Sunday, March 8, 2015

Five Top Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Received Life Sentences; Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie Already Sentenced To Death

Five Top Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leaders Received Life Sentences; Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie Already Sentenced To Death

Israeli media is reporting that an Egyptian court has sentenced five top Muslim Brotherhood leaders to life in prison in connection with violence at their headquarters in 2013. According to the Times of Israeli report:
February 28, 2015 An Egyptian court sentenced five leaders of the banned Muslim Brotherhood group to life in prison on Saturday over violence at their headquarters in 2013 and issued death sentences for four others.
The case stems from clashes in a Cairo suburb on June 30, 2013, four days before the ouster of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi, that killed 11 people and wounded 91. The men faced charges including murder and possessing firearms. The verdict can be appealed.
Brotherhood Supreme Guide Mohammed Badie and his deputy Khairat al-Shater were among those sentenced to life, along with former lawmaker Mohammed el-Beltagy and party head Saad el-Katatni and his deputy, Essam el-Erian. Nine others also received life in prison. Badie already has been sentenced to death in another case.
Inside the defendants’ cage, the men held up four fingers in a gesture symbolizing their opposition to the military-backed government. Newspaper al-Masry al-Youm reported that Badie shouted at one point: ‘Down with all military judges, … down with (President Abdel-Fattah) el-Sissi.’”
Read the rest here.
In October 2014, the GMBDW reported that the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood had issued a statement indicating that Mohammed Badie, at that time already serving another life sentence in prison, was still the organization’s General Guide. The GMBDW had reported earlier that Mohammed Badie had been sentenced to life in prison in connection with charges of planning riots, murder and sabotage. Other GMBDW reporting on the prosecution of Dr.Badie has included:
  • GMBDW reported in August 2014 that Egypt’s top religious authority had rejected a death sentence for  Mohamed Badie.
  • We reported in April 2014 that an Egyptian court had recommended the death sentence for Dr. Badie and 682 Brotherhood supporters in connection with the Minya case.
  • In August 2013, we reported on the arrest of Dr. Badie.
  • We reported in July 2013 on the life sentence received by Dr. Badie in a separate case first reported in June of that year.
In July 2010, we reported on the election of Dr. Badie as the new Supreme Guide of the  Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.
For details on the life and thought of Dr. Badie, go here.

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