Friday, March 20, 2015

ALERT: Captured “Islamic State” Leader Makes Shocking Revelation About Getting US Funding

ALERT: Captured “Islamic State” Leader Makes Shocking Revelation About Getting US Funding

A commander in the ranks of the terrorist organization known as the Islamic State, captured in December, revealed a shocking bit of information that should have patriotic Americans furious.
Yousaf al Salafi, captured in the town of Lahore, Pakistan, was picked up for his role in the recruitment of fighters through local Imams who were paid upward of $600 per head for each fighter they sent to the front lines in Syria.

The worst part? After squealing like a pig to authorities, he revealed that most of the funding for the terrorist recruitment scheme was routed through the United States.
The terrorist commander relocated to Pakistan in mid-2014 from Turkey with a goal of setting up an underground recruitment center for the Islamic State group.
“The U.S. has been condemning the IS activities but unfortunately has not been able to stop funding of these organizations, which is being routed through the U.S.,” said an anonymous source privy to the investigation.
Even more shocking was what the source said next (H/T Mad World News):
“The U.S. had to dispel the impression that it is financing the group for its own interests and that is why it launched offensive against the organization in Iraq but not in Syria.”
By now, we know that Obama isn’t opposed to arming terrorist organizations to achieve his own political agenda, though he’ll never admit to such atrocities — nor will he admit having any knowledge of terrorist recruitment funding being routed through the United States.
The Daily Beast reported that funding for the Islamic State has been routed through nearly every U.S. ally, as well.
When will we take a stand and use resources like advanced cyber-technology and other tools at our disposal to, at the very least, cut the funding pipelines to Islamic terror groups?

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