Tuesday, March 10, 2015

U.S. Official: World Expects Russia To Find Nemtsov's Killers

U.S. Official: World Expects Russia To Find Nemtsov's Killers

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland says Washington expects a thorough investigation into the slaying of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov that finds those responsible for the killing.
“We have made absolutely clear publicly and privately to the Russian Federation that the international community will expect an investigation that meets international standards and that finds not only the shooter, but the orderer of the murder,” Nuland told a Congressional hearing on March 4.
Nemtsov was gunned down near the Kremlin on February 27. His slaying shaken many Russians and sharpened anger among critics who say Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government have created a climate of hate.
Russian investigators have said they are examining several theories about the killing, including possible links to Islamic extremism or the conflict in Ukraine, or that Nemtsov may have become a "sacrificial victim" to further political aims -- wording pointing the finger at the opposition.

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