Saudi Arabia, The Whore Of Babylon, Is Feeling The Heat From Iran As She Reads The Writing On The Wall And Is Calling On Turkey, Jordan, Egypt And Qatar To Form A Sunni Coalition To Confront Iran
By Walid Shoebat
Reuters says that “Saudi Arabia is pushing for Sunni Muslim Middle East countries to set aside differences over political Islam and focus on what it sees as more urgent threats from Iran and Islamic State.” “Its new monarch, King Salman, has used summits with leaders of all five Gulf Arab states, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey over the past 10 days to reinforce the need for unity“. “Salman is trying to consolidate the Sunni world and put differences over the Muslim Brotherhood on the back burner,” said an Arab diplomat in the Gulf. “Riyadh’s bigger concern is Shi’ite Iran. Its fears about the rising influence of its main regional enemy have grown recently as Tehran’s Houthi allies seized swathes of Yemen and its commanders have aided Shi’ite militias fighting in Iraq.”
Saudi Arabia wants to find a way to work around disagreements over the Muslim Brotherhood and think maybe, if the Sunnis are on good terms, they can confront Iran and is even kissing up to the Brotherhood in order to please Turkey and Qatar. Saudi Arabia feels the heat as it sees itself encircled by nations that are bent on its destruction.

Anyone today now can deduce that Iran with Iraq, a majority Shiite nation, soon to become Iranian controlled, this including Iranian controlled Yemen, Oman and later Bahrain will pin Saudi Arabia where they have only the Red Sea behind them and the enemy on its eastern flank leaving no escape. This is definitely a deadly combination and Saudi Arabia sees the writing on the wall: the Persians (Elam) are coming for Arabia (Isaiah 21). This is no longer prophetic theory but is becoming prophetic reality.
In the geo-politics of everything Middle East, when Iran eventually controls these nations, even if one takes Jordan (Edom and Moab), prophetically will likely be entered by Turkey (Daniel 11:41) leaving no escape for the harlot except by the Red Sea. Yet the Bible even tells us that her destruction is heard at the Red Sea (Jeremiah 49:21) and is where the shipmasters will weep and wail “Alas Alas that great city …” (Revelation 18).

Saudi Arabia’s S.O.S. has no one really responding except the regular diplomatic flatteries. In the chess game between the Almighty and the devil, this is checkmate against the devil’s queen, the spring of Islamism, Saudi Arabia, the very land that invented Islam and today is already begging the beast that she has been spiritually riding for centuries to help her.
“Saudi Arabia clearly doesn’t want to be open to facing too many battles. ISIS and Iran are the enemy now, everything else can be put on hold,” said a Western diplomat in the Gulf.
Everything else is on hold? Israel too?
It should be no mystery now as to why the verse that says “Sheba and Dedan” (Saudi and Gulf States) is standing on the sidelines mocking the Turkish invasion of Israel saying “Have you come to plunder?” (Ezekiel 38:13). The Arabs do not move against Israel because just as it is for Israel, this beast, which includes Turkey and Iran wants to burn and destroy the harlot and ravish her (Revelation 17:16).
And while they succeed in destroying Arabia, they will fail when the devil moves his chip against Jerusalem since God at this moment will move the King of Kings to be its defender.
And while the prophetic words is moving quicker than ever these days, even Israel is extremely concerned:
What is strange, is, had Vatican City been the harlot, as many of the ignorant say, this would mean that die-hard Catholics are militarily threatening Rome’s very existence. And if the Shiite-Sunni divide is any indicator to what we have been saying, to take the other side’s argument, this would mean that Protestants and the Catholics are at war and are beheading each other while both are focused on the Vatican determined to destroy it. Yet the only thing that goes on between these two (Catholic and Protestant) are some headache causing arguments, not beheadings, and it is over the Eucharist and iconoclasm, a theological debate which only ends in nasty comments on blogs.
Yet these days the news is almost so predictable for us at that we forsee it, write about it a few days before its news, and we wake up in the morning to only find what we wrote is on the headlines, while our subscribers continue to be amazed with how easy it is to analyze God’s prophetic word.
While many faithful Americans worry about Obama, they forget that God is in control. It is Saudi Arabians who should be concerned. The prospects that are growing of a deal between world powers and Iran on Tehran’s disputed nuclear program, which might lift pressure on the Islamic republic is a concern for Saudi Arabia more than Israel. Saudi Arabia has watched nervously as its key ally, the United States, has reached out to pursue an agreement with Tehran while it abandoned Saudi Arabia.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reassured the Saudis on Thursday that he was seeking no “grand bargain” with Iran, but Riyadh’s worries over Washington’s long-term commitment to the region underpin its desire for more Arab unity.
And it is not only the Shiites who hate Saudi Arabia. The second overarching concern for Riyadh is ISIS which has called on Saudis to stage attacks inside the kingdom.
To appease Turkey, Salman is now not stopping preachers affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood movement from making public speeches on religious or social issues. Saudi needs Turkish support and is allowing the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey’s pet project to re-spread its influence into Saudi Arabia.
is on the horizon. And while it is explained to mean that God had
“numbered” the kingdom of Babylon and brought it to an end; that the
king had been weighed and found wanting; and that his kingdom was
divided and given to the Medes and Persians (Dan. v. 1-28), we need not
forget the duality of fulfillment here. This also applies to the end
time Mystery Babylon which is not in Iraq, New York or Rome (see full detailed explanation here)
but Arabia. Within few years, Mecca and its 7 massive structures, the
largest building structure on earth, called “The Towers Of The House”
that overlooks the Ka’ba, Islam’s holiest place will meet its doom in
accordance to prophecy. There
is no place on earth today where stands the largest structure in the
world, used for a religious purpose, all worshipping in one tongue,
regardless of their mother tongue, and is holy to more than 1.5 billion
people on earth that is literally called Mount Babel today, except the one in Mecca overlooking the Ka’ba.
P.S: Pray for my sister, still devout Muslim, for she still lives in harlot city.
Reuters says that “Saudi Arabia is pushing for Sunni Muslim Middle East countries to set aside differences over political Islam and focus on what it sees as more urgent threats from Iran and Islamic State.” “Its new monarch, King Salman, has used summits with leaders of all five Gulf Arab states, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey over the past 10 days to reinforce the need for unity“. “Salman is trying to consolidate the Sunni world and put differences over the Muslim Brotherhood on the back burner,” said an Arab diplomat in the Gulf. “Riyadh’s bigger concern is Shi’ite Iran. Its fears about the rising influence of its main regional enemy have grown recently as Tehran’s Houthi allies seized swathes of Yemen and its commanders have aided Shi’ite militias fighting in Iraq.”
Saudi Arabia wants to find a way to work around disagreements over the Muslim Brotherhood and think maybe, if the Sunnis are on good terms, they can confront Iran and is even kissing up to the Brotherhood in order to please Turkey and Qatar. Saudi Arabia feels the heat as it sees itself encircled by nations that are bent on its destruction.
Anyone today now can deduce that Iran with Iraq, a majority Shiite nation, soon to become Iranian controlled, this including Iranian controlled Yemen, Oman and later Bahrain will pin Saudi Arabia where they have only the Red Sea behind them and the enemy on its eastern flank leaving no escape. This is definitely a deadly combination and Saudi Arabia sees the writing on the wall: the Persians (Elam) are coming for Arabia (Isaiah 21). This is no longer prophetic theory but is becoming prophetic reality.
In the geo-politics of everything Middle East, when Iran eventually controls these nations, even if one takes Jordan (Edom and Moab), prophetically will likely be entered by Turkey (Daniel 11:41) leaving no escape for the harlot except by the Red Sea. Yet the Bible even tells us that her destruction is heard at the Red Sea (Jeremiah 49:21) and is where the shipmasters will weep and wail “Alas Alas that great city …” (Revelation 18).
Saudi Arabia’s S.O.S. has no one really responding except the regular diplomatic flatteries. In the chess game between the Almighty and the devil, this is checkmate against the devil’s queen, the spring of Islamism, Saudi Arabia, the very land that invented Islam and today is already begging the beast that she has been spiritually riding for centuries to help her.
“But in seeking broader unity across the Arab world on the issue of political Islam, Saudi Arabia must address a deep regional rift. It runs between Sunni states who accept a Muslim Brotherhood presence, such as Qatar and Turkey, and those such as Egypt and the United Arab Emirates who, like Riyadh, describe it as a terrorist organization.” (Reuters)In other words, there is no way that Turkey will give up on the Muslim Brotherhood or that the current Egyptian government would support it and Turkey the protector of the Muslim Brotherhood is unlikely to want to enter in a war with either the Muslim Brotherhood, the main defender of Turksih neo-Ottomanism or to war with Iran, since Turkey and Iran have one common denominator: old un-settled vendettas. Saudi Arabia betrayed the Ottomans with Lawrence of Arabia and Al-Saud have never stopped the animosity with the Iranian Shiites for centuries which the Wahhabists have been key instrument in fomenting this hatred: ISIS which also wants to see the Kingdom end are Wahhabist and not a Shiite invention.
“Saudi Arabia clearly doesn’t want to be open to facing too many battles. ISIS and Iran are the enemy now, everything else can be put on hold,” said a Western diplomat in the Gulf.
Everything else is on hold? Israel too?
It should be no mystery now as to why the verse that says “Sheba and Dedan” (Saudi and Gulf States) is standing on the sidelines mocking the Turkish invasion of Israel saying “Have you come to plunder?” (Ezekiel 38:13). The Arabs do not move against Israel because just as it is for Israel, this beast, which includes Turkey and Iran wants to burn and destroy the harlot and ravish her (Revelation 17:16).
And while they succeed in destroying Arabia, they will fail when the devil moves his chip against Jerusalem since God at this moment will move the King of Kings to be its defender.
And while the prophetic words is moving quicker than ever these days, even Israel is extremely concerned:
“The Golan Heights, one of Israel’s quietest frontiers, is showing signs of becoming an active front that could soon bring the forces of arch-enemies Iran and Israel into direct contact for the first time. For nearly a month, Lebanon’s militant Hezbollah organization and other Shiite forces under Iranian command have been inching their way across a belt of southern Syria in a bid to drive out rebel forces fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, an important Iranian ally. If the offensive is successful, it could leave Iranian forces and their Shiite allies in control of the Syrian side of the Golan. And from that vantage point, Tehran could gain an additional means of deterrence against Israel in the remaining months before the June 30 deadline for negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program.” (The Christian Monitor)It is the war on Sarah in Jerusalem and Hagar in Arabia, both at the same time, one which the devil makes his move and one where God takes all the chips by allowing the devil to destroy his harlot.
“Saudi Arabia’s deep-seated mistrust of the Islamist group is unchanged, diplomats say.”It all adds up. The greatest enemy of Saudi Arabia today are the Islamists, the very locusts this harlot gave birth to. And they are turning on her, and we are beginning to see it. What we see here is the spark of what will unfold in the coming years.
What is strange, is, had Vatican City been the harlot, as many of the ignorant say, this would mean that die-hard Catholics are militarily threatening Rome’s very existence. And if the Shiite-Sunni divide is any indicator to what we have been saying, to take the other side’s argument, this would mean that Protestants and the Catholics are at war and are beheading each other while both are focused on the Vatican determined to destroy it. Yet the only thing that goes on between these two (Catholic and Protestant) are some headache causing arguments, not beheadings, and it is over the Eucharist and iconoclasm, a theological debate which only ends in nasty comments on blogs.
Yet these days the news is almost so predictable for us at that we forsee it, write about it a few days before its news, and we wake up in the morning to only find what we wrote is on the headlines, while our subscribers continue to be amazed with how easy it is to analyze God’s prophetic word.
While many faithful Americans worry about Obama, they forget that God is in control. It is Saudi Arabians who should be concerned. The prospects that are growing of a deal between world powers and Iran on Tehran’s disputed nuclear program, which might lift pressure on the Islamic republic is a concern for Saudi Arabia more than Israel. Saudi Arabia has watched nervously as its key ally, the United States, has reached out to pursue an agreement with Tehran while it abandoned Saudi Arabia.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry reassured the Saudis on Thursday that he was seeking no “grand bargain” with Iran, but Riyadh’s worries over Washington’s long-term commitment to the region underpin its desire for more Arab unity.
And it is not only the Shiites who hate Saudi Arabia. The second overarching concern for Riyadh is ISIS which has called on Saudis to stage attacks inside the kingdom.
To appease Turkey, Salman is now not stopping preachers affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood movement from making public speeches on religious or social issues. Saudi needs Turkish support and is allowing the Muslim Brotherhood, Turkey’s pet project to re-spread its influence into Saudi Arabia.
Salman had a conference in Mecca last week that brought together top Sunni clerics, including the Saudi grand mufti and the head of Egypt’s al-Azhar University which was hosted by the Muslim World League, a body set up by Riyadh in the 1960s to build an Islamic bloc against secular ideologies, and used in the 1980s to bolster Sunnis against revolutionary Iran. While under Abdullah, it fell out of favor partly because of its historical relationship with the Brotherhood, but Salman now seems prepared to use it again as an instrument to build a Sunni solidarity. He is willing to use any tools at his disposal to counter bigger threats.Saudi Arabia is rummaging to find a solution and sees the writing on the wall. The dual fulfillment of “MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN (
P.S: Pray for my sister, still devout Muslim, for she still lives in harlot city.
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