Monday, March 9, 2015

fighting with ISIS than allowing them to return home to face trial”

COURAGEOUS DUTCH PRIME MINISTER says, “better to let Dutch jihadists get killed fighting with ISIS than allowing them to return home to face trial”

1405853103243_wps_4_epa04320359_Dutch_Prime_MDutch PM Mark Rutte (right) caused a furor among his political opponents in the Netherlands when he offered his personal opinion on Dutch jihadists: “Jihadists traveling to Syria and Iraq to join ISIS should perish there, instead of returning to the Netherlands.”

Rutte was the only politician who dared to make such a declaration. All the other politicians (left wing parties, Christian Democrats and left wing Liberals) opposed him. Rutte said, “Jihadists are committing  the most horrific crimes imaginable overseas. And they will commit the same crimes in the Netherlands as soon as they come back here. Let them die over there.”

h/t Roni Stoker

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