We have all seen the dangerous, irresponsible actions by the North Korean regime over the decades that have threatened world peace.  However, the regime in Pyongyang just upped the ante a great deal, terrifying the Pacific region in the process.
The Washington Free Beacon reported recently:
North Korea conducted the first flight test of a new submarine-launched ballistic missile last month, defense officials said this week.  The flight test of what the Pentagon is calling the KN-11 missile took place Jan. 23 off the coast of North Korea from a sea-based platform—not a submarine—located off the coast of the communist state, said officials familiar with reports of the flight test.
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As for why Pyongyang is building the underwater missile, Fisher said: “The advent of the KN-11 offers North Korea the means to launch missile strikes against U.S. forces in Japan or against South Korea and Japanese targets, from multiple directions, from land bases, and from the sea.”
Both Republican and Democratic administrations have been weak in their response to North Korean aggression. The fact that Kim Jong-un could soon have a submarine approach the coast of the United States and launch a nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missile into our great nation is just completely unacceptable. We cannot rely on the rationality of a cultish madman to prevent a nuclear attack on America.
Mutually assured destruction simply will not work with this regime.
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The only thing that will work is the same thing that worked to win the Cold War – brute force. It is the only thing a regime like this will respect–and the only thing that will get their attention.
On a recent trip to the DMZ, it was shocking to me how much tensions there have increased over recent years. South Korean and American field commanders now have the authority to return fire on North Korea if fired upon; they do not have to waste time and call back to Seoul for permission. The Korean peninsula sits on a hair trigger of global war.
Many in the South are pushing to build a “Peace Park” on the DMZ, hoping this will deter the North. They also call for the 5th UN command center to be built along the military demarcation line.
This is nonsense. The only thing stopping a war in Korea is the live fire exercises conducted routinely with American and Republic of Korea armed forces, which ensures the readiness of the UN military command to respond to northern aggression.  It’s the live fire exercises, stupid…
image: http://www.westernjournalism.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/IMG_6157-750x563.jpg
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