Saturday, March 7, 2015

We’ve Been Warned – EPA Regulatory Nazi Describes Her Mission For Obama’s Final Two Years And His Legacy

We’ve Been Warned – EPA Regulatory Nazi Describes Her Mission For Obama’s Final Two Years And His Legacy

079-gina-mccarthy-940 Many residents of planet Earth who are familiar with Hussein Obama know that he is a self-aggrandizing narcissist with an unwarranted overly-high opinion of himself. He’s more than a mere mortal and as such he can slow the mythical “rise of the oceans” and under whom “our planet began to heal.”
Of course the climate has been cycling through change for as long as the Earth has existed, the trick for the globalists and their “Church of Government-Mandated Earth Worship” was to guess correctly on whether it was cooling or heating. They guessed wrong a couple of times so now they’ve declared that any climate change or weather is man’s fault and requires draconian “solutions.” Man is now bigger than the Earth and without us acting as per the UN playbook, our planet will disappear.
EPA Chief Gina McCarthy is still licking her wounds after Senate Hearings in which she was dismantled by Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) for being clueless about specifics regarding her false claims of man’s contribution to the fabricated impending calamity and having no knowledge of evidence he cited which disputes her assertions. Her mission isn’t about protecting the Earth, she might be uninformed but she’s not stupid. McCarthy is working to destroy our economy and bankrupt us through regulations, and towards that goal she’s working feverishly to get the last laugh on the evil capitalists.
In an interview with The Hill, McCarthy said she’s “busier than [she’s] ever been. One of the main focuses of the White House right now is to make sure that the administration is coordinated, so that the entire breadth of the climate action plan can be basically realized before the president leaves office.”
They report White House climate and energy adviser Dan Utech as describing McCarthy as “essential” to Obama’s evil plans for his last two destructive years. He said, “Climate change is a top priority for the president over the next two years and the EPA and Gina McCarthy are really at the center of what the administration is trying to do.” Thanks, Dan, we’ve been warned.
Though she presented herself as a know-nothing in the hearings, McCarthy described herself in the interview as “hands on.” The lackluster hearing performance was quite possibly due to the fact that the realities are in conflict with the Obama agenda. Acknowledging the facts would make the regime’s destructive actions impossible to explain away with a fairy tale.
The Hill also noted that Obama’s former climate czar, Heather Zichal, identified McCarthy’s perceived ability to push the “what plants breathe to make our oxygen is a pollutant” line of thought was instrumental in her selection for her position as the Chief Regulatory Nazi.
They quote Zichal as saying, “Going back to the very beginning after the ‘president’ got reelected we asked, ‘how do we make sure this climate legacy piece is done and done as best as we can?’ ”
She added, “We looked at the 111-D [phony carbon pollution] regulations as a high priority and a consensus was clearly reached that Gina was perfectly suited to get those regulations across the finish line.”
Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), sticking his head out of his turtle shell now that the eggs have quit flying in his direction following his sellout on amnesty, urged the states to defy the unelected EPA bureaucrats and refuse to self-destruct their economies and power generation capacities through regulatory compliance.
McConnell wrote in an op-ed, “Think twice before submitting a state plan … when the administration is standing on shaky legal ground.”
Zichal cautioned that the anti-American usurper in White House would “have no problem vetoing anything that attacks his [presumed] authority under the Clean Air Act.”
The dictator doesn’t like the people, particularly citizens, blocking his path of destruction. It’s his mission, the reason why he was inserted into his position by the global communist elites.
Humorously, McCarthy speaks of the ‘president’s’ legacy, saying, “I think the work that he is doing and the climate action plan is his legacy. I know what this agency needs to provide for him and deliver as part of that plan.”
His legacy has already created. He’s the first known communist anti-American illegal alien foreign ‘president,’ and the single most destructive un-American force in our nation’s history. The damage he has inflicted will be legendary, with something being “obama’d” likely being adopted into our lexicon as a term defining total devastation.  That’s quite a legacy and something that Hussein Obama is surely quite proud of.
He’s not finished yet, though. He’s got two more years of destruction planned. We can only imagine how badly we’ll be suffering by then.
McCarthy thoroughly enjoys sending America back to the 1800’s and crippling us economically. When asked if she would consider extending her tenure of preying upon the American carcass in a Clinton administration, she said she’d consider that possibility in the future, “But right now, this is the time of my life. I feel like I’m 25, not 60.”
The one bright point in the interview came in her next comments, “I fully expect that any next president will have their own team to pull together, and frankly I’ve had a wonderful run both as assistant administrator and administrator and I don’t expect that I’ll be staying on.”
She also shouldn’t expect her misdeeds to remain in place once the economic impact begins to be felt. There will be no effect on the plants or the global temperature as a result of the evil treason that McCarthy is committing, but there will be a horrific effect on what’s left of American energy capacity, industry and the economy overall.
Her traitorous deeds will be undone in short order but the economic hangover will be long-lasting. She’ll have a legacy of her own and it is nothing that will endear the America-hating yard gnome to the citizens of our nation.
Hussein Obama’s normalization of relations with Cuba make that communist nation an excellent prospect for retirement for McCarthy. Surely there she will find lots of like-minded people for to pass the time with.
Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit


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