Sunday, March 8, 2015

Muslim Student Association's College Jihad: Making America Sharia Compliant One School at a Time

Muslim Student Association's College Jihad: Making America Sharia Compliant One School at a Time

In yesterday's article, I provided a glimpse into the past and present structure of Saudi Islam's well established Sharia compliant finance efforts and the Islamic tolerated financial infiltration of Washington D.C. Today, I offer a glimpse into the future. It will not be pleasant.
One would think that Islamic influences would have taken cover after 911. To the contrary, Islam has accelerated its efforts to establish its influence in our country by targeting our institutions of higher education.
If you are wondering what the future holds for American governance and public policy, look no further than the Saudi funded Muslim Student Association (MSA). Established in 1963, the Muslim Student Association, a not for profit funded by the North American Islamic Trust, "continues to serve Muslim students during their college and university careers by facilitating their efforts to establish, maintain and develop local MSA chapters." Sounds innocuous. Let us take a closer look.
The MSA website provides instructional support to Muslim students on:

  • How to Start an MSA Chapter on your Campus.
  • How to Achieve Islamic Holidays on Campus.
  • How to Establish a Prayer Room on Campus
  • How to achieve Halal Food on Campus.
Colleges and Universities, including private Roman Catholic institutions are opening their minds and their hearts to the practice and promotion of Islamic principles. The following is a link to the Muslim Students Association (MSA) website listing of active MSA chapters and their associated colleges and universities: .
Why would a Muslim student choose to attend a very expensive college or university knowing---in advance of enrollment--- that the campus did not accommodate a Sharia compliant life? Moreover, what would motivate private religious colleges and universities---specifically those that historically follow the teachings of Jesus Christ--- to surrender to Muslim students requests?
The answer to the first question is very simple. There is a Jihad occurring on college campuses in America. A Jihad led by the Muslim Student Association's national "Muslim Accommodations Task Force." The objective of this Saudi funded task force is to acclimatize non-Islamic students to accept and incorporate Muslim students' mandatory cultural duties and obligations into campus culture. That includes---and specifically targets---historical Christian and Roman Catholic Universities.
The second question is also relatively simple to answer, huge Saudi endowments. It is no big secret that Saud Arabia gifts large sums of money to higher academic institutions. The quid pro quo? To quote Harvard University spokeswoman Sarah Friedell, "the purpose of this gift is to support the study of Islam as a religious and cultural tradition, which is a significant factor in today's world." I wonder if Ms. Friedell maintains that view in a post Boston Marathon bombing world.
An informative article on Saudi endowments can be found by clicking here
America has an established history of college student activism. Activism that has shaped today's leaders. Leaders who destroyed honorable American traditions like faith and family, re-shaped the U.S. public education system into a global joke, led to socialisms ascendance, and contributed to the mainstreaming of communist principles in US government circles. College activism produced President Obama.
This is a quote from one of the Muslim Students Association manuals and guidelines:
"The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "…he who finds relief for one who is hard pressed, Allah would make things easy for him in the Hereafter." (Sahih Muslim Book 035, Number 6518). Inshaallah [god willing] the results of your efforts will make life easier for generations of students after you, and thereby leave you with a legacy of reward."

What will America look like a decade from now? Clearly, godless liberals will be more than happy to convert to the "religion of peace." Will there be a place in American society for those of us who refuse to submit and dare to question violently enforced Islamic religious law? Laws supported by tomorrow's leaders, indoctrinated by foolish academics, building Saudi endowed monuments to educations narcissists.
The enemy is inside the perimeter. If my words have not convinced you here is a visual of today's collegiate America. Perhaps this will shake you up. Assalamu alaikum.
MSA National - Google Maps (Press CNTRL + click link to open)
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