Sunday, March 8, 2015

650 Muslims from Germany have joined the Islamic State

650 Muslims from Germany have joined the Islamic State

Thomas de Maizière650 “Germans” have joined the Islamic State, according to the headline. Really? How many are Roman Catholics and how many are Lutherans?
All 650 are actually Muslims, of course. Do they consider themselves Germans in any way other than geographically? Unlikely. They almost certainly were taught Islamic values, including the distaste that the “best of people” (Qur’an 3:110) should have for the jahiliyya, the society of the “most vile of created beings” (Qur’an 98:6) — unbelievers. They clearly reject a great deal of what most Germans would consider essential to what it means to be a Scot.
Yet for The Local, they are as German as Goethe and Beethoven — reflecting a dogma of the Left, that sociocultural values are the same everywhere, and thus it is only geography that makes for nationality. Move a Russian to Poland, and presto, his children will be Polish. The Western intelligentsia believes that if Muslims move to Germany, and their children are born there, that those children will grow up German, with German values — and that if they don’t, it is the fault of German authorities, who declined to allow them to assimilate because of their racism. The idea that all too many Muslims in Germany might have had no interest in assimilating is not allowed to be discussed.
Meanwhile, if a group of Germans moved to Syria and established a small enclave, a Little Germany within Syria, and had children born in Syria, would their children be considered Syrians, open and shut, without question? Would The Local refer to them as Syrians, as in “a Syrian man, Klaus Müller”?
“650 Germans have joined Isis jihad: minister,” The Local, March 6, 2015 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):
So far about 650 people have travelled from Germany to the war zones in Iraq and Syria to fight for Isis, Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière said on Thursday evening.
Speaking on the Maybrit Illner TV talk show, de Maizière said that the trend in Germany – of ever more people travelling to the Levant to fight for the radical Islamist fighters there – was similar to those in France and Belgium.
Only in Britain has the number fallen back, he said.
The security services know “a great deal about” the Islamist scene in Germany and the 650 Isis recruits have been “very clearly identified,” said the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) politician.
There are also more than 1,000 high risk individuals who “we know pretty exactly”, he said.
The number of people travelling to the Middle Eastern war zones has been rising for several months.
In mid-January, de Maizière told the Bundestag (German parliament) that 600 people had travelled to the region to join Isis….

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