Tag Archives: “Timeline: How The Obama Administration Bypassed Congress To Dismantle Immigration Enforcement”
U.S. Islamic Infiltration & Penetration Complete:Shariah Compliance Via U.S. Chamber of Commerce…Commentary By Adina Kutnicki
The American Chamber of Commerce in Qatar will have a formal opening next month, an official said.The
inauguration, which succeeds the Qatari government’s approval, is
expected to be carried out by the US Chamber of Commerce vice-president
and chief operating officer David C Chavern in mid-February, the
official said
A superpower is little more than a shell of itself when
particular underpinnings are “transformed”/deconstructed/destroyed. Coin
it what you want, but the end result is the same – DOA. Stick a fork in
it…THIS is precisely why leftists and Islamists, aka reds and greens, operate in tandem, even though their ultimate goals are world’s apart. But what draws them into each other’s serpent-like embrace is a dual ethos; totalitarian rule and hatred of western civilization. In effect, the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Very apropos. But what does the above have to do with the “price of tea in China”? A whole lot.
DO readers wonder why an implosion of illegal aliens has taken place under the regime of Barack HUSSEIN Obama, to the degree that any semblance of heretofore U.S. borders has been rendered moot? How about the increasingly high levels of unemployed individuals, year after year, since Obama’s reign of terror? What about infectious illegals purposefully ferried in by DHS, with diseases spreading throughout U.S. hospitals and decimating the health care system? Is this too happenstance? How about gang cartels having an open sesame into (non-existent) southern borders, as they operate with Islamic terrorists to destroy America via narco-terror? Does any of this bring the dangers full circle? If not, it should.
SIMPLY put, all of the above (plus other pressure points) are aiming for the implosion of the economy (Cloward-Piven style), which edges America closer to the cliff. In tandem, dangerous elements must be ready to pounce.
In regard to the sudden illegal immigrant surge at the U.S.-Mexico border, two Congressmen have gone on record to confirm President Obama is indeed using a Cloward-Piven strategy to overwhelm America, WND is reporting.
For a look back on how the Obama Administration brought us to this point, enter into evidence two extensive timelines:
- The first, compiled by Judicial Watch, is entitled, “A Timeline of the Obama Administration’s Four Year-Long Conspiracy to Grant Amnesty to Illegal Aliens by Dismantling Enforcement of Our Laws Against Illegal Immigration.”
- The second, published on Senator Jeff Sessions’ official website, is entitled, “Timeline: How The Obama Administration Bypassed Congress To Dismantle Immigration Enforcement”.
- Not only did DHS put out a purchase order for escort services for 65,000 unaccompanied alien children all the way back in January…
- And not only does the 2015 Department of Justice appropriations report, also released earlier this year, ask for funding for “a pilot unaccompanied alien children program”…
- But now, in a direct contradiction of what the administration is telling the American public, a recently leaked Homeland Security memo admits the fact that “only 0.1 percent of the Central American minors illegally entering the U.S. having been deported in Fiscal Year 2013, down from two percent prior,” and this “plays a significant role in why the current border crisis is occurring.”
This is in addition to the fact that a 2013 ICE document reveals in detail the fact that over 36,000 criminal illegal aliens were released from our government’s custody while awaiting the outcome of deportation proceedings in that year alone. These people had a whopping 88,000 convictions between them, including homicide, sexual assault, kidnapping, aggravated assault, car theft, and drunk/drugged driving to name just a few.
Sounds a lot like a set up, doesn’t it?
Well, now Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa and Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas both agree that the Obama Administration’s policies are derived from a Cloward-Piven strategy — a strategy concocted by radical sociologists to crash the system and transform America into a socialist state.
ALAS, this is no Thomas Clancy thriller plot line. “It be” reality in-the-making in America.
IN this regard, this site is rife with evidence demonstrating that Islamic infiltration and penetration into America, with the end goal being the Shariah States of America, is front and center for the Jihadi-in-Chief and his Brotherhood implants. So building upon the ruins of America’s carcass is a very doable plan, but it always helps to have in ones corner the MAIN lobbying group for businesses, the iconic U.S. Chamber of Commerce. OMG! Is nothing off limits?
THUS, what better way to mass market Shariah law instruments/compliance than through America’s businesses, both small and large?
Proponents of shariah-compliant finance often convey the impression that SCF is an “ethical” financial system whose roots and practice are to be found in the Quran, hadiths and traditions of early Islam. In fact, it was invented out of whole cloth in the mid-20th Century by Muslim Brotherhood figures like Sayyid Qutb and Sayyid Abul A’la al-Mawdudi.Its purpose was to provide yet another method to penetrate and undermine Western societies by stealthily insinuating shariah into their capitalist free markets. To this end, the Ikhwan seized upon what was, in fact, a biblical injunction against usury and transformed it into a prohibition on charging or earning any interest…..
The shariah-compliant finance industry provides multiple benefits to the stealth jihadists. For starters, it has created a new instrument for forcing non-shariah-adherent Muslims to conform to their program. Once Western capital markets and governments began accommodating themselves to shariah-compliant finance, such Muslims would be denied the excuse that they previously had to utilize, of “necessity,” interest-related finance (for mortgages, bonds, investments, etc.) – namely, simply because no oth- er option existed.
Another benefit to the Ikhwan and its allies: SCF enables the “shariah advisors” to penetrate Western companies that retain their services, often essentially at board level. Once installed as the arbiters of what is halal and what is haram (impure), these champions of shariah are able to gain insights into investments under consideration, shape deals, and discourage those of which they do not approve.
It stands to reason that from such influential positions, the advisors may be able to have a say not only over transactions involving Muslims, but others, as well. At some point, the mere threat to withdraw approval of large pieces of a bank’s lending portfolio, for example, because another part of the enterprise is doing business with, say, Israel, may be sufficient to enforce what amounts to a boycott of the Jewish State. Needless to say, playing such a role would greatly magnify the opportunities shariah-compliant finance provides, in the words of Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yousuf al-Qaradawi, to wage “jihad with money.”…….
NOT only that, without its membership realizing which forces are operating behind the scene, what chance do they have to reverse course when fully cognizant of what’s what? A snowball chance in hell.
SO let’s cut to the chase:
BACK in 2012, in the run up to the Brotherhood Mafia’s power grab within Egypt – with Barack HUSSEIN Obama pushing their takeover from the White House - the U.S. Chamber of Commerce went into high gear, having been paid off by many Islamic interests. Qatar was (still is) at the epicenter. With the Islamic world as their first MB conquest, the ultimate stop is Washington, plain and simple. This is demonstrably clear.
Reports of a meeting between representatives of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and members of the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt, the political wing of the Muslim Brotherhood, were confirmed today. According to information provided by Bobby Maldonado, Manager of Media Relations for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the U.S.-Egypt Business Council hosted members of the Freedom and Justice Party of Egypt including Dr. Abdul Mawgoud Dardery, FJP’s Member of Parliament serving on their Foreign Relations Committee. The meeting was held at the Chamber offices in Washington, DC….
Abdul Mawgoud Dardery, a VIP of the delegation hosted at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is an outspoken proponent of Sharia law over democracy and openly critical of American business influences in Egypt. In the same USA Today report, Dardery complained that “American non-profit groups were working toward a type of democracy that will not bring Islamists to power, and this is wrong.”
Mr. Maldonado said the meeting that was held today, although private and by invitation only, focused on open and constructive dialogue to advance business opportunities between the U.S. and Egypt. The meeting was conducted to address business and investment opportunities for Egypt and the West.
Before any questions about the anti-democratic business environment in Egypt could be raised, however, Mr. Maldonado was emphatic that political beliefs played no role in today’s meeting.
PipelineNews.org also covered the meeting between capitalists and Islamists, expressing a sense of shock common to critics of closer relations between the West and advocates of sharia law:
In that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is regarded as one of the bedrock [generally conservative] institutional proponents of American enterprise and capitalism, today’s meeting with the FJP is simply inexplicable. Perhaps those responsible for arranging this meeting are unaware that the Brotherhood’s motto is, “Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope.”
We fail to see how American values are advanced by a meeting between the Chamber and the FJP. Rather, we see a hallowed American institution providing undeserved legitimacy to the Muslim Brotherhood which has spread the ideology of Islamist terror worldwide.
While the Muslim Brotherhood is busy carrying out its “charm offensive” in Washington, the news from Cairo hints at aspects of the recent developments which could be appealing to Egyptian corporate interests. According to a report from Ahram Online, the rise of Islamists within the government does not mean that corporate and banking interests are on the wane: far from it. In fact, a number of the men charged with drafting the new constitution are quite well connected to Egyptian political, banking, and corporate interests:
From the eight economic experts initially chosen for the constituent assembly, three have resigned in protest at alleged Islamist domination of proceedings.
Their withdrawal, however, has left a yet-greater Islamist majority in charge of drafting policy.
The five remaining members are: Tareq El-Dessouki, Hussein Hamed Hassan, Maabad Ali El-Garhi, Ibrahim El-Arabi and Hussein El-Qazaz.
• Tareq El-Dessouki is a businessman and now MP with the Nour Party. Heading the economic committee in Egypt’s new parliament, among his duties are settling disputes with Saudi investors in Egypt.
• Hussein Hamed Hassan, 80 years old, is an expert in Islamic finance who has held executive posts at the Islamic International Bank, Dubai Islamic Bank, Al-Sharja National Islamic and the International Union of Islamic Banks.
• Maabed [sic] Ali El-Garhi is head of the International comittee of Islamic economy and an ally of Salafist Sheikh Mohamed Hassan.
• Ibrahim El-Arabi is a businessman close to the Muslim Brotherhood and a member of Cairo’s Chamber of Commerce.
• Hussein El-Qazzaz [sic] is director of a business consultancy and a friend of the recently-announced Brotherhood presidential candidate Khairat El-Shater.
By way of contrast, only three members have connections with Egyptian trade unions, and two of them are members of the Freedom and Justice Party — a situation that has drawn criticism within the Egyptian parliament. Ahram Online cites the words of one critical member of parliament:
“The limited number of economic experts, peasants or workers’ representatives reflects the lack of interest the economy holds to those drafting the constitution,” says Moustapha Kamel El-Sayed, a political expert who is also a member of the assembly.
“There is a lack of economic experts capable of achieving balance between economic development and social justice. We need representatives of the different currents — liberal or capitalist — in order to establish an economic orientation that achieves the right balance,” he adds, describing the Muslim Brotherhood’s members as “inexperienced” in economic areas.
Despite its “charm offensive,” as the Brotherhood moves Egypt toward greater adherence with sharia law, the triumph of sharia extends to economics, as well.
ALAS, to understand what is at stake, one must connect the dots from deep within the bowels of Washington. Guaranteed, Hill is up to her neck through both her red and green connections. Significantly, Brookings is wholly “owned” by powerful leftists and Islamist forces. Damn them all to hell…
As for the significance of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s involvement with Qatar, two things immediately jump out. First, as a 501(c)(6), the U.S. Chamber’s donors can remain anonymous. That wouldn’t be nearly as disconcerting if not for the second thing; it accepts foreign contributions.
It’s already been reported that Qatar is paying $14.8 million to Brookings over four years and that this buys things such as favorable portrayals from the think tank in reports and lobbying U.S. politicians to push its agenda (allegations the New York Times published). Based on what happened at the 2010 US-IWF, the U.S. Chamber – the largest lobbying outfit around – is looking out for Qatari interests as well.
Another individual who joined Chavern on the panel was Farah Pandith, Special Representative for Muslim Communities for the U.S. State Department. Pandith has extensive connections to various Muslim Brotherhood front groups and when she was sworn in by then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, used a Qur’an.
One year after Chavern’s appearance at the US-IWF in 2010, the U.S. Chamber was represented again in 2011, though that forum was held in Washington, DC for the first time. In a video featuring the highlights of that forum, the U.S. Chamber’s Vice President of Middle East and North Africa Affairs Lionel Johnson was featured. He stated:
“What we need not only from the U.S. business community but the indigenous private sectors in each one of these countries need is an operating environment, an investment environment that is conducive to wealth creation and growth. Transparency, accountable governance, that’s good for the operating of a democratic society but it’s enormously important for business to succeed and to create the jobs that all of these young people deserve.”
DOES anyone in their rational mind believe that Washington – both via officialdom and so-called American-centric lobbying groups – is not beholden to Islamic forces? Not to mention, leftist/socialist/Marxist/communist or any hybrid thereof!
AGAIN, stick a fork in it….