NEW CLINTON SCANDAL: Clinton’s State Dept Issued $3.1 BILLION in Aide to Haiti — Haiti Issued Rare “Gold Exploitation Permit” to Clinton’s Brother

NEW CLINTON SCANDAL: Clinton’s State Dept Issued $3.1 BILLION in Aide to Haiti — Haiti Issued Rare “Gold Exploitation Permit” to Clinton’s Brother

In typical Clinton fashion the global scene is a big game where pay-to-play is the norm and taxpayers are the bank. The latest example of this scheme promises to add yet another scandalous layer to the corrupt swamp known as the Clinton Dynasty.
You see, during Clinton’s reign at the State Department a whopping $3.1 BILLION dollar aide package was issued via the State Department to Haiti. Right around the same time Haiti issued an extremely rare gold mining permit to Hillary’s brother Tony Rodham. How rare?
Hillary Rodham Clinton’s brother, Tony Rodham, sat on the board of a self-described mining company that in 2012 received one of only two “gold exploitation permits” from the Haitian government—the first issued in over 50 years.
The tiny North Carolina company, VCS Mining, also included on its board Bill Clinton’s co-chair of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), former Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive.
The Rodham gold mine revelation is just one of dozens featured in a forthcoming bombshell investigative book by three-time New York Times bestselling author Peter Schweizer, according to a Thursday statement from publishing giant HarperCollins. The publisher says the book, Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich, is the culmination of an exhaustive one-year deep dive investigation into the nexus between the Clintons’ $100+ million personal wealth, the Clinton Foundation, and the decisions Hillary made as Secretary of State that benefited foreign donors, governments, and companies.
VCS’s coveted gold mining exploitation permit was apparently such a sweetheart deal that it outraged the Haitian senate, since royalties to be paid to the Haitian government were only 2.5%, a sum mining experts say is at least half the standard rate. Moreover, the mining project in Morne Bossa came with a generous ability to renew the project for up to 25 years. Nevertheless, the fledgling company proudly touted its luck in landing the deal.
“This is one of two permits issued today, the first permit of their kind issued in over five decades,” reads the only press release under VCS’s “news” tab on its scant website.
It wasn’t just a rare deal. It was a deal so good that it outraged the Haitian senate? Must be good to be queen.