The Black Art Today
Insignia of Hitler's Allgemeine SS
In every age there have been secret societies, and the greater part of them
have been brotherhoods concerned, to a greater or lesser degree, with magic.
In the ,Western World, until the middle of the eighteenth century, their
members dared not admit to belonging to them for fear of being accused of
heresy. With the coming of the Age of Reason the power of the Church declined;
so such societies were more freely talked of and written about; but, right
up to very recent times, few people would freely confess that on certain
nights they attended a sabbath, for to the ordinary person that still suggested
evil doings and sexual promiscuity.
During the past decade, human behaviour has entered a new phase. It is termed the permissive society. The restraining powers of the Churches, parental authority and public opinion have all been overthrown by the younger generation. The majority of young people believe that they have the right to do what they like with their lives, irrespective of others, and comparatively few of them follow a religion.
Basically, of course, their instincts do not differ from those of their predecessors. Because a man chooses to grow his hair long, that does not indicate that he is effeminate or lacks courage, and it does not follow that, because a girl exposes all but a small portion of her body to the public gaze, she is necessarily immoral. But this young generation has been brought up in a new and terrible era, in which some maniac may bring an abrupt end to everything by launching nuclear war. In consequence young people lack a feeling of security and feel the urge to drown fear in excitement and excess. It is this, and the desperate seeking for some mental crutch to lean on, that has brought about this great upsurge in the practice of magic.
For many decades it had become so dormant that in 1951 Parliament repealed the ancient Act that made witchcraft a crime. This enabled its practitioners to come out into the open. One such was the late Dr Gerald B. Gardner, who lived in the Isle of Man and opened there the museum that, he claimed, was the only one in the world devoted to magic and witchcraft. He was responsible for the formation of many covens in Britain and initiated rites which are still followed by a considerable percentage of covens today, although they are repudiated by others who adhere to rites handed down from the Druids, and others again who regard their rites as more orthodox. "-
In Britain, the number of covens has now increased to several hundred, and in an article in the New York Times dated October 31st 1969, the Hampshire witch Miss Sybil Leek, who emigrated to the United States, is reported as saying that she knows of 400 covens there.
At sabbaths all indications of class are eliminated by the fact that those present wear uniform black robes or strip themselves naked. The latter custom is much more usual and is claimed to have the advantage because garments form, to some extent, a barrier that lessens the free flow of spiritual emanations from the body. With the object of raising a cone of power the participants perform the follow- my-leader dance with increasing frenzy until one of them becomes possessed, falls and, like a medium, speaks with the voice of the possessing spirit. The procedure is therefore essentially the same as that which takes place at a Voodoo ceremony.
The great majority of modern witches stoutly maintain that they practise only white magic, but the fact remains that anyone attending a sabbath lays himself open to Satanic influences, and in certain cases the evil resulting is incontestable.
The Wall Street Journal, of all papers, devoted to the subject an impressively long article, which opened with a column on the front page of the issue dated October 23rd 1969. It quotes Mr Anton Szandor LaVey - who acted as technical adviser in the film Rosemary's Baby - as saying with a grin, 'I am very much a devil's advocate.' He added that sex played a big part in the weekly night-time services he held, and that the 'Church' he had founded three years before had grown to a membership of 7,000.
Nazi Nurenberg Rally in 1938
That it was a Satanic killing I had no doubt from the first account of it,
because, although they were not hung, two of the victims were found with
the traditional sign - the end of a rope tied round the neck.
In Britain, too, the black art is gaining votaries by the thousand. The biography, published in 1969, of Mr Alex Sanders, a Manchester man now living in London, states that, as a youth, he one day came upon his grandmother in her kitchen standing naked in a pentacle. She disclosed to him that she was the last of a long line of hereditary witches. Then, in due course, she initiated him, both into her secrets and sexually. He now claims to be the King Witch of England.
Personally I do not believe that there are many more genuine sorcerers practising today than there have been in the past. By that I mean initiates of the genuine Rosicrucians or adepts possessing the secrets of the Cabala who, by a perverted use of them, can call to their aid the Powers of Darkness. The majority of these covens, I am convinced, are run by unscrupulous individuals who, to satisfy their lusts, impose on the credulity of young people and induce them to participate in rituals ending in orgies, by promising the girls rich husbands, the men other women they desire, or success in other ventures on which they have set their hearts.
I believe, too, that in certain cases covens are operated for purposes of blackmail. In these, a 'talent scout' picks up a likely victim at an ordinary spiritualistic seance and says to him, 'This is only nursery stuff. I'll take you to a place next week where you can see the real thing.' After attending a few meetings of the coven, the victim is photographed from behind a curtain, bending over a lovely nude girl. He is then told to pay up - or else.
Assuming that I am right, and that such genuine black magicians as there are concern themselves very little with romps, but a great deal with bringing about disruption through causing conditions that lead to widespread labour unrest and (wherever possible) wars, this does not mean that the covens run by frauds are harmless. Far from it. One does not have to know the secret rituals to attract the interest of the Powers of Darkness.
By prayer to any source of good in which one believes, one can receive comfort and fortitude; by participating in Satanic rites, however sham, one can make oneself a focus for evil. The spilling of blood by the sacrifice of animals, the spilling of semen in lust without affection, and the practice of perversions are like ringing a bell for the Devil. All these thousands of young people who have become initiates of covens are liable to become pawns of the Power of Darkness in its eternal war with the Power of Light. If this continues on an ever-increasing scale, the inevitable result will be a return to the brutal lawlessness, poverty and insecurity of the Dark Ages.
It is the duty of every responsible person who values a life of order, stability and decency to do his utmost to prevent this from happening. But how are we to set about it?
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